Kkb (Love of Life) Episode 32

In the previous episode Rhea sees Prachi but Prachi doesn’t notice Rhea.. Rhea was left in tears in the place, Ishaan comes there and was shocked to see her.. He rushes her to his cabin where Sunny and Kiara were also sitting they get shocked to see her..
So let’s begin today’s episode.
Ishaan rushes Rhea to his cabin.. Rhea’s eyes were completely filled with tears and she was still shocked to see her sister alive… Sunny and Kiara get shocked to see Rhea  and they immediately get up and rush towards Rhea.
Kiara – Rhea!
They make her sit,  Ishaan brings water for her.. She drinks it and looks around, she sees Kiara standing next to her and immediately hugs her and starts crying, all were shocked to see her behavior. Kiara caresses her and looks at Rhea who was continuously crying.
Kiara – Rhea what happened, why are you crying?
Rhea (crying) – Dii she is alive.. Dii she is alive..
She continues to say this statement while crying. Ishaan, Sunny and Kiara were totally confused about what Rhea was saying.
Who is alive? asks Sunny with a calm voice.
Rhea didn’t respond but continues to say she is alive.
Ishaan gets worried for her and suggests everyone to take her home.
Everyone agrees to this.
While Prachi after completing her work was feeling hungry and decides to go to the restaurant.
In the restaurant
Prachi goes inside the restaurant and sits on a table, she orders a few dishes for her and then decides to call Ishaan.. She calls Ishaan.
On call.
Prachi – Hey Ishaan.. How are you? I know it’s been very long since I called you, I am sorry and I promise I will surely come tomorrow to your house.
Ishaan (tensed) – Abhigya, you know I am fine but everything is not fine (he describes the whole incident to Prachi).
Prachi – What? Is that girl fine now, you just wait I am leaving from here maybe I can help.
Ishaan (relieved) – Thanks a lot.
Prachi – Bye.
Ishaan – Bye.
Prachi gets up from the table and was
about to leave when she collides with someone, she turns back to see who the person was and was shocked to see his face…. It was Ranbir, the person whom she loved to the core of her heart, she was very happy to see him , tears start scrolling from their eyes (Ranbir & Prachi). They move a little closer to each other. Ranbir touches Prachi and caresses her face. His hands were trembling, Prachi was left in tears and was simply standing there with a smile on her face… All their past moment were coming in front of their eyes. But the smile on Prachi’s face vanishes when she remembers the betrayal which Ranbir gave her.. She steps back while Ranbir was still holding her hand.. She frees her hand and gives a angry look.
Ranbir (emotionally)- Prachi, you are alive… Where were you for so many days and why didn’t you return back?
Prachi – Yes, I am alive ,are you unhappy to see me alive?… I know you never wanted me to be alive and why should I return , so that you can give  me more pain.. That’s enough of you Ranbir Kohli, you have given me sufficient pain and now let me leave peacefully.
Ranbir – Prachi what are saying? Now I won’t let you go, come with me. (He holds her hand and tries to take her with him)
Prachi – Leave me Ranbir! (She frees herself) .. I don’t want to come back.
Ranbir – But why Prachi?
Prachi (with anger) – Because I hate you and I am very happy without you.
Prachi leaves from there with her eyes filled with tears, she takes a taxi and heads back to her house.
Ranbir tries to follow her.

