Inside Mehra mansion

Prachi feels chill down her spine. Her eyes gets teary. Pragya and Shahana  gets confused. Aliya smirks. Ranbir who is still afraid to face Prachi didn’t left her head. Vikram feels bad for Ranbhir and Prachi. Pragya looks at Abhi who is giving her a proud smile as if he has fulfilled his great responsibility as a father. She looks at Prachi emotionally who is disheartened and tries to speak something but stopped by Prachi who signs her no and continues to look at Ranbhir expecting an answer from him. Aryan understands the situation and tries to take Prachi out. But he looks at Shahana who is looking like she is gonna burst out of anger. He understands and takes Shahana out forcefully. Ranbhir slowly lifts his head with his eyes filled with tears and his body shivering, he looks at Prachi. Prachi is looking at him angrily and full of questions. Rhea observs both of them and holds Ranbhir’s hand. Ranbhir feels uncomfortable and tries to take his hand away from her clutches but suddenly Pallavi comes and palces Rhea’s hand in Ranbhir’s hand. Prachi feels bad. Pragya observs her discomfort and says “ go and speak with Ranbhir”. Prachi says “I am leaving”. Pragya says”What?” Saying this Prachi is about to leave but suddenly someone places hand on her shoulder. She gets hopeful thinking it is Ranbhir. She turns and gets shocked seeing Aliya.

Outside Mehra mansion

Shahana who is still held by Aryan tries to free herself and bites Aryan’s hand. Aryan cries “ouch” and leaves her. Shahana tries to run inside but pulled by Aryan when she fights to free herself he pins her tightly to the wall and holds her shoulders. Shahana asks him to leave her. She says “I have to go and confront Ranbhir” and shouts” leave me,leeeeave me”. Aryan gets frustrated and shouts at her “SHUT UP ,SHAHANA”. Shahana gets scared of Aryan’s anger and stays silent as it is the first time she saw him so angry. He continues “Are u mad ,Shahana? I understand whatever u saw, heard and happening inside might be shocking for u. I completely understand. And I know u are very angry at Ranbhir but I want u to know the reason behind for whatever is happening inside”. He calms himself but still holding her continues “I know Prachi is your sister and u felt bad after seeing whatever happened inside. Even I felt bad when I got to know about this. Even I had already considered Prachi as my sister-in-law and Ranbhir considered her as his wife”. Shahana frees herself and asks Aryan sternly “then why is your bhai marrying Rhea?”. Aryan takes a deep breath and says “because of Pallavi aunty”. Shahana says “what?” Aryan continues “yes. U heard me right.” Shahana asks “how is Pallavi aunty’is responsible for this?” Aryan explains everything how Ranbhir became helpless and was forced to promise that he would marry Rhea. Shahana gets shocked learning this and breaks down and says “why?why does always Prachi become victim though she is always everyone’s well wisher. What happened to Pallavi aunty? Why is she hating the person who saved his son by placing her life in danger.” Aryan feels bad and hugs and consoles her.

Inside Mehra mansion

Aliya asks Prachi “where are u going? Don’t u want to attend your sister’s Roka. As an elder sister it is your responsibility to look after everything in your sister’s wedding”. Pragya slowly but angrily says “Aliya”. Abi doesn’t understand what is going on over there as loud music was playing.  He comes there and asks Aliya what was going on. Aliya repiles “Bhai I am just asking Prachi to perform her duty as an elder in her sister’s wedding.” Abhi who is unaware that Rhea came in between Prachi and Ranbhir remembers Rhea’s suicide attempt comes there and says to Pragya “Pragya, I want to speak with my daughter.”. Pragya agrees. Pragya thinks “I know u love Prachi and u will make her to do anything only if she is willing to. And I know Prachi doesn’t want to  attend Ranbhir’s Roka.” Meanwhile Pallavi says “ there will be a few minutes delay as everything is not yet arranged. ” Abhi takes Prachi aside with him and says “I know u are my daughter and I love u”. Prachi says innocently“I know”. And I forgived u for the mistake u have committed. Prachi gets confused and says “mistake?”. Abhi continues “Yes, mistake of coming in between two people who love each other, between Rhea and Ranbhir.” Prachi gets shocked and remembers how Abhi scolded her, how he forgived her so easily, how he shouted at her in the hospital when she went to meet Pallavi and realizes that he neither forgived her for the mistake she did not commit nor he believes in her that she has not done anything. Prachi completely breaks inside. Abhi holds her face and says “so I want u to make up for the msitake u have committed by letting this marriage happen with your hands”. Prachi gets shocked. Abhi leaves from there. Prachi breaks completely.She falls down and starts crying bitterly.

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