Kkb episode 40 (Love of Life)

The same day.. At night
In the Mehra Mansion.
Rhea was sitting with Pragya, trying to comfort her shattered mother… Besides doing this work she was lost in her thoughts thinking about the things Abhi told them in the hospital.. She was always told that her mother left her because she never loved her and was always behind money, which was the only reason due to which she hated her mother and twin and today she got to know the truth which was completely different from what she used to believe… There were many questions in her mind and the most important was why did her buji lie to her about her mother… She looked at her mother who was still sobbing.. She was feeling extremely bad for her..she hugs her tightly and then calms down her.. She looks at her with teary eyes and unable to control her emotions anymore she gets down on her knees and starts crying keeping her head on her mother’s lap.. The mother who was already  broken was more shattered to see her daughter cry but acted strong and then caressed her daughter face and kissed her..

Rhea (crying) – Mom I am sorry I am really bad… You just scold me or slap me I deserve this…. I misunderstood you…. I gave you so many tears… I am not a good daughter nor a good sister…. I misunderstood you, I am sorry mom…I believed that you left me intentionally.. You didn’t love me but I was wrong… I am really bad.. I destroyed everything..

Pragya just hugged her and tried to console her..

Pragya – Beta no.. It’s not your mistake and don’t blame yourself, everything will be fine..don’t cry..
Rhea (crying) – No mom everything is not fine… I have to make things right and this will happen very soon..
Pragya – Rhea…
Rhea – Mom now I guess you need to take rest, I will talk to you later..

Rhea makes Pragya sleep and then herself leaves from there to confront Aliya… Rhea enters in Aliya’s room without knocking the door… Aliya was little surprised to see her behavior and then as usual begins her drama.

In Aliya’s room.

Aliya – Rhea, sweetheart what happened, do you need something?
Rhea (furiously) – Buji it’s enough just stop it..

“Sweetheart what happened.. ” says Aliya.
” Stop it” shouts Rhea at the top of her voice..
Rhea – Why did you do this to me buji, why did you hide the truth from me, why did you lie to me.. Why just tell me.. Why?
Aliya – Rhea I didn’t lie to you about anything..
Rhea – Ohh really buji, now I know the real reason behind mom and dad’s separation and also why did mom leave me, so you better tell the truth… You always told me that mom loved Prachi more than me and she never cared for me… She left dad for another guy… Why did you lie to me buji..

Aliya feels caught at this as she never expected anyone to disclose the truth in front of Rhea so she this time also tried to manipulate Rhea..

Aliya (faking her crocodile tears) – Sweetheart do you really feel that your buji can lie to you?.. Rhea whatever you got to know is not the truth, Pragya is not what you think her to be.. She never loved bhai truly and was behind money but bhai, bhai is blind in her love so he is never able to see what’s the truth.. And Pragya takes advantage of this thing, she left you for Prachi ,dear you aren’t able to understand but she never cares for you, she only loves Prachi and cares for her happiness.. She is a gold -digger..

She was interrupted by Rhea in between..

Rhea – Buji don’t you dare.. Don’t you dare to speak a word against my mother after this.. And what do you think I will believe you.. No buji not this time.. Dad told me everything, mom loves him and mom loves me also.. So just stop your nonsense and just….
(She about to say when her phone rings.. She looks at caller ID it was of Prachi… She calms down herself and then picks the call)

On call.
Rhea – Haan Prachi…
Prachi – Rhea did maa sleep or do I need to come?
Rhea – No no mom is sleeping..
Prachi – I thought that you didn’t come so she must be awake..
Rhea – Don’t worry I am just coming.. Prachi – Okay…

She hangs the call and then looks at Aliya..

Rhea – Right now my sister is calling me, I will talk to you afterwards don’t think I will forget about it..

She gives an angry look and leaves from there saying this while Aliya was completely shocked on seeing Rhea..
After Rhea leaves Aliya shouts in frustration she looks at herself in the mirror and starts talking to herself..

