thnx for your comments as u said i will give one more part of this current situation. nd my dear princess . i am studing in 8th std my age 14 year {now started}… my real name is shivani nd nick name shriti nd sweety .? nd as u wish u cn accepted as your friend or sis i am ready to accept?? .
lets start .
abhigya come to there room pragya, arey y u talk like this with dadi . abhi , oh com on fuggi she will not mind ok . pragya, ok . but now wat can i do yaar i feeling so bore . abhi, if u not mind can we go outside . pragya, ok . abhi, but one condition? pragya, wat condition?? abhi , dont see me like tat . my condition is tat i want coffee .
pragya, arey we r going out na then u will have therena come . abhi, but i wand your hand made coffee . pragya Noooo i will not prepare . abhi, really then if u not prepare my coffee then.i will. he move toward pragya nd pragya backward in fear.pragya, th..en wat u will do i ..a….m. no…t any one fear u got it. she moved backward .abhi, ohhh really if not have then y r u getting this much fear nd y u r sweating too. pragya, i am not getting fear nd tat this room is sooo hot tat is y i am sweating. abhi, room is hotttt or i am . pragya pinned to waLl now abhi was close to her he cupped her face nd wipe her lips with his thumb . pragya, i will. abhi , wat i wil ur ready with this right nd u lije it aslo then i will cntnu . move his face to her nd was about kiss she keep her hand on her lips abhi kiss her palm nd say naughty . pragya, no i dont mean tat i mean i will do coffee excuse me i have to bring coffe nd pushed abhi nd run from there. abhi ,o fffo atlast she accept only to prepared coffe for me . now i have to think about taaliya. aliya nd tanu come to abhi she call him . abhi turned to her nd think shaitan ka naam liya nd shaitanoki rani hajir . . abhi ,wat aliya . {they both dont no about abhi know} he ignore tanu . aliya, bhai yesterday night where was u . abhi, y u want to know tat its my life nd yesterday i need privacy so i went out . tanu, no abhi aliya dont mean tat yesterday she was so worried tat u was not at home she call u but your phone was switch off. abhi, watever but u dont need to worried about mee. aliya, bhai .she was about say abhi say, aliya nd miss tanushree
y u both come to my room nd turned towards mirrors nd start combing his hair . aliya, bhai in night there is party as tanu friend bday is there. pragya enter with coffee nd see taaliya she understand they dont no about abhi she too acted nd keep there coffe nd turned to go but aliya say miss nikhita give my bhai coffee in his hand . pragya nod nd take coffee nd tanu was about to keep her leg on pragya leg but pragya her position nd she only kept her log on tanu leg . tanu ahout nd u how dare to keep your led on me . abhi turn towards them pragya in fake , tanu its your mistake. Aliya, wai wat u said now . pragya, its your mistake. aliya, befor tat . pragya, tanu its your mistake. aliya , exactly call her tanu mam u r my bhai Secretary si call her mam . pragya,but i am abhi sir secretary not tanu nd she is not member of this house too . aliya, how dare u see bhai how she talking about my friend nd u r standing nd listening. nd sje my friend then she is aslo member this house. say something bhai . abhi, wat wrong she is saying aliya.tanu is just your friend then how can she is member of this house . taaliya was shocked with his repky . pragya give him coffee nd went from there. aliya , bhai wat r u saying. abhi, alliya plz u go i need to rest now nd plz send fu … i mean nikhita i have to give her work .aliya , ok . went out tanu, wat happened to him aliya y he was talking like this .aliya, i dont no ndd see pragya nd tell her bhai as call u . pragya nod nd went . tanu, aliya wat wrong with u how can u let her go to abhi . aliya, no tanu . bhai has call her if i not tell her then surely bhai will scold me .
pragya come to her room nd see abhi was thinking somethink . she come near him nd keep her hand on his shoulder. abhi see her.pragya ask wat wrong with u y u r silent. mr rockstar. now u r not in mood . abhi pulled her toward him nd she seat on his lap. she see abhi nd ask is there is problem. abhi, no i was thinking to take revenge. pragya, wat revenge nd on whom u want to take .abhi, on tanu nd aliya . pragya was shocked say tanu nd aliya revenge on them. abhi nod ..
episode end her only i will give another episode soon
superb dear… loved it… if u don’t mind.. may i call u as chotu???
very intrstng .supr….
Super dear……
Osum shivani
awsome…sweety! I hope you don’t mind me calling that
and can’t wait for fo taliya infinite slaps! and i am really surprised you are 14 already and still 8th? how come?
Superb shivani so friends?????pls update soon shriti
So shivani where r u from n I like both names shivani n shriti.which you’ll feel comfortable for me to call you
pls update regularly
nice dear………..