Inside Mehra mansion

Abhi and Meera’s engagement is about to start. Aliya says “ she brought rings”. Aliya is about out give rings to them Abhi suddenly says this can’t happen and looks at Pragya. Pragya quickly rises her head and looks at Abhi hopefully that he will break the engagement. Everyone gets shocked. Dadi gets hopeful. Aliya asks Abhi “What  happened Bhai, what can’t happen?”. Abhi says “ I don’t want this engagement to happen with your hands. I want this engagement to happen with that person’s hands because of whom this impossible thing is getting possible”. No one understands. Abhi continues “that person is none other than Pragya”. Pragya feels chill down her spine. Abhi thinks “ I want u to realise that u still love me and ask me to break this engagement.That is why I am dong this.” Aliya gets happy. Dadi and Sarita Ben feels bad for Pragya but remain silent. Pragya comes forward and take the rings and says “if this is what u want then let it happen in the way u want”. Suddenly Abhi asks “Where are Rhea and Prachi?” Aryan says “ I will go and search for them”.

Outside Mehra mansion

Prachi asks “What?” Rhea says “ Yes , I love mom so I am ready to accept her but I don’t love u. So if u leave from our lives then I will bring mom into dad’s live, into this house.” Prachi says crying ” we are sisters Rhea .How can u do this to me? The way u love our parents I also love them in the same way. The way u were away from mother’s love I was away from father’s love. Please Rhea don’t do this Rhea”. Prachi starts crying bitterly. Rhea feels bad for her. Her eyes gets teary and remembers her childhood and the pain she has got staying away from her mother and understands Prachi’s pain. She is about to console Prachi but remembers how Ranbhir had proposed Prachi and remembers Aliya’s words and draws her hand back. Then Rhea sternly says “ Its upto u Prachi. Now everything is in your hands. If you want mom to live happily with dad then u must leave.” Prachi is about to say something just then Aryan arrives there calling Rhea. Prachi and Rhea wipes their tears and clears their faces. Aryan comes there and asks “are u both fighting again?” Both replies “NO”. Then he says “if your conversation is over u both come in. Engagement is about to start everyone are waiting for you”. Prachi gets tensed. Rhea notices Prachi’s tension and asks Aryan to leave and says “she is coming”. After Aryan leaves Rhea says ”time is very less Prachi. Take the decision soon”. Saying that she leaves from there. Prachi also goes inside.

Inside Mehra mansion

Engagement starts. Prachi feels bad for her mother. Rhea feels sad seeing Pragya but Aliya asks her not to feel bad because Pragya deserves this. Rhea gives her a fake smile. Abhi makes Meera wear the ring. Prachi and Pragya eyes gets filled with tears. Meera makes Abhi wear the ring. Pragya closes her eyes and keeps the ring boxes aside and walks away from there. Abhi observes that and wants to go behind Pragya but is stopped by Aliya. Prachi and Shahana goes behind Pragya. Sarita Ben gets a call. She gets shocked on hearing something on phone and goes to Pragya.

Outside Mehra mansion

Pragya who is crying is consoled by Prachi.  Sarita Ben comes there and says “Pragya ,I need to say something to u. I know u have always been there for me whenever I needed u but I have to leave u now and go.” Pragya asks what happened. Sarita Ben says ” my son is not feeling well. Just now my bahu informed. So I have to leave right now.”Pragya says ”what? Then we will also come with u”. Sarita ben says ”no need. I can manage. There is a bus in2 hours to my native . so I will leave right now”. Saying that she leaves from there. Prachi, Shahana and Pragya bids farewell to Sarita Ben.

Inside Mehra mansion

All kohlis and Mehras are busy in arranging everything. Shahana doesn’t understand and asks ”Maasi are they planning wedding also today?”.Prachi gets angry and gives an angry look at Shahana . Pragya who is also confused signs at Abhi asking  “what’s going on?” Abhi signs her to wait smilingly. Abhi thinks “I know that though u aren’t happy with my engagement bit u will be happy on seeing your daughter’s roka. “Just then Rhea and Ranbhir arrive there weel-dressed. Pragya ,Shahana and Prachi gets confused and look at each other. Ranbhir doesn’t look  at Prachi as he doesn’t have strength to look into her eyes. As soon as Rhea and Ranbhir arrive and stand at centre of the hall Pallavi announces “WELCOME TO MY SON’S RANBHIR KOHLI AND ROCKSTAR ABHISHEK PREM MEHRA’S  DAUGHER  ENGAGEMENT CEREMONY”.

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