KKB FF – The path destiny shows (Chapter 2)

Hi friends thank you for your comments you are giving me energy to write.Twinkle asked me for long updates I am nineth there are more work for me but I will try.

Back to story

Kholi mansion

Ranbir: Prachi I will drop you

Prachi:ok ranbir

(Ranbir heart neared faster)

Ranbir:are you sure you want to go

Prachi:Yes ranbir you don’t worry.

Pallavi: ranbir I want to go doctor to get your father’s reports drop me

Ranbir:but mom

(Prachi catches ranbir hand and said no)

Ranbir:I will come mom

Ranbir:how can I send you alone

Prachi:it’s ok ranbir I will go

(Prachi bid bye to ranbir and went)

Ranbir pov

(Why I am feeling like this why I feel that something bad is going to happen)

In road

Abhi:I am not going to leave that Gaurav today

Pragya pov

I am feeling different I think something bad is going to happen I have to stop abhi.

Tanu is ousted

Suddenly Abhishek car stopped


Gaurav:Yes abhi

Abhi:I am not going to leave you today

Gaurav:I am also abhi

Gaurav takes a gun

Abhi:you are using a gun to destroy me

(Gaurav points the gun towards abhi)

Gaurav:bye abhi today is your last day

He pressed the gun


Gaurav oppened his eyes abhi was fallen down

Precap : family shattered

(It will be interesting when new characters come)

Thank you friends for reading

Bye by your laksha

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