Fan Fiction

KIDNAPPER:The GIRL who changed my life is her…SWARAGINI..Episode 6

Hiii friends..
Iam very glad seeing ur comments.. Hope u all will like todays episode too..
Episode 6
Sanskar:Okay…now lets go to collage..
Ragini:Collage??you??Just look at you..No books..nothing.. Sanskar:Iam entering the collage na,That itself is a great thing.. Sanskar:Come..why are you standing outside..
Ragini:No no..i will not come with just go..
Sanskar:But why??
Ragini:Everyone will misunderstand please..

Sanskar:Okay fine..then you go..i will come later..
Ragini starts walking.. sruti is not there with me..and that idiot senior Karan is coming..what will i do. Karan is coming towards Ragini.. Ragini closed her eyes and is walking by saying”Do something god”. Karan suddenly diverts his direction seeing someone.. Ragini suddenly slips..someone held her and stopped her from falling down.. She opens her eyes and gets shocked..
Sanskar:Ofcourse sweetheart.
Ragini:Leave me..
Ragini:Everyone is watching us..just leave me,.
Sanskar:If i leave will fall down..i don’t want it to happen.So first you stand straight.
She stands and he left her. She looks around and didn’t find Karan anywhere.
Ragini:Thank God..he went! Sanskar:Who??Karan?? Ragini:Hmmm..Hey wait,how do you know him??So you made him run away right??
Sanskar:Sweetheart..i didn’t do anything..i was just standing behind you! in the college also you are a gangster..

Sanskar:Me…no no..iam a perfect student in the collage..
One student comes there and said:sanky bhai..after a long time ha??Last time you threatened that shyam na..after that onwards he never stepped in to the collage even..
Sanskar in his mind:Oh..shit…
He looks at Ragini and smiles..(he gives an everything is finished expression).. Ragini looks at him angrily.. Sanskar said his friend to go from there through expressions. He leaves..
Ragini:So Mr Perfect student..what was that??
Sanskar :Vo…..
Ragini:Iam going to my class. She leaves.
Sanskar smiles.
Ragini’s class

Sir is taking class…suddenly a male voice arises..”Excuse me sir,may I get in” Ragini is shocked to see him..Yes he is so called sanskar Maheswari.. She looks at him .Her mouth is opened widely..He winks at her. Sir:You…final year..
Sanskar looks at him angrily. Sir:Yes..come in.. Since sruti is not there,That seat is free.So sanskar came and sits there, beside Ragini and closed her mouth.Still she is looking at him shockingly. Sir:Ragini,are you listening here? She comes back into her senses. Ragini:Sir,…
Sir:What did i teach now.. Ragini:Sir,…vo…actually..
Sir:Get out..

Ragini starts going out…and sanskar is following her. All of them are laughing seeing Sanskar following her.


How was it??


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