At the venue

Kiara goes to meet Sunny. She knocks the door to enter. As no one replies she enters inside and she looks at the clothes arranged in an order to the hangers. She gets impressed with the costumes. She pics a dress to try. She goes to trial room to check. As soon as she goes inside the trial room , Sunny comes there. He hears sounds from trial room he picks up a plastic handler and slowly moves to ambush the person as soon as he/ she comes out of trial room. Kiara comes outside. As soon as she comes out Sunny wraps his one hand one her waist to hold her and the other on her mouth to keep her shut and pins her to the wall he makes her turn to face her and gets shocked seeing her.

“ u?” Sunny shouts.

“ u?” Kiara screams.

“ what are u doing here ?” Both say in unison.

“ what? U are asking me what I am doing in my own cabin?” asks Sunny.

“ So what if its’your…. What? Your cabin? You are the costume designer?”

“ Yes. And u? U are the girl Ishaan told?”

Both gets shocked and say in unison “ OH,MY GOD.” Both of them gets pissed off. Kiara tries the dresses but doesn’t understand what to choose.

Kiara’s pov

“ Though this fellow is an arrogant, dumb-head, he is talented. The clothes he designed are great. They are so great that I am confused which one to wear.”

“ what are u thinking so much? Choose one ?” scrowls Sunny

“ The clothes u designed are so… average. And I am trying to search for the best one among them.” Kiara lies without seeing Sunny as she was bout to say that they are great.

“ Average? U are the first person to say that in my entire career. That’s because of your medicore intelligence. Anyways I don’t have time to waste with u. Do u want any help?” asked Sunny.

“ I don’t want to take the opinion of the person who attacked me and didn’t even apologize.” replies Kiara sternly.

Hearing this Sunny remembers the incident and feels bad.

“ I will call someone who can help u in choosing.” Saying this Sunny leaves from there to bring Prachi. He says it with a bit of guilt in voice which didn’t go unnoticed by Kiara. She feels bad for saying such harsh words to him. Sunny brings Prachi over there for choosing clothes for Kiara. But Kiara who is still in trance doesn’t notice Prachi. Prachi who was in hurry choses a dress for her and leaves from there. After Prachi leaves, Sunny comes to Kiara.

“ Hey, my sister chose this for u, did u like it? Hello, what’s wrong with u?” he jolts her to bring her out of trance.

“ what? What happened?” asks Kiara.

“ where were u lost? My sister came here. She came to chose dress for u. she chose this.” Replies Sunny.

“ what? Your sister? U have a sister? I didn’t notice her. I never knew Purab sir had a daughter too. Any ways, I like the dress chosen by your sister. She has a good taste unlike u. ” Kiara mocks Sunny.

“ she is my sister, but I never told she is Purab Khanna’s daughter. I have two god-gifted sisters. Everyone won’t be related with blood, some can be related by love. And all these dresses are designed by me, including the one in our hands. So if u like it, then u like my choice. U lied my designs were average , right?” Sunny cleverly replies to Kiara.

Kiara smiles.

“ can I ask u something, Mr….” says Kiara.

“ Sunny, My name is Sunny. And go ahead. Ask ?”

Kiara gets some flashes of her past with Sunny. She feels that she has heard that name somewhere. But she comes out of trance.

“ well, people say blood is thicker than water and give more important to blood relationships. But u love your sisters who are not related by blood to u and hate your biological father. So, does really non-blood relationships work?” Kiara asks Sunny thinking about her relationship with Mehra family.

“ According to me, a relation mainly stands on two things. One is love and the other is trust. People who truly love each other, whether it’s wife and husband or brother and sister or mother and daughter, should never lie to each other and should not hide anything from each other which increases trust between them. Then there relation is very strong even if they are not blood related. I would say it would be stronger than the blood relationships.” Saying this Sunny gives a satisfied reply to Kiara.

Kiara gets shocked seeing this side of Sunny. The guy whom she had seen in the office the other day is entirely different from the person who is standing in front of her now. This person seems to be calm and wise unlike the raged and ruthless person the other day she saw. She admires him. Sunny sees Kiara staring at him.

“ hey….., hello, miss…” Sunny just realizes the fact that he doesn’t know the name of the girl with whom he has been speaking for a long time.

“ hello, what is your name?” Sunny asks Kiara.

“ Ki….. Arya” replies Kiara just realizing the fact that she was about to reveal her real name.

“ Kiarya? What sort of name is that?” Sunny teases her knowingly.

“ It’s Arya.”Kiara scowls but then laughs.

She never thought she would talk and laugh with a person who has attacked her. Sunny says something which she didn’t expect him to say.

“ I am sorry for that day. I wasn’t myself. I was possessed with anger…much more of rage and I was impulsive. I hope u can forgive me.” Sunny apologizes with utmost honesty.

“ u have given me such a wonderful suggestion about relationship. So…. I have to give u back something in return. I give u my forgiveness. I forgive u.” replies Kiara.

Sunny feels happy after Kiara forgives him. Both of them gets a weird feeling in each other presence. They feel that this is not their first meeting but they ignore that feeling.

