Kkb (Love of Life) Episode 26

Hey guys! So yesterday I wasn’t able to post anything as I was busy in my besties birthday party so sorry for that and I read comments so someone said that the characters are same as Hatred to Love so I just want to say that there is no harm in having same characters at least my story is different….it is based on it so characters will obviously be same and a little plot of the story will also be same and this was clearly mentioned by me when I started this fan fiction
…And don’t worry Kiara will not be bad in the eyes of Mehras like in “HTL” she will be loved and will unite very soon with Mehras …. It’s all about Pranbir and Ishaan character is paired opposite to Rhea and is for jealousy track for Pranbir…..And I would like to thank everyone for showering their immense love on me (Rashmika, Prachi, Pragya, Pooja ,Anum,Pranbir, Ashi, Aisha,Esie,Lakshaya and many more)… I remember there are others also but I forgot their names so forgive me but pls so comment and if you have any queries you may ask, I will surely reply to you and one of you wanted me to msg you on your gmail and if you are reading it pls tell me your gmail I am not aware of your mails except Rashmika as she often messages me on tellyupdate so I can’t msg you until you tell me your gmail or msg on tellyupdate… And lastly I wanna wish everyone of you happy belated friendship day ❤.. You people mean a lot to me and I wish that you people always remain happy and safe with your loved ones..

So let’s begin today’s episode…

In Mumbai at Shrinivasan Mansion
Prachi & Ishaan reach the Mansion they both hurriedly enter the mansion but get surprised to see Meenakshi fit and fine standing at her feets and doing chores.
Ishaan rushes towards Meenakshi and hugs her.
Amma! Why are you working just sit you have got hurt but still says Ishaan while ordering Meenakshi.
Prachi – Yes aunty you should not work in this state and if there is anything pls tell me, I’ll do it for you.
Meenakshi was totally confused she tries to speak but was interrupted by Ishaan.
And who allowed you to do work, where is appa says Ishaan. He calls out his dad and Shashank.
Ishaan (angerily) – What aapa, how can you be so careless? Amma has got hurt and still she is working and Shashank you also, no one even bothered to look at her once.
Mr. Srinivasan – But Ishaan what happened and Meenakshi when did you get hurt?
Meenakshi – I myself don’t know it, Abhigya and Ishaan came and then made me sit and said that I have got hurt.
Ishaan and Prachi look at each other with a confused look, suddenly Shashank starts laughing loudly.