Aliya (to herself) – This Pragya and her daughters are the same… Wasn’t that middle class Prachi enough and now this Rhea also.. That Kiara hasn’t even entered our lives fully but still she created such a huge problem for me.. My Rhea is against me.. If she tells everything to bhai then he will through me out of the house… Everyone will get to know about  deeds, my past and Aryan’s truth.. My Purab will be snatched from me.. No no this can’t happen.. I won’t let this happen and can go to any extent to not let this happen and I don’t care at all if I have to take someone’s life to keep my secret as a secret even if it’s Rhea, Kiara, Prachi or even if my dear son Aryan.. Oops sorry Disha’s son Aryan.. (She laughs loudly in an evil manner).. Now the real game begins sweetheart..

While on the other hand Rhea reaches Prachi’s room..
Before entering the room she stops at the entrance thinking about everything happened in the hospital and closes her eyes.. Prhana who notice this go near Rhea..

Prachi (with concern) – Rhea what happened, come in..

Rhea looks at Prachi, she was left speechless on seeing the Prachi’s concern for her.. The twin whom she always hated just because of a mere misunderstanding… She looks at her and hugs her tightly which shocks Prachi but she understand Rhea’s condition and hugs her back..Shahana was happy on seeing both of them together as the change in Rhea’s behavior was clearly visible to her in the past few days.. She goes near them and hugs them.. The trio share an emotional hug… Rhea got tears in her eyes on seeing thier concern for her, they were the ones who loved her and she was the one who always tried to harm them in all possible way, defame them and hurt them…. She had nothing to speak… After sometimes they break the hug and enter inside the room..there was complete silence for few minutes until Rhea began the conversation…

Rhea – Woh.. Mom slept she was crying very much… But I made her sleep..
Prachi – You did very right..
Shahana – See Arya dii was with us for so many days and today we found that she is our dii..
Prachi – I also didn’t think it and infact I didn’t know even that we had an elder sister also..
Rhea – Same was the case with me but you know I felt a connection with her when I met her for the first time and it was the same as which I felt when I met you Prachi but I ignored it the same way I did before..

Prhana was shocked to hear this..

Prahana – We also felt a connection with her…
Rhea – She is our dii.. I am really happy now she will stay with us always..
Prachi – I just hope she recovers soon..
Shahana – Don’t worry she will be fine..

Shahana comforts the twin…After sometimes Rhea leaves from there for her room.. After Rhea leaves in Prhana’s room..

Shahana – Prachi did you see, Rhea has changed a lot in last one year.
Prachi – Yes I saw it, she is not the old Rhea who used to hate everyone but the new Rhea who loves everyone and thinks about everyone..
Shahana – I like this Rhea, first I used to think that why is she here but now I feel good with her..
Prachi – I also like this Rhea..
Shahana- But will you be able to forgive her for whatever she did with you?

Prachi gets emotional on hearing this and was left speechless, she makes an excuse in order to avoid answering Shahana’s question..

Prachi – Shahana it’s very late we should sleep after all we have to go to meet Kiara dii in hospital..
Shahana – Prachi..
Prachi – Shahana sleep I am also sleeping..

Saying this Prachi covers her face with duvet.. Shahana notices it and understands everything but keeps quite..

While in the hospital..
Sunny and Abhi were sitting near Kiara.. Abhi was continuously staring at her and recalling his past moments with his dear princess while Sunny was also remembering his past moments with his dear friend.. As it was late night Sunny insists Abhi to go and sleep and assures him that he will be her… Abhi leaves from there and goes to sleep reluctantly… While Sunny was still with Kiara.. He was staring at her and eventually falls asleep in few hours… The day passed and the next day starts… A bright ray falls on Sunny’s face which disturbs his sleep.. He gets back to reality and then gets up and goes to see Abhi.. Abhi was awake… He and Sunny then goes to Kiara’s room together… Kiara was still unconscious but after sometimes she gets back to her senses.. Sunny and Abhi were sitting on chair so they don’t notice it..

“Sunny” says Kiara feebly which makes Abhi and Sunny happy and they together go near her..

Sunny – Kiara how are you feeling?
Kiara – Better..

She notices Abhi who was standing behind Sunny…

“Sir” says Kiara… And hearing this Abhi comes forward..

Abhi – What sir? Haan.. I am your dad..
Kiara (a smile creeps on her face)- Dad, is it okay now..

