Abhi leaves to change his dress and doesn’t notice Shahana. Aryan and Shahana are nervous. Prachi is still running but too tired and breathless. She was held by someone when she was about to fall. She was shocked to see Sunny.  She faints.

Curtains are completely raised. Aryan and Shahana move towards each other by facing the audience and fails to notice each other. Mehras, Srinivasans, Kohlis and Khannas are shocked to see Shahana. Srinivasans are shocked to know that RJ Angel is none other than Shahana whom they have known since a long time. Remaining are shocked to see Shahana especially Rhea and Aliya as they were unaware of the truth of Prahana being alive. Pragya gets happy seeing Shahana alive. Tears starts rolling from her eyes, she feels to run towards her and hug her tightly. Pallavi also smiles seeing Shahana as she neither hate nor like Shahana. Everyone gets hope that they will find Prachi soon. But Srinivasans fail to notice the conversations brewing b/w Kohlis, Khannas and Mehras as they were still in a shock knowing RJ Angel is Shahana. Meenakshi gets happy seeing RJ Angel and angry on Prachi for hiding the truth from her knowing that she is a mad fan of RJ Angel. And others were also not interested in Srinivasans conversation.

As Arhana move closer towards each other , they look at each other. Arhana feels a chill down their spine.  Aryan gets delighted seeing her friend after a long time. He wanted to find her but never expected that he would be able to find her so soon. Shahana is aloso very much elated on seeing Aryan. Tears starts rolling from both their eyes. Their emotions were high and inevitable. Both of them wanted to hug each other very badly. Their trance was broken by a photographer asking them to pose together for a photo. They stand next to each other. The photographer asks them to stand close and stand sideways, their backs facing each other and their shoulders touching each other. They look at each other with tears in their eyes and remembering their moments.

Rhea feels strange on seeing Shahana. She neither gets angry nor happy. She doesn’t understand why she is feeling like that. But she gets tensed thinking that if Shahana is alive then prachi also…… and if she is alive then she will reveal her truth. But it not the same with evil Aliya. Her blood starts boiling on seeing her, especially standing next to her son. Though he is not her biological son, he is her son in front of the whole world and she doesn’t want a girl like Shahana to stand next to her.

Aliya’s pov

“ How is this girl alive? Isn’t she dead? She died in that accident. Didn’t she?”

She was about to ask Purab but she sees his face glowing. Purab was elated that his plan was successful, he was happy that Shahana was found and soon they will find Prachi too. Aliya gets confused and sees the expressions on other family members faces. She gets perplexed as the reactions on their faces were not those that were supposed to be. She doesn’t understand what she was missing.

Abhi changes his clothes and leaves to  the judges spot as he is one among them. Sunny takes Prachi to costume room. He sprinkles water on her face. She gains mild-consciousness.

“ Abhigya, Abhigya? Wake up.” Shouts Sunny.

“ Shahana… Shaa… no don’t ……” She whispers so lightly that it was tough for Sunny also to hear and comprehend though he was near her. After a couple of minutes, she gets complete consciousness.

“ what happened? Why did u run like that? What is wrong with u? why are u so desperate to find Shahana?” asks Sunny

“ bhai.. where is she? I have to talk to her. It’s important.” Says a tensed Prachi as soon as she heard Shahana’s name.

“ But how can u meet her? She is on the stage.” Replies Sunny.

“ what?” asks a shocked Prachi.

“ yes. She is on the stage. Just now the contest started. Look.” Saying this he shows TV where the program is getting displayed.

Seeing Shahana and Aryan together on the stage, Prachi feels a chill down her spine. She faints again. Sunny picks her and make her rest on the sofa. He doesn’t understand what’s wrong with his sister. Aryan and Shahana introduce the first contestant and leaves the podium as quickly as possible. They doesn’t do the  anchoring well due to the shock they received.

As soon as they exit the podium Abhi reaches there. He takes his seat beside the remaining judges. Pragya calls to inform him about Shahana. But he doesn’t attend her call as he is not supposed to. Pragya messages him that he will get a surprise when he sees the anchors.

Abhi’s pov

“ Pragya…. u never grow up. What do u think? That I don’t know? I know Aryan in the male anchor. Silly phugi.”

As soon as Shahana reaches the back stage, she runs into the washroom. Aryan comes running delighted and jumps on Ranbhir scaring him. He put him down on the floor and hugs him rolling on the ground. Everyone starts laughing at them. Kiara also comes there hearing everyone laughing.

“ Hey, Aryan, Aryan. What is wrong with u? why are u acting like this? Listen I am a true and a capable man. Doing this, u are insulting me.” complains Ranbhir.

“ what ? what are u blabbering? Who said u are not a man? But you are my brother too. So I can hug and kiss u when I am happy.” Tells elated Aryan.

“ What? Kiss? Have u……” asks Ranbhir but gets interrupted by Aryan’s kiss on his cheek.

“ Yuck… what are u doing,Aryan? get up, get up or I will beat u to pulp. Get up, yaar.” Shouts Ranbhir wiping his cheek on which Aryan kissed.