While in the Shrinivasan Mansion
Ishaan, Rhea, Kiara and Sunny reach the Shrinivasan Mansion.. Rhea was still crying.. All of them enter the Mansion.. The sound of Rhea’s cries catches everyone’s attention, all of them turn back to see who was crying and was shocked to see Rhea.. Abhi and Pragya rush towards Rhea and hug her tightly, Sunny was confused to see Abhi and Pragya with Rhea as he wasn’t aware that Rhea was their daughter.
Sunny (slowly in Kiara’s ear) – Why are chucks and massi hugging Rhea?
Kiara (feebly) – Yar, she is their daughter so they will obviously hug her.
Sunny was shocked to learn the truth but at the same time happy to know that Rhea was his sister..
Abhi and Pragya make her sit while Ishaan sits beside Rhea.
Pragya (tensed) – Rhea what happened baccha why are you crying?
Rhea repeats the same statement again (she is alive)
Abhi and Pragya were totally confused.. They ask Kiara and Ishaan about it.. Ishaan describes the whole incident to them..
Abhi (calmly) – Princess who is alive?
Rhea looks at him with teary eyes and finally speaks the name – Dad Prachi is alive.
All were shocked to hear this while Sunny was totally confused about who is Prachi..
Abhi – Rhea that is not possible.
Rhea – Dad but I saw her believe me, and dad please bring her back.
Abhi – Rhea it can be your imagination..
Rhea (shouts) – No dad, Prachi is alive.
Yes she is right, Prachi is alive they hear a voice from the back.. It was Ranbir, he comes forward..
Pragya’s eyes were completely filled with tears, she goes near Ranbir.
Pragya (crying) – Ranbir, are you saying the truth, Prachi is alive.
Ranbir – Yes aunty she is alive.
Abhi – Where is she, and why didn’t you bring her back?
Ranbir –  Chief I tried but she refused to come back.
Ishaan – But why she refused?
Rhea – Because of me. (She gets up and goes near Ranbir) .. Ranbir, please bring her back (she cries) .
Ranbir tries to console her.
Ranbir – Rhea, calm down.. Just tell me where did you see Prachi?
Rhea – In Ishaan’s office.
Kiara – What?
Rhea – Yes dii when I was attending the call she collided with me, I guess she didn’t notice me .
Kiara – Ishaan is there any girl working in your office named Prachi?
Ishaan thinks a little and says : No.
Kiara – Sunny, under your department.
Sunny – No Arya..
Abhi and Pragya were confused to see Sunny.
Abhi – Arya who is he?
Kiara – Sir actually he is Ishaan’s and mine friend.
Abhi – Okay.
Sunny glares at Kiara… Just then Purab and Aryan enter there, Purab gets emotional on seeing Sunny while Sunny feels chilled down his spine on seeing Purab he was about to burst in anger when Kiara holds his hands and signs him no… Aryan sees Rhea and goes near her..
Aryan – Rhea, what happened ?
Rhea – Aryan, Prachi is alive.
Aryan gets happy on hearing this.
Aryan – What Prachi is alive, where is she?
Rhea – She is not here, we have to find her.
Aryan – What do you mean?
Rhea describes the whole incident to Aryan..
Kiara – Prachi is neither working in Ishaan’s office not in Sunny’s office so it is obvious that Prachi has changed her name and is living with different identity.
Ishaan – Yes dii, this is possible.
Sunny – Haan toh I can call Abhigya maybe she can help us.
Ishaan – She said that she was coming maybe she is stuck in some work.
Sunny – Hmm, that’s possible.
While Prachi reaches homes.
She directly rushes to her room while Shahana follows her.
Shahana – Prachi what happened?
Prachi – Shahana you won’t believe, that today I saw Ranbir.
Shahana – What, how is it possible, means Ranbir in Mumbai? Was there anyone else with him?
Prachi – No, he was alone. I think that he is here for some work and I know that he will be searching for us, we need to do something.
Shahana – But what can we do? Didn’t he say you to come back?
Prachi – It’s his past habit to show fake concern, just leave it tell me something.
Shahana – Prachi I think that we should tell bhai everything.
Prachi – Shahana have you gone mad, this isn’t the right time and I promise that I will tell the truth to bhai myself when time will be right.
Shahana – But what will we do now?
Prachi and Shahana think to do something..
While in Shrinivasan Mansion
Everyone decide to find Prachi and Shahana secretly while Sunny holds Kiara’s hand and takes her to a room.
Kiara – Sunny what happened, why did you bring me here?
Sunny – First you tell me that why did you lie to chucks and massi, why didn’t you tell my real identity to them?
Kiara – You are talking about that, idiot just use your brain a little, you are Purab’s uncle son this truth is known to me, you and Purab uncle and if I would have revealed your real identity than what would you say to Ishaan, Rhea and the others, just think about it.
Sunny realises that Kiara was right.
Sunny – Thank you!
Kiara – Thank you, for what?
Sunny – For saving me today, I thought that you are dumb but you have brain. (He teases Kiara)
Kiara (angry) – What am I dumb?
Sunny – You seem to be. (He laughs)
Kiara – Sunny you just wait.

Sunny starts running while Kiara chases him within the room.. Sunny was standing right in front of bed and was about to leave when suddenly Kiara slips and falls on him, they both fall on the bed and burst out laughing while being in same position. After sometime they realise their position and get back to normal one, they both again look at each other and leave from there while laughing… Purab who notices them was very happy to see his son laughing for the first time a smile crepes on his face. Suddenly Sunny realises that he had something to ask from Kiara.

Sunny – Arya, Rhea was crying for a girl named Prachi ,who is she?
Kiara – Sunny, actually I don’t know the whole thing what exactly happened but I know that Prachi is Rhea’s elder twin and she met  with an accident a year ago and from that day everyone assumed her to be dead but now when Rhea and Ranbir met her it means that she is alive.
Sunny was sad on knowing what happened with one if his sisters.
Sunny – But if she is alive, why didn’t she return?
Kiara – I also don’t know that, there must be some reason.
Sunny – Hmm.

Kiara and Sunny come down stairs. Rhea was happy as Prachi was alive she decides to apologize to Prachi for her wrong deeds and make everything fine between them… After sometime Sunny bids farewell to everyone and leaves for his house. After sometime Kiara realises something and takes Aryan with her to talk to him.

Kiara – So Aryan are you happy?
Aryan – Yes dii I am very happy after all Prachi is alive.
Kiara – So  will you back-off from your marriage?
Aryan – What, but why?
Kiara (in a calm voice) – I know you don’t love Mishti and if Prachi is alive so it means Shahana is also alive, and one day we will surely find both of them so what will you do, when Shahana will come back?

Aryan turns back and gets happy that Shahana was also alive but the smile on his face vanishes on remembering his mother faith in him and his wedding with Mishti.

Aryan – Dii, if Shahana will return than also my decision will be same, I don’t love Shahana we are just friends. I won’t back off from the marriage.
Saying this Aryan leaves from there.
Kiara was annoyed on hearing his answer.

Kiara’s POV
This Aryan is exactly like Sunny, khruss… He will never-ever accept the truth. But Kiara you need to do something else he will spoil his life along with Mishti’s . But what to do? Think Kiara think something..

She leaves from there thinking about what to do.

Precap- Prachi meets the Mehra family and unites with them.. Sunny and Prachi keep a promise… Aryan gets jealous to see Shahana with someone….(Guess who? )

Guys did you hear the news that Zeeshan aka Aryan left kkb… He is gonna be one of the participants of Big Boss OTT.. Pls do support him… And watch bb if interested.. And if you don’t watch no problem but when it’s time for voting pls vote for Zee.. I am a die hard fan of him and want him to win the show…I am really sad that he left kkb 😔.. Don’t know what will happen to his character but also happy as he is in bbOTT

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