Just look at yourself bhai, you are looking so funny says Shashank laughing.
Ishaan and Prachi understand that this all was done by Shashank.. Ishaan starts running after Shashank, Mr. Srinivasan and Meenakshi get confused.
Abhigya help me to catch him cries Ishaan.
Prachi rushes toward Shashank both of them were chasing Shashank. Prachi slips but is held by Ishaan both share an intense eye – lock. Meenakshi gets happy on seeing Prachi in Ishaan’s embrace. But their lovely moment was disturbed by Shashank.
Bhai I am here says Shashank.
Prachi & Ishaan get back to their normal positions both again start chasing Shashank.. Finally they get a hold of Shashank… Ishaan pulls Shashank ears and takes him to the hall.
Ouchh! Amma say bhai to release my ears it is paining says Shashank in pain.
Meenakshi – Kanna leave him..
No amma you don’t know what he has done with me he needs some beating then only he will improve says Ishaan.
Prachi – Ishaan I know he fooled us but don’t do this he is getting hurt.
Ishaan releases Shashank ears on Prachi’s saying.. Shashank stands close to Prachi as he feels that she can protect him.
Shashank – Thank you Abhigya you saved me today.
Meenakshi – Will anyone tell me about what you are talking?
Ishaan explains the whole incident to Meenakshi & Mr. Shrinivasan, they both start laughing.
Ishaan – Why are you laughing amma and appa?
Meenakshi – Kya Ishaan you believed it to be true!
Ishaan – Yes amma, I thought that amma that you really got hurt.
Meenakshi – This Shashank is enough for me and if I would I hv got hurt I would call you first kanna, and after that anyone else.
Ishaan hugs Meenakshi .
Prachi – So I guess I should leave now.
Meenakshi – Right now? Abhigya you just came stay for a little while.
Prachi – No aunty, I’ll surely come next time bhaiya must be worried for me actually I didn’t inform him anything so I need to leave.
Meenakshi – Okay kanna but you will surely come next time whenever you’ll get time.
Ishaan – Chalo then I will drop Abhigya to her house.
Ishaan and Prachi leave.. After some time Prachi reaches home.
Shahana and Sunny – Where were you Abhigya?
Prachi narrates them the whole incident that happened in Srinivasan Mansion.
Thank god aunty is fine. Abhigya you must be tired, go and have sleep and Shahana same is the instructions for you says Sunny ordering Prhana.
They all go to sleep.
While in Mehra Mansion
The same night
Pragya was passing by from Kiara’s room when she notices her, she enters in the room and places her head properly on pillow when she was about to leave Kiara holds her hand in sleep. Pragya looks at her and gets emotional.
Pragya’s POV
She is exactly like Kiara, same nature, same habits and same cuteness, I wonder how she is exactly like my Kia. When today she entered the mansion I felt like Kiara was very close to me..
Her thinking was interrupted by Abhi who enters the room on finding Pragya there.
What are you doing here asks Abhi loudly.
Pragya signs him to be quiet.. Abhi sees Pragya sitting next to Kiara who was slept, he goes and sits on the other side of Kiara.
Pragya slowly says suniye who is she?
Abhi laughs at this question, she is Arya,  Rhea introduced her to everyone and you were also present at that time I guess because of your old age your memory is getting weak says Abhi laughing.
Pragya – Kya aap bhi na, I know that she is Arya but I am asking about her parents!
Abhi – Well she didn’t tell much about her parents but I know that she is from London and she eloped from her house because her dad is very possessive and doesn’t allow her to go out or enjoy her life.
Pragya gets shocked to know that she is from London…
She is exactly like our Kia, you know when I met her I felt like that Kia was close to me says Pragya emotionally.
Abhi – Her nature is like Kiara but she can’t be her and you know this very well why I am saying this.
His eyes gets filled with tears he goes from there .
Pragya – Mumma misses you Kia, I wished that you and Prachi were with us.
She sees Kiara,caresses her face and leaves from there.
The next Morning
In the Mehra Mansion
A bright ray of sunlight falls on Kiara’s face which disturbs her sound sleep, she opens her eye and sees the watch and gets shocked…
Ohh God it’s already nine and I am still sleeping, Kiara get up everyone must be waiting at breakfast table says Kiara to herself..
She gets up and goes to take bath, after that she gets out of her room and heads towards the kitchen.. While she was moving through the corridors she sees Aryan talking to a pic and stops on hearing his voice.
Aryan talking to the pic in his hand – It’s been an year, why did you leave me? Without you my life is boring and I don’t like anything, you promised me that whenever you will leave you tell me, and if you were to leave I would never let you go anywhere but you broke your promise and left me.

Kiara was totally confused but at the same time curious to see the person whose pic Aryan was holding. She was not able to see the pic clearly and makes a plan to see it.. She calls Rhea and asks her to do what she said.. Rhea obeyed her and somehow managed to get Aryan out of the room.. Kiara searches the whole room but was unable to find the pic and at last after many hard trials she found the pic and looks at it and gets happy.
So this the person whom Aryan was missing, she is so cute , aww.. Her smile is killing and she is so so beautiful..they all look so beautiful with each other says Kiara looking at the pic..
Suddenly she hears someone footsteps and gets out of the room with pic in her hand. After sometime everyone gather at the breakfast table and eat their breakfast.
Abhi – Arya so today you are coming with me in my office and we will rehearse for the concert, so are you ready?
Kiara (happily) – Yes sir!
Abhi – So let’s  leave.
Rhea – Dad can I also come with you and di?
Abhi – Yaa sure princess, why not..
Rhea gets happy and hugs Kiara who was sitting next to her…Pragya and Abhi get happy by seeing them together..

Precap – Kiara holds Aryan’s hand and takes her to the room, she starts scolding him…Kiara learns about Prachi and Shahana’s accident.   

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