Fan Fiction



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Episode 9

Let’s go into our story…
The episode start with ragini phone rings..
Ragini: haan dadi, How are you ?…
Dadi: haan I wonder, Are you still remember me???
Ragini: dadiiii…… ????
Dadi: just 4 fun beta… how are you da ?. I swear you are happy, bcoz you are with your soulmate swara na….
Ragini: smiles…… haan am very happy to here..but still I miss u dadi…
Dadi: I know beta… we will arrive soon … how is swara ..??? How is her engagement arrangement…?
Ragini: yeah dadi.. Its awesome ..yesterday only we bought jewels.. I’m so excited about her engagement…
Suddenly swara picks mobile from ragini….and speaks..
Swara: dadi swara is too sad?? … when will u come here.? Am I too ur grand daughter na ..???
Dadi: haan beta.. Shekhar has one important work ..after completing that work we will soon came to you ma… bride doesn’t seems sad .. smile my cute girl…
Swara smiless…. ??????
Swara: yeah dadi .. we are waiting for u..
Dadi: take care you both of you.. ( cuts the calls )
Ragini: Swara, where did you go??? I have been looking for you since morning..
Swara: just a date with laksh..??????
Swara: haan ragini, its not preplanned…laksh called suddenly and ask me to meet him..
Ragini: is any problem???
Swara: no ragini.. he just want to spend some time with me…
Ragini smiles…

At maheswari office..
Dp and Ramprasad are in conference hall
neil is coming to maheswari office to meet him..
Three of them discussed about engagement shopping..
Finally they decided to go shopping tomorrow ? ? with whole family.. and also decided to buy engagement ring for swalak… ??
At children’s park ,
Laksh waits for swara,
Swara come and sits beside him..
Laksh: what happened…????
Swara: success ??? ( takes out ragini’s dairy from her bag )
Laksh: How did you get this ?
Swara: thats swara.. come lets read this.. I haven’t read it yet…
Laksh: ok swara .. open it.. ?
Swara opens random pages in dairy.
“Today I am very sad… my best friend swara ..she is like my twin sister.. but unfortunately she is now far from me .. she promised me that she will come to see me every year vocation.. but this time she didn’t come.” … ???
Reading this swalak smiles a little …
Laksh: swara we have no time to read all the pages ..just search for the one we need…
Swara: haan laksh ( searches….)
Swara: I found it laksh….
She wrote that incident…she wrote as..
“Today, one incident has happened… I didn’t expect it one boy kissed my tonight. When I was returning to my home from my tuition centre… Even I don’t know that guy.why he done like is ..? At that moment, I not able to do anything.. All I was feeling is just run over him.. I think he was drunken state. Such a rogue… still I ask myself.. why didn’t I slap him..?????
“THAT KISS IN THE RAIN” is the most unpredictable and unforgettable incident in my life….
I don’t want to share this incident with anyone. I just want to forgot that..and I never want to see that guy again in my life……..”
Swara:Oh god she is so hurted about it… thatswhy she doesn’t share about it to me …
Laksh: I understand her feelings… but bhai……!!!!! ??
Ok swara lets go to next page ..thats where the real incident hides…
Swara : haan laksh (turns the next page)
“Today, I saw that boy agin … U know what happens…
Next day I was very sad … I went to temple..
I spent some time in temple..when I return to home ..
I saw that boy on the way…
Sanskar: hello, excuse me …(follows her..)
Ragini walks fast
Sanskar says excuse me Ms…???
Ragini stops walking and turns
Ragini sees hims angrily..????
Sanskar: I’m sorry.. what I have done to you is obviously wrong.. but I….
( before sanskar completes his words ragini slaps him hardly..)
Ragini: R u shameless??? Don’t you have sense .??? How dare you to do like this and say sorry ..?? Just imagine.. like you, some one is behaving to you sister and just say sorry
..will you forgive him.??
Sanskar is about to something..
Ragini: just shutup… shame on you..don’t ever come infront of me … ( ragini leaves angrily)
Sanskar stood with sad face…
Fb ends…..

Swara closes the dairy…
Laksh puzzled ????
Laksh: I’m totally confused…
Swara: I’m also laksh.. these two people confused us …
Laksh: on that day ragini doesn’t allow bhai to speak…
If he speaks then it will be clear…
Swara: Basically sanskar is very nice person.. he respect women.. why did he do this .? I dont understand him…
Laksh: the answer is only given by sanskar bhai.
Swara: but how…????????
Laksh: I dont have plan for that .. Just gonna go with the flow.. god creates ways for us…
They both left…..

At maheswari mansion,
Sanskar sits in his room with his laptop…
Laksh knocks the door ” bhai may I come in ?”….
Sanskar: come laksh, you don’t need permission to enter..
Laksh smiles and and sits opposite to him on bed..
Sanskar: haan tell me laksh …
Laksh: how is ur work bhai?
Sanskar looks at laksh ? ? ?
Laksh: what bhai..?
Sanskar: nothing laksh.. usual.. going nice.
Laksh: bhai.. can I ask u something??
Sanskar: yeah ofcourse…
Laksh: why did u refuse to marriage proposals???? Did u love someone???
Sanskar: not like that laksh..
Laksh: no bhai .. u r hiding something from me.
Sanskar: ( angrily) why ??? What are the propose of hiding from you…?? Why you are force me to get married.. can’t we live without this love and marrige …
Sanskar leaves angrily…..
Laksh looks him confused…
He thinks to himself… why does bhai become angry for this silly reason.?? He never been rude to me at any situation… and laksh left to his room…

At morning
At maheswari mansion….
Laksh slept on his bed … he open his eyes with sleepy ..
Laksh see sanskar sit infront of him ..
Laksh sat on his bed suddenly..
Laksh: bhai… ?? good morning
Sanskar: sorry laksh…
Laksh: sorry ?? for what bhai?????
Sanskar: I have never been rude to u .. but yesterday night I spoke to u rudely.. I don’t know what happened to me.. sorry laksh..
Laksh : bhai.. leave it bro.. you have full rights to scold me and also hug me ( laksh hugs sanskar)
Sanskar: proud to be your brother … my dear bro
Laksh: no bhai.. I only lucky to have you as my bhaii..
Both smiles and hugs…
Sanskar: go and get ready… dad ask us to join with him to buy your engagement ring…
Laksh blushly says ok and goes…
Sanskar smiles…
Epi ends……

Precap: swara plans for a trip ….. ??
Next update will be on Thursday.. sry guys…plzzz comment…..

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