Fan Fiction

The Key To His Heart… Swasan fanfic (Chapter 3)

Previous Chapters Here

******** The pendrive ********

It was already 11 o clock and Laksh was still in his office searching for some pendrive that had an important information. Swara was helping him searching.
Laksh agreed to take Swara with him for the shopping. He couldn’t say no to the 2 pair of puppy eyes. But..he had to run some errands in his work before going to the shopping. So here they are in Lucky’s office in the Maheshwary Enterprises.
Swara found the pendrive under the table.
Swara: this the thing u were searching..ryt..?
Lucky jumped of happiness.
Lucky: YESSSSSSS! You know what…. U r the best.. ??
Swara: I know?? BTW why this pendrive is so important to u?
Lucky smiles… Not the usual one with a smirk. This looked deep, with a pinch of hurt. Swara understood that there is something special in it, she could see that in Laksh’s eyes.
**** Laksh’s pov****
This pendrive is the only memory of the things that I dreamt. My passion.. my dreams…and her. The girl who made me dream…

A girl is chasing a boy. The boy has a book in his hand. He waves the book in air just to tease the girl. The girl shouts…
“Loser Lucky… Don’t u dare read my diary..”
The boys shows his tongue to the girl and shouts.
” Rocket Ragzzz…. Watch me…”
The boy disappears in a crowd and the girl looks him everywhere. Suddenly she is pulled to a corner and she is cornered by two strong arms.
The girl slowly mumbles..
” Laksh…”
The boy gets closer and the girl closes her eyes…. The boy whispers ..
” My name sounds musical when u are saying it..Say it once again..Ragini..”
The girl again mumbles his name..and they slowly close the distance between them and…they kiss…
# The end of flashback
***End of Laksh’s pov***
~~~~~Third person pov~~~~~
“Lucky to earth.. Lucky to earth”
Swara waved her hands in Lucky’s face. Lucky was lost in his memories. Swara came closer to his face and shouted…
It startled him and he broke his trance.
” You…”
Swara started to run and Lucky started to chase her. She went out of the cabin. Laksh kept chasing. Everyone in the office was shocked to see Laksh like this.
Swara ran until she hit a soft wall… But she was so excited that she couldn’t stop herself and…… “THUD”
She fell but…still felt the soft wall beneath her.

Lucky couldn’t believe what he saw. Swara was lying upon his brother’s body and they were in a passionate eye lock. He has never seen his brother look so serene in his whole life. It was like the world would end if he stop looking into her eyes.
Of course Lucky coughed. It broke the eye lock. Making them both embarrassed.”Sanskar.. your PA is searching for u..” Lucky said with a playful smile.
” Lucky.. wipe that dirty smile of your lips… And you..{pointing his fingers at Swara}
Stop running around.. or learn how to run without falling …”
Swara looked down and said nothing. She was in her dream world where she was being saved from a cruel villain by her dark knight.
As usual … Sanskar was looking hot in his white shirt and black denims. Swara was wearing a denim shorts and a red and black check shirts. She looked slightly Tom boyish but.. cute. Before Laksh could retort on what he said.. Our hero left without looking back. Laksh looked at Swara and wondered where her tongue went when Sanskar was taunting. She always fiercely replies to every taunts. But now..she looked tongue tied.
“Well..well..well… What have we got here.. Someone has got a little crush on my brother!!!” Laksh thought to himself.
After what happened in the office Swara seemed lost and Laksh had a hard time trying not to laugh. It was fun to watch Swara silent..and looking everywhere to find Sanskar. But… When she sees him..she looks elsewhere like he never exists. But…now the plot thickened because.. Laksh .. Swara along with Sanskar are going shopping in Sanskar’s car…
It was a shocking news for Laksh when Sanskar himself said that he needs to buy something and he needs Laksh’s opinion. Laksh was already planning to go shopping with Swara and …you can guess that.. Swara had no choice rather than going with them.
“This is gonna be fun to watch…” Laksh noted in his mind…

To be continued….

Hai guys… Hope u remembers this ff. Well.. the new semester began and had a hard time with writer’s block. I’m sorry friends..for being late..and short. Please give ur valued comments.. love u all…
With HOPE … Faith and Love..


Dogs... chocolate..books and a few good songs...

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