At the venue

Kiara gets nervous. Abhi and Pragya place their palms on her head as a blessing. She feels blissful but she remembers something and feels immediate remorse. Aryan and Ranbhir nod their heads in affirmation of start of their mission. Prachi and Shahana start searching for Sunny to know about the girl who called Prachi with her real name. But they couldn’t find him. So they start searching for the girl.

“ The concert will start in a half an hour. I need to go and change my dress. And Arya you should also go to the spot where all the contestants are present. We will meet you once your performance gets finished. Don’t be afraid. Give your best. I am sure u will get selected.” Abhi kisses Kiara’s forehead before she leaves. He hugs Pragya and kisses her too and goes to change his costume.

Purab also goes with him to help if he would need  help with anything. But when Purab  sees Sunny over there he gets shocked. It is the same with Sunny too actually more. He gets angry seeing him. He folds his fist , ready to punch on his face remembering his mother’s pain. But he remembers Kiara’s advice and tries calm himself down.  Ishaan(he was with Sunny) and Abhi  doesn’t understand what’s going on.

“ Purab, what happened? Why did u stop moving? And why are u so shocked?” whispers Abhi.

Before Purab could answer Ishaan speaks.

“ Hi, uncle . we were waiting for u. and this is my friend Sunny singh, costume designer.” Ishaan introduces Sunny to Abhi.

Abhi understands why Purab was so shocked. Abhi gets emotional seeing Sunny after so many years. He caresses his face. As soon as Abhi touches Sunny’s face, Sunny comes out of trance and he also gets emotional. They hug each other with tears still rolling from their eyes.

Ishaan stays perplexed why they are feeling so emotional though they are strangers. He feels he is watching a Chinese movie without English subtitles. But his perplexed looks turns into a fuming look when a girl comes running and hugs Sunny. Abhi and Purab gets surprised and look at each other and at that girl.

“  Rhea, do u know him?” asks a surprised and tensed Abhi.

“ yes, dad. He is Ishaan’s friend….” Before she could say something she was interrupted by Ishaan.

“ Yes, he is my friend so I can hug him but.. but why are u hugging?” asks a grumpy Ishaan.

“ why? What can’t I hug him? Why are u feeling so disturbed? And don’t forget u were the one who introduced me to her.” Asks a giggling Rhea intentionally as she knows he was feeling jealous.

Ishaan doesn’t understand what to say. But Abhi and Purab are least bothered about this as they are scared whether Rhea knows her real relationship with Sunny. If yes, then she will know about the evil side of Aliya and it will be too much for her to handle as she loves Aliya dearly.

“ And dad, do u know him?” asks Rhea puzzled.

“ yes he is Purab’s …relative. ”he prevents himself from revealing the truth and looks at Purab who is still comprehending the situation.

“oh.. Ishaan introduced him to me. I consider him as my elder brother.” Rhea stretches the word brother and looks at Ishaan to see his response.

As Rhea expected, Ishaan gets relieved when he hears her reply. Sunny looks at Rhea affectionately and understands why he felt a strong bond towards Rhea as she was Chuck’s daughter. Joyful tears start rolling from his eyes. He remembers the days when he and Kiara took care of Pragya when she was pregnant and how excited they were to play with the babies and how happy he was when the babies were born. He caresses Rhea and hugs her. Rhea and Ishaan doesn’t understand why Ishaan was feeling so emotional. But she happily hugs him and then turns towards Abhi. Announcement is made that concert will start in fifteen minutes. Abhi hurries to change his costumes and thinks to deal with everything later. Rhea and Ishaan leave from there. Purab and Sunny are standing and ignoring each other like strangers. Sunny tries to control his anger. Purab’s mind is full of thoughts that whether he should talk with him or not or if he talks what will happen? Sunny who is unable to resist his anger closes his eyes and remembers Arya’s words and calms down.

“ Hi sweet heart, what are u doing here? Bhai will get ready by himself. We can go.”

