At Mehra mansion

In Purab’s room

Alia’s pov

“ I am not going to leave that Shahana. How dare she spoils all my plans? And this Aryan, how dare he goes against me? I accepted another  woman’s son just for my benefits. I will not let this humiliation go so easily. I will destroy their lives. ”


“ u didn’t bless them?” says Purab who has just come there.

“ I didn’t want to.” Says Alia curtly.

“ of course,  for a woman who always speaks bad and curses others, it would be very difficult to bless even if it is her own child. Isn’t it?” asks Purab increasing Alia’s anger.

“ Purab…” Alai gets topped by Purab.

“ I know what u are thinking? Don’t u dare think that your dirty plans will succeed this time. U have ruined my life. I lost one son. But I will not let u ruin Aryan’s life. He got his happiness, his true love and I will do everything to make sure that his happiness doesn’t get ruined by a cruel woman like u, even if I have to become what I am not.” warns Purab.

“ Purab.. ”shouts Alia.

Purab splashes water on her face and pours the remaining water on her head.

“ looks like u are burning with anger and jealousy. Something that can help u to cool u down.”saying this he goes smiling to change his clothes.

Rhea is scurrying in her room thinking about what happened.

Rhea’s pov

“ Prachi is back. She hasn’t revealed the truth yet but it doesn’t mean she will not. What to do? Everyone would have slept. I must go and talk to her now.” Rhea leaves to Prachi’s room.

In kitchen

Ranbhir’s pov

“ Prachi didn’t eat anything after she came back. She must be hungry. I will take dinner for her and I will be able to speak with her too.”

He takes the food to prachi’s room.

Rhea knocks the guest room. Prachi opens the door.

“ Rhea? What are u doing here?” asks Prachi.

“ shouldn’t I be the one asking this?” saying this Rhea enters into the room.

“ Rhea, I know u are angry with me. trust me, I didn’t want to return. If it wasn’t for Shahana being helpless I would have never revealed myself.” Says Prachi.

“ shut up. First, that Shahana got married to Aryan and ruined booji’s  happiness. Well, I should learn seducing techniques from u? U even tried for Ishaan.how u and that Shahana are able to seduce rich boys so easily?” says Rhea.

“ Shut up rhea…”saying this Prachi raises her hand but stops herself.

“I know how cunning u are. Shahana is just an excuse. U wanted dad to find u right? If u really wanted to be not founded then u would have never come to Aryan’s wedding.” argues Rhea.

“ Aryan is my brother too. I just wanted to attend his wedding….” Prachi gets interrupted.

“ u did right by coming.” Voice comes from the door. It’s Ranbhir.

“ well, Rhea, why are u so unhappy that Prachi attended the wedding? ”asks Ranbhir to which Rhea gets tensed.

“what are u doing here?” asks Prachi.

“ well, I brought dinner for u. u didn’t eat anthing.”saying this Ranbhir shows her the plate piled with food making Prachi smile and Rhea fumes.

“ I am feeling sick. I am leaving.” Saying this Rhea is about to leave.

“ well, you are always sick.” Says Ranbhir to which Rhea turns and gives an angry look and leaves from there.

After Rhea leaves Ranbhir turns towards Prachi.

“ dinner?” asks Ranbhir.

“ I will have , u go and sleep.”says Prachi.

“ no problem, I can wait. I am not feeling sleepy anyway and I want to make sure that you finish your dinner. So start eating. ” says Ranbhir.

“ but Ranbhir if anyone sees u here or if Rhea says to anyone then….” Prachi gets interrupted by Ranbhir.

“ nothing will happen and how much u will speak? I better close your mouth.” Saying this Ranbhir feeds her the food.

“ did u have your dinner?” asks Prachi.

“ yes…” he lies which Prachi understands.

“ I know u are lying. U didn’t have your dinner, right?” asks Prachi to which Ranbhir nods.

Prachi feeds him.

“ are u worried about Mishti?”asks Prachi.

“ hmm. Till yesterday I imagined her getting married to Aryan but everything changed today. I am so angry that she has hidden this matter from me, at the same time I am happy that she got married to the person she loves and worried how she is there now? I mean I don’t know Srinivasans so well. I just hope she is fine and happy.” Says Ranbhir.

“ don’t worry, I know Srinivasans, they are very nice. They are pure form heart. Meenakshi aunty loves me like her own child. Just think if she has treated me so well, how well she will treat her daughter-in-law. In these two years they have always helped me whenever required and Ishaan is my bf…..” Says Prachi.

“ BF?”shouts Ranbhir.

“ hmm, best friend. What did u think?” replies Prachi.

“ oh,thank god. I also thought the same thing. By the way, how close are u?” asks a jealous Ranbhir.

“ why are u asking this?” asks a confused Prachi.

“just tell me. I want to know how u both became friend and everything. ”orders Ranbhir.

“ well, Sunny bhai and Ishaan has been friends for a long time. And then coincidentally I joined their office. Then we got close….” Prachi gets interrupted.

“ close?” scrowns Ranbhir.

“I mean like friends. As Sunny bhai and Ishaan has been friends for a long time  all Srinivasans knew bhai too. Like that I got to know all the Srinivsans. And then Meenakshi aunty wanted me to marry Ishaan….”Prachi gets interrupted again.

“ what? Did u agree? What was his answer? Do u like him? No, u don’t like him. I know. Then u should have said no. what did u say? Why are u quiet ? speak out.” Blabbers Ranbhir making Prachi laugh.

“ this is not fuuny.” Says Ranbhir.

“ yes, it’s not funny.”says Prachi trying to stop laughing.

“ now tell me, what was your answer?”asks Ranbhir

“ well, we did courtship and  it didn’t workout. So we are back to friends zone.” Says Prachi.

“ u did courtship with him?U are gonna stay away from him.” Orders Ranbhir.

“ what? But why?” asks Prachi.

“ can’t u just do anything without asking any questions?” asks Ranbhir moving close to her.

Prachi agrees to his orders.

“ well, thanks for the date.” Says Ranbhir.

“ Date?” asks Prachi.

“ we had dinner together, alone. I guess that can make a countable tryst. Well, this is not enough. I want more.” Saying this he kisses Prachi on her cheek and  says “ I am happy that you’re back.” He leaves from there. Prachi is still surprised by his unexpected kiss.

Meanwhile in Disha’s house

“ So, Shahana is maasi’s adoptive daughter?”asks Sunny to which Disha nods in affirmation

“ And she was staying here as your sister?” asks Kiara to which Sunny nods in affirmation.

“ U made Aryan realize that he loves Shahana and u were helping him and Ranbhir to find Prachi and Shahana?”asks Disha to which Kiara nods in affirmation.

“ they should have said me earlier itself…..” Sunny gets interrupted by Kiara.

“ yes, then it would have been easy for me to find them.” Says Kiara.

“ if they would have told me, I would have hidden them very well.” Says Sunny.

“ what? Thank god they didn’t tell u or else Aryan and Shahana would have never been together.” says Kiara.

“ Listen, u don’t know anything about that Alia Mehra. She will not let this go easily. She will torture Shahana till she leaves Aryan. Just think, she couldn’t tolerate a middle-class woman in her brother’s life, what she will do to the one entered into her son’s life without her will? I care about Shahana more than u care for Aryan. I want her to be safe.” Says Sunny angrily and leaves form there. Disha tries to stop him but she was unable to. Kiara follows him.

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