In Disha’s house

“ U came home, Sunny? Ok, fine I prepared lunch. Have it and take some rest. And should we both leave together or are u….” Disha stops taking seeing Sunny not listening to her.

Sunny is lost in Arya’s thoughts. He is smiling continuously which surprises Disha as Sunny smiles very rarely after her separation with Purab.

“ Sunny? Sunny?…” She waves her hand in front of his handsome face but he doesn’t move at all. At last she jolts him to bring her out of trance.

” maa,maa… what are u doing? why are u jolting and shouting at me like this? ”  Sunny asks  innocently.

“ wow, great that u can hear me now. I have been calling u since then, but u didn’t give me reply. So, I shouted and jolted u. now tell me, what happened?” asks Disha

“ Nothing mom. It’s just a good day.” Sunny replies with a shy.

“ It’s a good day? Whom do u think I am? Your mother. And mother knows her children very well, more than anyone else. So tell me, what happend?” asks Disha.

“ Ok, fine. But I wasn’t lying. It was really a good day because I met a girl today….. ”Sunny gets disturbed by Disha.

“ A girl?” asks Disha teasingly.

“ come on mom. It’s nothing like you are thinking.” Replies Sunny with a shy-smile on his face.

“ Everyone says the same at the start.” Saying this Disha teases Sunny.

“ Mom?” Sunny gets pissed.

“ Ok, fine . go ahead . I will not say anything. Continue.”  Disha replies..

“ well, she is very cheerful, fierce, rocking, but simple and mature. she is funny but intelligent, she is mad sometimes but the most weird thing was we didn’t feel like strangers when we met.  Leave it, If u want a clear picture of her in a single word, if Kiara would have been alive she would be just like this girl.” Sunny replies emotionally.

Disha and Sunny gets tears remembering Kiara.

“ I miss her(Kiara) mom.” Sunny replies with tears in his eyes .

“ Me too.” Saying this Disha wipes his tears and hugs him.

In Mehra mansion

“ Maa, did u see Arya di?” Rhea asks

“ She went to venue to select her costumes. She will be back soon.” Replies Pragya.

“ No, she is back. ” replies Aryan.

Kiara comes in depressed and completely lost. She doesn’t notice that everyone are seeing her. She just continues to walk in her trance. Finally she is stopped by Abhi.

“ Are u ok, Arya? U do not seem well.” asks Abhi.

“ That…..” Kiara’s words get’s stopped as her throat gets painful after crying bitterly.

“ Why are your eyes swollen and red? Why are u sweating so much? What happened? Did anyone say anything to u?” Tensed Abhi asks Kiara.

Everyone gets worried. They come to her and asks her. Abhi gets angry on Alia thinking that she said something to Kiara.

“  Alia, will u never change? I asked u to not to bother her. I clearly said that Arya should not be stressed or worried before the program. But still u didn’t listen to me.” Abhi shouts at Alia.

Alia gets scared seeing her brother’s rage. At the same time she was angry as he was shouting at her for some stranger that too when she did nothing. Kiara gets tensed seeing Abhi’s anger. She gulps and tries to speak.

“ No sir, she did nothing.” Replies Kiara with a pain in her voice.

“ Then, why are u crying di? ” asks a worried Rhea

“ di, whatever it is tell us . we will handle. U consider us as your little brother and sister, don’t u? Tell us di.” Says anxious Aryan.

Kiara gets emotional and hugs both of them and cries bitterly.

“ Di,di,, what happened? why are u crying like this? ” both Rhea and Aryan asks Kiara.

Kiara gathers herself and wipes her tears but tears doesn’t stop flowing.

“ well, I am tensed about today’s contest. I am tensed whether I will be able to get selected or eliminated on first day of the contest itself.” Lies Kiara.

Everyone gets relaxed thinking what she said is true except Rhea and Aryan. Alia and Meera leave from there angrily. Rhea doesn’t gets convinced with Kiara’s answer but keeps quiet.

Rhea’s  pov

“ I am sure di is lying. She has been worried since a week but still she was having confidence in her. In fact she was always very much confident when it comes to singing.” Rhea remembers how confidently Kiara challenged Abhi when he criticized that she will not able to sing well. “ di, is not like this. If she is doubtful about her music then it is not her. And getting tensed about getting eliminated on the first day itself? She was very confident till morning that she will be able to make it still finals. There is definitely something wrong. I will find out.”

Aryan’s pov

” Di, lied to me about the incident in the office that day? Now about music. I didn’t select her just because of her voice but because of her confidence too. And she has always been confident when it comes about her voice. She challenged chucks. And now she is getting scared that she will lose? Something is definitely wrong. ”

Abhi smiles at Kiara.

“ u foolish girl. Were u worried for such a small thing? I am your teacher and a teacher knows the best about his student. So let me tell u, u will make it easily till finals. And if u work a little hard u will win in finals too. U are getting tensed unneccasarily.” Replies Abhi encouragingly and confidently.

“ and even if u don’t win? It’s not a big deal. Everyone will not gain success in the first attempt itself right?” replies pragya.”

“ Yes, Pragya is right. And u are a young girl. U will get many chances to prove yourself. Stop crying beta.” Says Dadi

Seeing their love for her, Kira gets emotional. She hugs Abhi and cries bitterly.

“ Arrey, we are trying to make u stop crying? But u are crying continuously. Listen, if tears don’t stop from your eyes, then they will start flowing from eyes too. And let me tell u, when tears come from eyes, they start coming from my nose too. So pls stop crying.” Saya Abhi.

Kiara chuckles for a second and stops crying and smiles emotionally at him.  She feels very happy that she got so any people who care so much for her.

At evening

At the quarters

“So, someone who knows bhai, knows u, the real u? But bhai doesn’t know. Are u sure about his?” asks Shahana.

“ yes. Bhai doesn’t know. I confirmed it when I called him.” Replies a worried Kiara.

“ can u identify her, when u see her?” asks Shahana

“ Yes.” Replies Prachi

“ That’s great. If u find her there then let me know. I will deal with it.” Shahana replies.

“ How will u? U are the anchor. And before that if anyone finds out my truth….” asks Prachi

“ well, there is a  male anchor too. I will ask him to manage for some time. And we anchors have break during each song. And on top of it, I will be free for a couple of hours at the start i.e. during the concert. My work starts, when the concert ends and the contest starts. If u are lucky, then we will able to find her before the contest itself.” Replies Shahana seriously.

“ okay. And… why are us so serious? U are the anchor . u should smile a lot.” says Prachi

Shahana smiles. Prachi leaves to get ready.

Shahana’s pov

“ I am sorry Prachi.  I am not doing this not to keep u away from your family but to reunite u with her family. I lost my family when I was a little girl and I still feel painful thinking about it. I don’t want u to feel this. U may feel betrayed but I hope u can forgive me. I can’t take u to them but I will bring them to u. I will find that girl and through her I will contact Mehra family and tell them about u. They will come in search of u. I have made my decision.”

At Mehra mansion

Srinivasans and Kohlis also come to Mehra mansion. Kiara comes down. Elders bless her. Arbir, Rhishti, Ishaank wish her good luck. She looks at all of them as this is gonna be the last moment that she is gonna spend with them. Everyone leaves to the venue.

At  Disha’s house

Disha and Sunny leaves to the venue.

Prachi, Shahana, Kohlis, Mehras, Srinivasans, Khannas reach the venue.

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