Dont worry my dear friends, being an Abigya fan…i can never do sth that will separate them. Please wait…
The episode starts with the next day…
Pragya gets up from sleep first. Its almost 6. She freshens up, takes her bath and readies herself. She wears a yellow top, blue jean and a stole that fits her dress. She rolled her hair into soft curls and wore her contact lenses. She looked fantabulously awesome. She went and woke Arvind up. Just like every day, he stares at her lovingly.
As usual pragya went to kitchen…and arvind followed her. Pragya was arranging some suff.
Pragya, wake Ayush up. I will make him ready and drop him in his play school.
Arvind, i know baby. But dont worry…i will drop him today.
Pragya, ok. I prepared everything. Just have it. I will come back soon today. What is your schedule today?
Arvind, i have a meeting. I said right, i am abt to sign a new contract, that one. Then i have work in my office as usual.
Pragya, ok bye.
She leaves in her car waving a bye.
Here, Arvind wakes up Ayush, readies him up and makes him have his breakfast. Ayush is sitting in Arvind’s lap. Ayush asks a lot of weird questions and Arvind answers them.
Ayush, daddy why are you too big and i am…i am this much…this much (showing with his little hands) small?
Arvind, coz i am your dad. I was born before you.
Ayush, why were you born before me? Naa first poranthirunthaa ungala nalla paathupenla?? (if i was born first i will take care of u naa?)
Pragya (hugging Arvind from back, and placing her chin on his shoulders) then who will take care of my chella kutty?
Ayush, my mumma…and hugs her.
She leaves Arvind and hugs Ayush back.
Arvind, why did u come back?
Pragya, So…i shouldn’t come???
Arvind, idiot…eppo paathaalum kudarkama edhaavadhu pesuradhe vela. (always talking rubbish and unwanted)
Pragya, (smiles sheepishly) actually I wished to give Ayush a sweet surprise. (Turning to Ayush) muahhhhhhh……this chocolate is for u. And if u be a gud boy today…u will meet someone spl…OK?
Ayush gets his chocolate and returns a cute smile and a kiss to Pragya.
Pragya, (to Arvind) ok dear. Now i have to leave. Bye…bye.
Some green room is shown. Pragya is dressing up a girl (seems to be a model). She then adjusts the very minute details of the girl and turns to the other side. A big queue. She completes everyone.
She then calls all the models.
Pragya, guys…remember. i will give u a few tips. U have prepared well…i know. But since its ur first, i will help u all. Remember these, walk straight…Dont look sideways…Swing your arms but not too much…have ur arms close to your body and lastly, walk with confidence…OK?
M, yes mam. Thanks alot.
Its time for walk. The most awaited show of the month was gng on and as usual it was a great hit.
Now, its time to call the designer. Pragya walks in.
She is wearing a simple black long neck dress that cover till her knees. She poses and then turns and goes back walking with a grace. After the show is over, Pragya is getting ready to move out. She sees one of the male models trying to misbehave with a girl.
She goes straight to him…slaps him hard…“look Mr. Dont even dare to touch a girl again. If i see u again…ur career wud be at stake. Remember.”
She then goes to her studio. She composes her new song and then comes out.
P.A, ma’am why did you decide to compose music for them? They didn’t even pay you. Also, their behaviour…
Pragya, Payal…i understand you. Looks can be deceiving. What you see is not always true…they dont seem decent but they are doing this for a good cause. They want to give an awareness abt girls’ protection. Isn’t that enough to judge how good they are. There are people who do this for publicity. But they genuinely approached me and personally asked me for this. Thats why i didn’t even ask for payment.
Payal, no one can be this good ma’am.
Pragya, OK…lets go.
She then goes to a hospital.
Pragya, may i come in?
Mishkin(looking at some files) yes come in. Did you get that doctor’s details susi? Avaru eppa varuvaaru. Avarukkana arrangements ellam senjaachaa? (When will he arrive? Did u do all the necessary arrangements?)
Pragya, no sir.
Mishkin, what?? (he looks up angrily…suddenly his anger fades and a smile forms) oh come on my dear. I said you not to take stress.
Pragya, its ok dad. You go home. I will take care.
Mishkin, Pra…(she gives him a glare) ok fine. I am leaving. Take care.
Pragya, yes dad.
She takes care of all his works.
Actually Pragya is a fashion designer come music composer, as well as a popular singer. She also manages her father’s hospital, whenever she gets time.
Now, she goes to her home completing all her duties in the hospital.
She goes home to find Arvind sitting in living room and Ayush sleeping on his lap.
Pragya, (to herself) sorry Ayush. i promised that u will meet someone but couldnot bring him to u. how nice it would be if he was with me.
Arvind, pragya…is that u…(rubbing his sleepy eyes)
Pragya, yes. come lets sleep.
She lifts Ayush and the family retires to sleep.
I know friends, i am boring you all with this. But please wait. If you feel it is bad…let me know. I am posting this epi around 10pm. 5/11/2016. Even tomorrow i am having exam…SUNDAY ALSO!!!!!
Now, Time to thank.
tanya: i know dear…u r shocked. dont worry u will get to know soon. How was this?
abhigyash: dear…wait for sometime. this is abhigya’s story naa. i will try to make them together soon.
Sabeenia: thanks dear. Always loving ur cmnts just the way i do u.
di: thanks di. always give this support to ur sissy…this really means alot
Minu: thanks akka. i hope not to disappoint u. i will try my best.
Lucky: thanks akka. intha epi eppdi irunthuchu?
Anjana: thanks dear. i posted this for u as u asked me for a longer one. i cudnt promise longer ones. so have this dear.
Reshma_Pradeep: too glad seeing ur cmnt sissy. literally flying high. Hope this was not disappointing.
Prathi: thanks akka. i missed ur cmnt in the previous one dear (epi 2). anyways…abhi will have his entry sooooooooon…very soon.
Sugan: thanks sugan di.
CuteVanshu: thanks dear. wait for sm time dear. abhi will be there soon.
Adhya: thanks darling. that was soooooo lovely. tq so much.
Suhani: come on dear…how come i will forget my pyarii sissy? U will always be there for me right? Forgetting u is impossible. And dont worry…this is their story, right? But i am angry on u dear. U are the 1 who forgot. U know u dint post unnatural love till now yaar…
Ashika: i saw ur cmnt in the previous epi (epi 2) dear. Thanks for that comment.
And guys…i asked suggestions for Arvind’s role…are u OK if Harshad Chopra does it? i am definitely expecting ur view on Arvind…not only looks but also character. but dont say u dont want him?????????
Also forgive if mistakes are found.
wow nice n love u lot
take care n study well best wish 4 u always dear……….
thanks di. love u too. all ur cmnts really mean a lot to me my dear sissy.
awesome ! this one was cute .bt then missing abhi ani di !
sorry dear…cudnt reply for ur cmnt in de pre 1. only after posting i saw. thanks.