Purab gets shocked seeing Aliya over there. He fells chill down his spine. Sunny opens his eyes and looks at Aliya. His eyes are red and filled with rage to take down the woman who has ruined her mother’s life. He remembers how she used to bother her mom.  Purab gets tensed and doesn’t understand what to do. Aliya looks at Sunny.

“ who are u? ” Aliya ass Sunny contemptly.

Sunny moves towards Aliya. But Abhi saves the day.

“ Hey guys. I am ready. U guys should go and enjoy the show.” Abhi says it with a fake smile in order to handle the situation.

Purab leaves with Aliya reluctantly. Abhi turns towards Sunny.

“ Good luck, Chucks.” Sunny says with a little smile.

“Thank you.  And I will see u later.” Saying this Abhi leaves from there.

Random music is played to keep the audience entertained until the program starts. Aryan and Ranbhir are behind the stage. Ranbhir and Aryan are so restless.

“ Hey, I am the anchor. So I am nervous. But why are u nervous?” Aryan asks Ranbhir.

“ I know u are the anchor. But today we are gonna find information about Prachi. I want this plan to work out.”  Tensed Ranbhir says to Aryan.

“ Relax bro. the plan will definitely work. And where is this RJ Angel? On radio she will be on time. Why is she not here even when the concert is about to start?” Aryan says while searching for the female anchor.

Abhi and the program manager comes there. Aryan asks the manager about the other anchor. He informs Aryan that she will be just before the contest start as she doesn’t have part before that. Aryan groans for the delay of the girl as he was very eager to know about Shahana. He remembers their last meeting and thinks that he doesn’t even know whether she is fine or not after that incident.

Srinivasans, Mehras, Khannas and Kohlis are deciding where to sit. Dida says we will sit a bit far. I can’t tolerate more sound. Everyone agrees except youngsters. They want to stand at the front and don’t want to sit in the seats arranged for the audience behind. But their parents doesn’t agree. So they grumpily goes and sit a bit far. Pragya sees Disha and calls her to sit with them to which Aliya fumes. Disha reluctantly agrees as she can’t say no to her sister. Purab feels blissful as he met his son and love on a single day. But he feels remorse that though they are near him he can’t be with them.

Prachi gets a call from Sunny. Sunny decides to surprise Prachi, Shahana and his mother by introducing them to one another. Prachi who couldn’t hear his voice due to loud music comes  near to the exit point of venue followed by Shahana.

Meanwhile the Concert starts.  Aryan gives the announcement of the concert. Everyone cheers for Abhi. As Prachi and Shahana were far from the podium they couldn’t hear Abhi’s name.

Sunny asks Prachi to meet him in the costume room along with Shahana. She agrees. But Shahana gets a call from the program manager asking her to reach the backstage as soon as possible. Shahana inform about this to Prachi and leaves towards the stage.

Prachi goes to the costume room and finds Sunny over there.

“ Bhai, what happened? Why did u call me and Shahana here?” asks a tensed Prachi.

“ that… hey,did u come alone? Where is Shahana?” asks Sunny.

“ that.. she was called by program manager as she is the anchor. But why did u call us?” asks Prachi.

“ that.. I wanted to watch the concert with u and Shahana. As she is not here, we both will watch it together.” Lies Sunny as he wants to surprise Prachi.

“ Okay. But bhai, won’t the contestants require their costumes? Then..” asks Prachi.

“ No, I sent the costumes to the contestants room and they know which is their costume. So I am not required here. Come on now, we have been working so hard since a month and we have to work until this contest ends, so this is the only time we can enjoy. Come let’s go. ” Saying this Sunny takes Prachi with her.

Prachi and Sunny leave to watch the program. Prachi and Shahana reach where the audience are seated. Sunny starts searching for Disha but Prachi gets a shock of her life. She gets petrified on seeing him. Tears start rolling from her eyes on seeing her father after such a long time. Suddenly her trance is broken by Sunny’s disappointment.