Abhi gets emotional and hugs her while Kiara also reciprocates doing the same..

Abhi (crying) – My princess… You know I am very happy to get you back and I can’t even believe that my little Kiara grew so big… your mom and sisters are eager to wait you..
Kiara – But where are they?
Abhi – Wait I will call them..

Abhi goes out to call Pragya while inside Kiara’s room..

Kiara was sitting quietly… Sunny looks at her and remembers something..

Sunny – Didn’t you even once think about me, how easily you left by writing a stupid message and leaving behind a chit… And what was the need to leave when I said that I will always support you be with you no matter whatever happens, don’t you trust me… I don’t care even if you were King’s daughter.. But for me you are someone special..

He was interrupted by Kiara in between..

Kiara – How much will you speak, Sunny calm down see I am here right in front of you.. Calm down..
Sunny – Right, you are in front of me in the hospital..
Kiara – So what ? I am I’m front of you and that’s sufficient and it doesn’t matter wether it’s hospital or any other place..
Sunny – To save yourself you are speaking such things..

Kiara chuckles..And then asks him to come near her.. Sunny goes near her and to his suprise she hugs him which shocks him.. After sometimes she breaks the hug and looks at Sunny who was still staring her she gives a cute smile .. Just then Abhi enters there and looks at them..

Abhi – I have informed Pragya she must be coming..
Sunny – Chucks I think I should call mumma..
Kiara – But aunty is in Bangalore..
Sunny – She had returned yesterday itself and she was really worried for you..
Kiara – Okay..

Sunny goes out to call Disha..

Kiara – Dad when will I go home means today we have concert right and I have to sing..
Abhi – Kiara, you need rest and don’t worry it’s just a concert , I have already cancelled it.
Kiara – What are you mad or something else it’s such a big event and why did you cancel it for me.. Your music company completed 25 years and you people came specially from Delhi to celebrate, why did you do this, what will other think.. Think about Rhea, Prachi, Ranbir, Aryan and Shahana how excited they were.
Abhi – They won’t think anything.. And you are my daughter nothing is more important than you and this event is such a small thing in front of you… And all the children are understanding they will understand..

Hardly had Abhi finished his statement when Pragya, Rhea, Prachi, Shahana, Arbir and Purab entered surprising Abhi and Kiara.. But before they could say anything Pragya directly rushes towards her daughter and hugged her tightly while the others grew emotional..

Kiara – Mumma.. Stop crying I am fine now..
Pragya (crying) – Kiara..
Rhea – What mom, let us also meet our dii.
Prachi – Rhea is right.
Shahana – Massi both of them are right …
Abhi – Aryan and Ranbir  you are only left , you also join your gang…
Arbir- Yes let’s meet dii..

The young generation go near Kiara and hug her together and Kiara was in between surrounded by so many people she was feeling super happy on seeing their love and concern for her.. Sunny who enters there was shocked to see them… The young generation then rushes to hug him.. All were happy on seeing them and Purab was the one who was most happy to see his both sons together.. Sunny then goes to greet Pragya but completely ignores Purab which was noticed by Aryan, he was confused to see his behavior..

Sunny – You people came in friction of seconds I just went out to call mumma and you people came by that time.
Abhi – Sunny exactly that’s my question, it’s hardly been ten to fifteen minutes when I called and you people came, how come?
Kiara – I am also confused.
Prachi – Actually we were ready and were on halfway when Mr. Mehra called us..

Kiara was little upset on hearing Mr. Mehra from Prachi’s mouth while Abhi was extremely hurt but he knew it was all because of his own action that his daughter hated him so much. Rhea was feeling guilty..