dont worry…i will make the epis and ABHIGYA WILL BE BACK SOON. i will unite them asap. but i wont assure u dear…it will take time
Superb epi di…
thanks vanshu. i am so glad dat u r back. happy reading!!!
Thanks for call me akka I am happy for that dear. I have one doubt if abhi come what about arvind who is he? dear
u will know soon akka. i wrote dis wid a lot of thoughts…i mean…lot of twists and turns…but not sure where it will take

hope i dont make it too bad…
Hmmm tdy’s epi was awesome!!!!!!! So our Prague is a multitasker!!!!! Wow! !! Bt please join abhigya quickly!! !!! Waiting for next epi! !!! epudi sari serthu vechirunga akka
thanks abhigyash. ur tamil??? and younger? glad dear. a new chotu
and of course a frnd

Superb episode ani waiting for the next update. Sunday exam aa all the best. minu nu kupta pothum ani as I already said your such a wonderful writer I don’t get disappointed at any situation ani love you
thanks minu dear. love u too. i will surely post the nxt one by tuesday dear.
Nice dear…nd all the best for ur exam…
thanks dear. happy to see ur cmnt
missed u so much dear. i wrote my xam well.
keep reading choti.
love u and tc
Awesome dear…
All the best for ur exam..
Amazing thank god the main leads are abhigya loved it
thanks elinor. and no worries. abhigya are always my story’s leads

How can I forget you?You are my best friend?We both are of the same age?Awesome episode cutie.I will try to post it today ?All the best for exam!!I am ok with harshad playing the role of Arvind.Love you

thanks dear. i am happy that u r OK wid harshad…i read urs…it was so gud. i made my cmnt too. love u too

Very nice ani luved ur epi so good
thanks im his chasmish…can i know ur name?
AWESOME epi dear…I’m ok with harshad playing the role of aravind…Waiting For Next…And suha pls post ur ffna..
thanks dear. ur cmnt always supports me. i will post mine soon dear
Of course,Its not Disappointing Yaar!!!!!!!!!!It’s Reallyyyyyyyyy Interestingggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!! Loving it!!!!!!!Let’s see what happens next???
thanks sissy. i am also eager to know whats next??? dont know what my duffer brain does. lets see its results?????????
Superb!!! And hope arcind does not turn against Abhigya after they unite!! And sorry for not commenting!!
thanks dr and no worries. thanks again for that lovely cmnt
guys happy that i am little free. i wrote my xam well…but fate, evn tmrw exm. chem and math…i dont know whether i will be able to post on tuesday…coz im continuously having xams. but as promised, i will try giving it.
thanks guys.
and rithu i saw ur cmnt only after posting the dear. thanks for that lovely cmnt.
mukund bhai…….literally missing ur cmnt. i am happy that u cmntd in pre epi. do cmnt bhai…i feel bad not seeing it…
What is happening? when will Abhi come?? Waiting for him!
oh no…sorry akka, sure abhi will come soon. i am so bad…dont worry i will unite them soon.
but dont know when…dont scold me naa…
Sorry fr the late comment…today’s epi was really wonderful…and ur ff is very unique… I really loved the way u wrote it…u r awesome di …l am a big fan of urs ….l am sure u must be having a different idea from the rest…ur ffs are always rocking fr me..and this will be too…waiting fr the next part …take care… love u loadddds…keep writing…
nowday i am little bit busy thats why i am not able to comment on time here after i will try to regular nice episode but i am not able to understand the role of arvind if abhi in this story
Nice episode near .its intersting…
Sry dear i was not able to comment in last update .but i read .it was good