“ Oh… no. why is maa sitting with them?” cries Sunny.

“ Maa? Is your mother here, bhai?” asks Prachi thinking why is she getting so many shocks as gifts.

“ yes… actually I wanted to surprise u and mom by introducing u to each other but now she is sitting over there…. With them.” replies Sunny.

After seeing whom Disha is sitting with, she doesn’t feel a chill down her spine. She feels it all over her body.  She sees her mother. Tears starts rolling from her eyes. She feels like to run into her mother’s arms, but she can’t as she has promised Rhea that she will never return. Then she sees Kohlis and Srinivasans. She starts trembling. She gets more scared and understands that the other business partners of Srinivasans related to this program, are Mehras and Kohlis. But seeing Kohlis , also made her to search for another person. Her first and true love, RANBHIR KOHLI. But she couldn’t find him and gets disappointed. She starts searching for him just for one quick glance. Sunny observs that and asks whom she is searching?

Prachi quickly replies “ No one.”

Prachi sees Rhea and remembers all the bad things she has done to her. Prachi thinks whether she is still the same or has changed? At the same time Sunny notices Rhea and shows her to Prachi saying that she is the same girl with whom he get vibes of a sister just like with Prachi and Shahana. Prachi gets a shock of her life. She feels that the world has got so small that she is unable to take a single breath. The person who trusts her blindly and her friend’s family are connected to the people from her past. The past which she is trying to let go.

By this time Abhi’s concert was almost getting over. There were only fifteen minutes left.

“ Oh God, we have been speaking in the entire concert that it is almost getting over. The contest may start soon. Is Shahana ready? ” Sunny suddenly ask Prachi.

Prachi again feels chill down her spine

Prachi’s pov

“ oh, my God. Shahana is the anchor. If she is seen on the stage…. Oh my God… No,no.. I gota stop her.” thinks Prachi.

“ Bhai, I gotta go. I mean I have to check on Shahana. So I want to go.”blabbers Prachi.

“ But u can call her. “ replies Sunny relaxed.

Prachi calls and tries to speak but Shahana couldn’t hear her due to the concert. She messages her but Shahana doesn’t check. Prachi quickly runs towards the backstage leaving a perplexed Sunny who doesn’t understand why she is running as if a mad dog is running behind her to bite her.

Prachi reaches entry to the backstage. But guards doesn’t allow her as other than staff and participants no one is allowed. Though Prachi was a staff member, she forgot her Id card in the costume room. So she runs to the costume room and finds it locked. So she quickly runs to Sunny for the key saying that she requires her ID card immediately. Sunny gets tensed seeing a tensed Prachi who is perspiring as she has been running. She is exhausted but determined. Sunny gives her the key she runs to the costume room and takes her ID and goes to  the backstage. She is calling Shahana but she doesn’t respond. She goes to the back stage but doesn’t find Shahana over there. She enquires the manger about Shahana but he says that she hasn’t reached yet. She realizes the changing room for anchors is the participants room. She run towards it but dashes with someone and files in the other woman’s hands fell down. While Prachi helps that woman, Shahana passes by and both doesn’t notice each other.

Concert gets completed. Five minutes is given for all the contestants to reach the backstage. Shahana reaches there. But as it was crowded with the participants she fails to notice Aryan and Ranbhir. Manager asks her to stand on the left side of the stage and she informs that the male anchor will come from the other side and both of them should move towards each other and stand in the middle before they start.

Prachi doesn’t fine Shahana over there. One of the participant who was about to leave was enquired by Prachi about Shahana.

“ Hey, did u see this girl?” Prachi asks the girl by showing her Shahana’s pic.

“ Yeah, she left to the podium five minutes back.” Replies the girl shocking Prachi. Prachi who has been running since a long time she got tired. But she tries  her best to run to reach the podium as early as possible.”

Curtains starts to raise on the podium.

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