hey guyz!
thank u soo much for ur support and thanks to all ur wishes for my math exam. My next exam is science and I’ve got study holidays and by seeing all ur comments I came here to upload my net part and I promise to give u a long update this time and all ur ffs are great especially surbhi ,sowmiya , queen, tisha
guyz I did not have enough time to comment on all urs but i’ll mention here itself and iv read only some ffs ans sorry Ifi’ve not mentioned ur name as I’ve read only these ff’s recently
Surbhi : I loved the children of abhigya and the cute incident which made pragya to speak out but pls mak Vijay to unite with Aliya fast and I also loved the scene whrer purab abhi and Vijay did work
queen : hey I liked the scene where abhi and pragya danced in rain and all the scenes in which rohit and pragya had some cute moments but pls unite them soon yaar
tisha : hey I luved kush and thank god abhi is not remarried but I’m so angry with u unite abhigya faster yaar
ammu : hey do u know tamil and I also know some tamil and tamil songs through one of my friends who is a tamilian and u have seclected correct situation songs in tamil and u’ve also asked for hindhi songs nah . I would suggest songs like sanam re , hua ha aaj peheli baar , soch na sake , gerua , tum he ho , jeene jeena, tenu samjawa ki , barish , allah wariyan , mast magan , agar tum saath ho and many more
Mariya : hey you loved urs and don’t create any separation between abhi and pragya so soon (as per you precap)
Aru : hey wow yaar . I wish the same situation happened in kkb . ur ff is so real keep going
Arya : congrats to ur new ff and I liked ur chracterisation but no leaps immediately as we want some childhood scenes of abhigya
Aarthi ; THank god u made abhi realize and pls unite them faster
Harini : hey I luved ur ff and ur precap is so scary
ria : hey ur fff (fault In the stars ) is nice and u also wirte well like ur cousin naveena and pls get well soon naveena we want u back
Roshni : ssoooooo nice I luved ur ff and are those unknown msgs by abhi?????
ok I think ive shared my thougts and now back to my ff
this epi starts with ragini taking aarti to abhigya and pragya does a proper grahapravesh and they both enter rg as newly weds
Abhi goes and hugs neil emotionally
Abhi : papa why did u leave us ? because of uwe had suffered this much
Neil : beta see we’ve also suffered so much with the pang of ur separation and u could not know the suffering of parents without their children
Abhi : I know it dad but tell me how we got separated
Ragini : leave it beta why do we have to think about that again and again and by the way we got our children back and you all are with us here and I have also got a very good bahu for my eldest ne so lets be happy now
Aliya : one sec ma what did u say ?. Did u get good bahu for only ur eldest son?? u got a very good bahu for ur youngest son too
Neil : what are u saying beta?
Aliya : I am talking about this person (goes near bulbul). did u all forget that this lady is in luv with ur youngest son
Abhi : hah how could I forget that the second romeo Juliet are here nah!
Aliya : look ! some one is blushing …..babhi give me ur phone as these moment occur rarely and we have to save them as a tomboyish girl only blushes rarely
Pragya : yes yes this is a precious moment and look my little princess! who taught u to blush hah!
Abhi : off course it must be none other than u fuggy because u blush to even say my name when u are in a normal mode
Pragya : I don’t blush to say your name
Abhi : then say my name now
Pragya : (boldly says )MR. ABHISHEK PREM MEHRA
Abhi ; Hey fuggy I did not ask u to call me like the one who calls names in courts
Ragini : wait wait ……how did u call bahu and whats that thing …….puggie
Abhi : ma its fuggy and not puggie
Neil : what is this puggie …oh sorry fuggy
purvi : uncle fuggy means fat and round like balloon
(neil and ragini look at each other and say BALLOOOON !!!!!!!!)
Ragini : does she look like a balloon to u
Abhi : no ma but she was like a balloon during her childhood and (he acts like a child and says) she was soo cute and I loved her cuteness so I called her fuggy
Ragini : ok we shall stop all our talks and let us have our snack ass all of you would be hungry
Neil : (acting scared )Ok ! all of u get up lets us go otherwise we all would get into a big trouble
Abhi : dad Here also the same situation .ok I could understand ur plight (goes near neil) but what could we do its all our fate
Pragya : (goes near ragini ) are we trouble to u
Abhi : (murmers) dad we have seen saa bahu fights but here the situation is reverse
Pragya : I heard u
Abhi : oh she is becoming smarter day by day!(in his mind)
Pragya : offcorse I sm smarter that u and by the way what did u say MR ABHISHEK PREM MEHRA
Abhi : (acts scared) come on dad lets run from here or else themogambo will be out
Neil : now who is this mogambo ??oh god so many confusions
guyz I have the idea to cont this but it exceeds the word limit so I would give it in a separate post
So Tamil is also familiar
Your story is very nice dear
Abhigya are awesome
All the best for your science exam even I also have my science exam in March 2
Wow nice yar… by the way where is purab…
ive updated that in the next part and u will com to know that
Nice yaar.. Soooo cute family…
Nice all the best for u r exams
soon I ll unite abhigya n thanks fr love towards my ff..today’s episode nice..cute Family..Nice to see Tamil ppl more here
obviously yaar awesome very nice to see u r a tamilian. orey oor so tamil la serial paarthu thaan hindi la paarka aarambichen then i loved abhigya more than anything else after my rishbala…… so tamil is my base to know about hindi serials and learning hindi.. love ur ff pls update daily
hey I’m not a tamilian . my friend is only tamilian but I know tamil well and I reside in tamil nadu and naanum abhigyava tamil serial paathatukku appram than hindilaa paaka arambichen . naa actualla Malayalee anna enakku malayam theriyaathu . ennakku tamil , konjam hindhi apparam englishum theriyum.
Superbbbb….abhigya cute scenes…..nd also all d bst 4 ur xms ……
awesome tripti and thank u I will reunite Aliyah and vijay soon….
Cute yaar, all the best foe your exams