Rhea – Yes dii we were eager to meet you so all of us were ready on time..
Aryan – Dii when you will come home, by the way?
Abhi – Doctor said that she needs complete rest and is weak so we won’t be able to take her home today maybe after two days..
Kiara – Dad this doctor is clever he wants me have to have that sour medicines that’s why he said like that.. I am fine and strong I don’t want to stay here..
Sunny – So Kiara are you still afraid of medicines, like you used to be in childhood?
Kiara (stammering) – N… No nothing like that..
Sunny laughs – Kiara is still afraid, oh really when will you grow?
Kiara – Dad tell him..
Abhi – Kiara, Sunny is right..
Kiara – What dad you also..
Pragya – Don’t worry kia I am with you..
Kiara – Yes mumma.. (She hugs her)
Shahana – Bhai you know her?
Aryan – Yes.. He knows her they were best friends.
Shahana – How do you know this?
Aryan – Bhai told me…

Before Shahana could ask any further, Kiara interrupts her..

Kiara – Dad how did you get to know about me.. I mean Sunny knew but how did you people came to know the truth?
Abhi – Princess that’s a long story.. Let me tell you..

In the Flashback.
After Kiara left.. Abhi asked everyone to get back to their work and forget about the incident… With this everyone heads towards their work but Abhi himself wasn’t able to concentrate on his work though he asked Kiara to leave but was worried for her, his mind was full of her, he remembered his moment with her.. The same was the case with Pragya.. She was sitting on the couch lost in her thoughts and this chain was broken by door bell ..Pragya gets up and opens the door and finds a lady standing with her face covered with scarf and holding a pic of a girl…

The lady was shocked to see Pragya in front of her and slowly she uncovers her face… Pragya was also shocked to see her..

Pragya – Meera..
Meera – Pragya jii .. How come you are here?
Pragya – That’s a long story, first you come inside..

Meera and Pragya head together towards the living room.. There was immense silence and nobody was seen..

Meera – Is there nobody in the house?
Pragya – Everyone is here only, busy in doing their work.. But how did you get to know about us..
Meera – No I didn’t come here to meet you actually I came here to find a girl, I came to know she lives here in Mehra Mamsion but I didn’t know it’s your, when did you shift here?
Pragya – We didn’t shift here, we came for celebration, leave this all show me the girl..

Meera shows the pic of the girl and to Pragya’s suprise she was none other than Kiara…

Pragya – This is Arya..
Meera – Arya? No no Pragya jii you are mistaken she is Kiara..
Pragya – She lives here only, Meera her name is Arya..
Meera – Pragya jii I know her, before Rhea I used to be her caretaker and after that we used to meet often so I got to know that’s she in Mumbai so I thought you meet her..
Pragya – What?
Meera – Can I meet her?
Pragya – She left..
Meera – When?

Pragya describes the whole incident to her.. Meera was shocked and decides to leave when Pragya asks her to stop.. She then asks her to wait and herself comes rushing with a pic in her hand..

Pragya (she points towards someone) – Is this Kiara?
Meera – Yes she is my baby, but how come you have a childhood pic of her, do you know her?
Pragya – Are you sure, she is only Kiara?
Meera – Yes Pragya jii, I said that I took care of her so I know her, she is 100% Kiara..

Pragya gets a reality check.. She already doubted Kiara to be her daughter and this doubt was now absolutely cleared by Meera’s statement.. Pragya gets tears in her eyes.. She leaves from there without saying anything and rushes to Abhi’s office.. There she tells her the whole truth and they both go to find Kiara.. They find her location with help of the twins and then they leave… Meera had already left… (And the rest story you people know)

The Flashback ends.

Kiara – Meera right but I don’t know any Meera aunty..
Abhi – Beta you must have forgotten her..
Kiara – No dad.. Just leave it but tell me how come you people trusted her so much it can be lie also didn’t you even once feel that it can be lie?
Pragya – Not at all.. Firstly we trust Meera and secondly the day you entered we felt a connection with you and after hearing that it was enough for us to believe that you are our Kiara..

Saying this Abhigya hugs Kiara and the twins also join them.. They have a  lovely family moment..

After this they have a long chit chat and this continues for almost more than one hour… Then Sunny leaves from there as he had to go to office.. Disha brings lunch for Kiara… They all had it… Arhana and Prabir and Rhea had a fun conversation and after some time they leave from there.. The days passed practising the same schedule and finally the day comes when  Kiara was to be discharged..

Precap – Kiara’s grand welcome.. Kiara’s request shocks everyone… Aryan – Mishti, Shahana- Shashank pre wedding rituals begin.. Pranbir moment…

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