In Mehra mansion

Pragya comes inside the house . Rhea  who is coming behind her slips and was about to fall but is held by Pragya. Pragya asks her if she is fine or not. Rhea nods and leaves quickly. Pragya feels bad, just then Abhi comes there. Both look at each other with tearful eyes. Rhea observs both of them and leaves from there. She goes to her room and holds the pic of Abhi and Pragya and starts crying. I know u both leave each other and I love u both, but I can’t accept Prachi. She wipes her tears and says ‘I know what to do’ and leaves from there.

Prachi and Shahana are searching for Abhi and Pragya. Just then they find Aryan and Ranbir. Four of them smile at each other. And Ranbhir comes to Prachi to speak but Prachi who is busy in searching Pragya and Abhi says that she will speak with him later. He tries to speak with Prachi but Prachi doesn’t listen. Then he grabs her hand and pulls her aside and stick her to the wall. They admire each other. She winks at him. He gets surprised but he doesn’t smile. He was about to tell her about his promise  made by him to his mother just then Rhea comes there calling Ranbhir. Both Ranbhir and Prachi move out of their awkward position and Rhea gets shocked and angry on seeing them together. Ranbhir understands Rhea is about to shout at Prachi so he takes Rhea away from there before she could say anything to Prachi. Prachi gets thinking.

Meera comes down with Aliya and Rhea. Aliya looks at Pragya with an evil look. Prachi goes near her mother and emotionally holds her. Pragya gives her a fake smile. Rhea looks at them and she gets painful. Vikram, Pallavi and Beeji comes there and greets everyone. Vikram looks at Abhi and Pragya who are looking at each other emotionally. He sees Abhi’s pain in his eyes. And then looks at Ranbhir who is admiring Prachi with a sad face. He understands his son’s pain. He thinks ” I am sorry Ranbhir,I couldn’t convince ur mother to give ur love to u. I understand u love Prachi but I can’t help it out because I love ur mother too.  And I can’t see her in pain and stress. If possible please forgive me, my son. And a tear rolls down his cheek”.

Prachi goes to Rhea and says that she wants to speak with her alone. Rhea replies to her rudely that she has nothing to speak with her. Then Prachi says ” I know that u have nothing to speak with me. That is why I want to speak with u”. Rhea gets angry but understanding that there are guests she comes out to talk with Prachi. Rhea asks  “ what? What is wrong with u? What u want to speak with me. It’s my mom’s and dad’s engagement. I have to go. So quickly say what u want to say”. Prachi holds Rhea and says “ Mom and dad? Whose? Yours? Rhea we both are twin sisters so we both can only have one mother i.e. Pragya Mehra .I agree Meera aunty raised u but till today u have never given mother’s place to her in ur life. Then how did she suddenly become your mother. You always loved maa even though u hated me. You always said that u loved maa. Then what happened to you so sudden that u started hating maa to this extent that u are giving her place in your life to someone else. Rhea remembers all her moments with Pragya. She gets emotional. Prachi continues “ Look Rhea we were not good in bonding with each other. You plotted so many things against me. But I am ready to forget everything and ready to start a fresh with u, papa and maa. Rhea before we both came into this world we stayed together  for 9 moths in maa’s womb. Before maa and papa started staying with us we stayed together. Probably we can never be like that together. But we can be better than how we are now. Please stop this engagement Rhea. And I know this will happen only when mom and dad feel that we both are at good terms and we both can stay together. Please Rhea let’s forget everything  and let’s start fresh. If not for me do it atleast for our parents”. Saying this Prachi leaves Rhea’s shoulders and tears start rolling down her eyes. Rhea looks at Prachi and replies “ so u are ready to stay with me to keep mom and dad happy ,Aren’t u? And u believe I can stop this engagement ,right? Prachi nods. Rhea says “fine, but I have a condition. Prachi asks “what is it?”. Rhea replies “ U r right. I love mom. But I don’t like you because she loves u more than me i.e.  why I asked dad to marry Meera aunty so that even I can have a mother. But if my mom comes back to me then I will be very happy. But I can’t stay with u”. Prachi asks “what do you mean” in a trembling voice. Rhea takes a deep breath and says ”If mom has to come into mine and dad’s lives then you have to leave from her life. Not only from her life but even from dad’s and away from this house and people who live here”. Prachi feels chill down her spine.

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