Kiara understands that his harsh side was due to the pain he faced after the loss of his father and he is not bad by nature. In fact he is mature, broad-minded and have a big heart and a pure mind.  Kiara hopes  that if she reveals the truth to Mehras by herself then they will understand her and support her. And she decides to reveal the truth before the concert itself as Kiara feels that Aliya is close to her truth and she feels it would be better to reveal the truth before they find out from someone else.

” Hey, are u an employee in Purab Khanna’s office?” asks Sunny.

” No. that day my guitar fell down because of u. That was gifted by someone whom I respect a lot. So, I got angry and I started following u to deal with u. And I saw u going to Purab sir’s cabin. And… u know what happend after.” replies Kiara.

” Looks like I have to apologize for many things. I am sorry. Hey, how about this?  I will give u an apology treat. what say?”

” Apology treat? No… How about success treat?”

” Success treat?”

“ Yes. Look, I don’t have much wisdom as u, but I would like to give u a suggestion” says Kiara.

“  hmmm. Go ahead.” replies Sunny.

“ well.. by the way u spoke to your father that day, I understood u hate your father but as far as I know he is a good person and I won’t force u to accept my opinion. As an employee it’s my opinion and as a son u have some other opinion. But if u think that your father wants to destroy u or hurt u then he is succeeding.”

“ Hmmm?”

“ well, the way u acted that day, it is not u. I understood it now. That means he succeeded in making u bad. I mean u are not a person who attacks someone innocent. I am not telling this because u attacked me. I am telling this because u might do the same thing once gain. Your hatred will control u. So don’t become what others want u to become, become what u want to become. ” Suggests Kiara.

Sunny was pleased with her suggestion and realized how his hatred to his father changed him. He realizes Kiara is right. He never behaved in a way he behaved the other day.

“ U are right. As u have made me realize this, suggest me how can I solve this?” asks Sunny.

“ Stop hating your father.” Replies Kiara as if it is a piece of cake.

“ ha?”

“ yes, hatred is the cause of problems in everyone’s life. I am not asking u to love your father. I am just asking u not to hate him. Just ignore him. I do the same thing. I ignore the people whom I don’t like. I know it’s difficult because it’s your father in your case but u should give it a try.” Suggests Kiara. Sunny smiles gratefully at her.

“ why are u smiling at me?” asks Kiara innocently.

“ I never thought a girl who has medicore intelligence will be able to give such a smart suggestion for me.” replies Sunny with a laugh.

“ what do u mean? Ha?” she asks him by placing her hands on her hips.

But laughs again with him.

” well, how is this related to the success treat?” He asks Kiara raising his eye brows.

” The day u succeed completely in thus task that is not hating your father, we will have a success treat. what say?” replies Kiara cheerfully.

Sunny agrees. He felt so happy in her presence. He realized that he didn’t get angry with her even though she spoke about his father with him, which surprised him very much. Her cheerfulness makes him remember Kiara.

Kiara’s pov

I don’t know what u said about Purab sir is truth or lie, as I feel he is a very good person. He might have been bad in the past but now he is very good. And u are also good and I think both of u deserve a second chance. I promise u Sunny Khanna, I will unite u with your father. Not only that I will make u and Aryan accept each other whole-heartedly..

Kiara decides to leave and Sunny leaves to his cabin. So she turns to leave but faces something non-ignorable. She sees Prachi supervising a few people.

Kiara shouts “ PRACHI…”

In Shahana’s office

Shahana sees a pic which consists of her, Aryan and Praanbhir. She carasses the pic. She remembers when they were together and remembers how happy Prachi was when she was with Ranbhir. Tears starts rolling from her eyes.

Shahana’s pov

“ I don’t know what I am gonna do is called betrayal or something else. I promised Prachi that I will never do anything which will make Mehras or Kohlis know anything about her. But that’s what I am gonna do. Prachi has never been completely happy since the day we left Delhi. If I do this she might hate me too but in the end she will be happy. I know she loves Ranbhir. If Ranbhir is not married to anyone, I will do everything to make sure that Prachi and Ranbhir will be together, forever.”

At the venue

Prachi gets shock of her life. She realizes she is the same girl for whom her brother asked her to select the dress. Too many questions run in her brain but the utmost important thing for her to do is she has to run from there before everyone notices. Her head gets burdened with too many questions  “ how does she know my name? Does she know my brother? Did she tell him too? Does he know? Is she also related to Mehra family? Who else is over here?” but it didn’t affect the speed of her legs. But Kiara was not slow too. But there was a part in Prachi which felt happy as someone has called her with he real name other than Shahana after so many years, but it doesn’t mean she was not scared. Sunny comes out to check who shouted. By the time he comes there Prachi had disappeared from there but he sees Kiara running.

Sunny’s pov

“ Looks like this mad girl has met someone after a long time. She is running as if someone is running behind her to kill her. ” Sunny smiles.

Unable to run anymore Prachi hides behind a pillar. Kiara comes there but she her legs gets frozen hearing someone’s voice.

“ Kia…” King shouts her name.

“ Dad?” says Kiara shocked and frozen seeing King.

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