Aryan  gets up and he sees Kiara. He runs into her arms and hugs her. Before he kiss Kiara Ranbhir stops him.

“ Aryan! Yaar, stop it. What’s wrong with u? look around.” Tells Ranbhir.

Aryan sees everyone laughing at him. He gets embarrassed. Ranbhir makes everyone leave from there.

“ Now, tell me. what happened? Did u forget our mission? Where is that girl……RJ Angel? You know how she looks, right? Come let’s go meet her…. ” Ranbhir stops talking on seeing Aryan smiling at him.

“ why are u smiling?” asks Ranbhir confused. Kara also stares at him perplexed.

“ Relax Ranbhir. Listen, we were supposed to find two girls, right? Now we have to find only one.” Replies Aryan.

“ You mean u found Prachi.” Asks an excited Ranbhir.

“ No, Shahana right?” replies Kiara sternly.

“ yes, di. U are right.”replies an excited Aryan but his smile, vanishes  when he sees Kiara’s smile which evidently says that she is trying to make him accept that he loves Shahana.

“ what? U met Shahana? But… u were with me till u left to the stage. And after ………. Wait, what u mean in RJ Angel is Shahana?” asks an excited Ranbhir.

Aryan nods in affirmation. Manager comes and interrupts their conversation.

“ Listen, boy. The first performance is gonna end. So get on to the stage and listen, I don’t know what happened before that u couldn’t do well but this time I want u both to do well. And where is that girl?” saying this manager starts searching for Shahana who comes there running.

Aryan shows Shahana to Ranbhir and Kiara. Ranbhir and Shahana gets happy seeing each other. But she quickly leaves as the performance of the contestant ends. Both Aryan and Shahana get onto the stage. Abhi gets shocked seeing Shahana on the stage and understands the meaning of Pragya’s message. He gets delighted on seeing her. Shahana gets shocked on seeing Abhi as one of the judges. She was unable to speak anything. Aryan understands her state and he speaks her lines. They exit the stage. Shahana feels dizzy as soon as she exits the stage and she is held by Kiara. Kiara makes her sit on the chair. Manager comes there and starts shouting at Shahana for not doing well on the stage. Kiara tries to deal with him nicely but he doesn’t listen. Aryan and Ranbhir come there.

“ She is not feeling well. So she wasn’t able to perform well. And anyways I said her part. And I guess this is a singing competition and not for anchoring.” Says Aryan with a dreadful look.

“ how dare u. don’t forget that u are a mere anchor and I am the manager.” Shouts Manager.

“ I am Aryan Khanna. Son of Purab Khanna.” Relplies Aryan.

Manager gets scared learning his identilty and leaves from there.

“ Hey, how are u feeling now?” asks Kiara.

“ I am fine.” Saying this Shahana looks at two handsome faces in front of her.

Tears start rolling from her eyes. She feels to hug both of them but her guilt stops her. But a pair of friendly arms gets wrapped around her. Ranbhir hugs her. Shahana also hugs him back. She feels that she is forgiven. Both of them cry. After Ranbhir leaves her, Shahana turns towards Aryan expecting him also to forgive him. She stands.

“ Aryan…” Shahana was interrupted by a phone call.

Shahana gets tensed on seeing the call is from Prachi. Aryan and Ranbhir observe the tension on her face and grabs the phone from her hands. They see Prachi’s name. Arhana and Kiara look at Ranbhir. Ranbhir was struck in between  happiness and pain. His vision get blurred with tears. Aryan takes the phone from Ranbhir.

“ U speak? If she hears anyone of our voices she will run again. And, on the speaker.” Aryan says to Shahana.

Shahana takes Prachi’s call.

“ Hello…” says Shahana.

“ Hello Shahana.” A male voice comes from the other side shocking Arbhir and Kiara.

“ Bhai? How do u have Prachi’s phone?” asks Shahana.

“ Prachi and I wanted to watch the concert together. But when we were about to watch the show she wanted to find u madly. She ran too much and she fainted. I am with her. I wanted to take her home but someone has called  for something important. I don’t know how long will it take, so can u send any of your friends here to take care of her until I return.”

Arhana, Kiara and Ranbhir understands that Prachi know the truth of Mehras , Kohlis and Khannas being here and she tried to stop Shahana from being exposed but failed. Ranbhir feels painful on hearing that Prachi fainted. Ranbhir taps Shahana and points towards himself. Shahana understands.

“ Yes, bhai. I will send a friend of mine . Don’t worry. U can leave from there.” Saying this Shahana cuts the call.

“ ok. I will go. Where is that costume room Shahana?” asks Ranbhir.

Shahana tells him and he leaves from there. Ranbhir runs towards the costume room.  He runs as fast as he can with all his might  to see the love of his life. Arhana and Kiara smile at him. Shahana thanks god for fulfilling her wish so soon. Meanwhile Prachi gains consciousness. She wakes up and sees Sunny. Sunny asks her to take rest and leaves from there closing the door. After a couple of minutes, Prachi gets up and decides to go and meet Shahana. Ranbhir comes near the door. Prachi opens the door to leave.


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