Kkb (Love of Life) Episode 34

After Prachi and Shahana head towards their rooms.. After some time Shahana leaves for her office. While Rhea comes to meet Prachi..

Rhea knocks the door – Can I come in.
Prachi sees her and gets emotional – Rhea come..
Rhea (emotionally)- Woh, Prachi whatever happened downstairs…

Prachi remembers how Rhea hugged her and interrupts her in between.

Prachi (with teary eyes) – I know what you want to say, you don’t need to repeat it, I still remember we are not sisters and I am nobody to you and your dad and the most important thing our deal.. I know whatever you did downstairs was just to show maa that everything between us is fine.. don’t worry I won’t tell anything to anyone..

Saying this Prachi leaves from there while Rhea gets hurt and feels guilty on hearing what Prachi said, she realises her wrong doings and how much she troubled Prachi,, she was left heart broken after experiencing her own behavior herself… Meanwhile when Prachi was passing through the corridors she slips and was about to fall but was held by someone tightly, she looks at the person and both of them have an intense eye-lock.. Prachi realises their position and gets back to the normal position, she was about to leave but the person stops her..

The person – Prachi.. Pls look back.
Prachi – What happened?
The person – Pls forgive me…
Prachi – What wrong did you do?
The person – Woh.. Rhea..
Prachi – What happened Ranbir can’t you speak it properly, chalo let me say it, first you played with me and my feelings and then threw me and got engaged to Rhea.. It was simple.
Ranbir – Prachi listen me, this is not the truth.
Prachi – Ahh… This is not the truth, do you still feel I am old Prachi who will believe in your fake talks and then forgive you.. Then it’s your misunderstanding..
Ranbir – Prachi, I didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t know the whole truth.
Prachi – Ohh so you didn’t do anything wrong, ya according to you I was wrong, I was the fool who trusted you, so it is my mistake..
Ranbir – Prachi just shut up and listen to me. (He goes near her)
Prachi – I don’t want to listen anything, and don’t you dare to come near to me.
Ranbir – Why, why won’t I come near you.. You are only mine and nobody can snatch you from me. (He holds her tightly and pins her to the wall)
Prachi – Ranbir leave me!
Ranbir – No I won’t and what do you think of yourself, and just tell me how can you give my position to someone else, how can you make Ishaan your best friend?
Prachi – I can give because it’s my life.
Ranbir – No you can’t..
Prachi – Why Ranbir, why can’t I give?
Ranbir – Because you belong only to me..
Prachi – Just shut up and remember one thing I hate you… I hate you Ranbir Kohli.

She frees herself and leaves from there… Ranbir was shattered on seeing Prachi’s hatred for him… Prachi rushes to a corner and cries bitterly..

After sometimes
Ishaan calls out everyone… Everyone gathers at the Hall including Prachi and Shahana…. Ishaan goes near Prachi and looks at her..

Ishaan – Prachi..
Prachi looks at him- I am sorry Ishaan..

Ishaan hugs her tightly which shocks everyone while Ranbir was fuming in jealousy but was happy that Prachi didn’t hug him back.. But his happiness didn’t last for much time as Prachi also hugged him back (she did it on noticing Ranbir).. After some time they both break the hug and look at each other..

Ishaan – I am sorry Prachi..
Prachi – Why are you saying sorry, I hid the truth so I should be sorry.
Ishaan – Bas now you just forgive me!
Prachi – You also.

They both apologize and forgive each other and smile at each other.. Meenakshi was happy to see both of them and goes near them..

Meenakshi – Pragya ji, we really like your daughter infact she is about to become our daughter-in-law but we need your permission also.

Pragya looks at Abhi and he nods in affirmation, Pragya gets happy she goes near Prachi caresses her face.

Pragya – We don’t have any problem.
Afterall we have seen your love for Prachi and she also loves you very much.. But Prachi do you have any problem?
Prachi – No maa (she fakes her smile)

Everyone was very happy except Ranbir, Aryan and Shahana.. Meenakshi fixes their alliance and they plan their engagement after a week.. Kiara was also very  happy for Prachi..

In the evening
Kiara goes to meet Prachi and Shahana in their rooms… She knocks the door , Prachi and Shahana look on..

Kiara – Can I come in..

Shahana and Prachi nod in affirmation…. Kiara enters in and sits beside Prhana..

Kiara – I know you both must be feeling odd.. I guess you both don’t even know me.
Prhana together – Yes.
Kiara – Myself Arya, Prachi your dad’s company completed 25 years so they came here to celebrate it and there is a concert and I am one of the singers…. You know I have heard about both of you from sir, aunty, Rhea and Aryan and when I came here, from whole Srinivasan family, not about of you but of course about  their daughter-in-law, and you know I was so eager to meet both of you especially Shahana..
Shahana was little confused – To meet me but why?
Kiara – Ya you are Aryan’s dre… (She realise what she was going to say)
Shahana – Aryan dre… I didn’t get it.
Kiara – Aryan’s dear friend..
Shahana – Okay..
Prachi – And what about me?
Kiara – You know Rhea and Aryan always used to talk about you, and when they both got to know that you are alive they literally started to cry, you are lucky enough to get sister like Rhea. (She is not aware of Rhea’s deed)

Prachi and Shahana give an awkward look..

Prachi – Waise how do you know Sunny bhai?
Kiara – Sunny is my friend..
Shahana – Friend or something else?
Kiara gives a smile…
Kiara – No just friend and I just want to ask how both of you adjusted with him, I got scared when I met him first time..
Prhana – What, scared wo bhi Sunny bhai se, are you kidding?
Kiara – No I am serious.
Prhana – Sunny bhai is a nice guy, we never saw his anger..
Kiara – He is nice that I know..but that day he was really angry..
Prhana were totally confused – Which day are you talking about dii?
Kiara – Yar that day at Pu… (She realises) No nothing leave it…

The trio after that have a long conversation and were laughing… Abhigya were passing from there and were very happy on seeing them happy.. Prachi and Shahana were feeling a connection with Kiara and were very much comfortable with her.

The days pass by and the family was busy in making the preparation for Ishaan and Prachi’s engagement… Kiara developed a good bond with Prachi and Shahana, Rhea was happy on seeing them but at the same time was feeling guilty… Arhana were spending nice time together while Pranbir used to argue and were trying to solve the issues between them..The whole Mehra and Kohli family had shifted to The mehra mansion where they used to live earlier (it was been repaired)..

The day just before the engagement.
Kiara was ready and happily comes down stairs, all were sitting there she greets everyone… And then leaves for the office.. In the office she rehearses for the concert and leaves for the restaurant after that..She walks in thinking something and was a little sad but a broad smile crept on her face when she saw a guy she rushed towards him shouting his name and hugged him.. The guy also hugged her back.. The guy is revealed to be Sunny..Disha was also standing there and was confused to see Kiara..

Disha (with a smile) – Sunny who is she?
Sunny – Mom she is Arya!
Kiara – Sunny your mom?
Sunny – Yes she is my mom.

Kiara goes near her and greets her, Disha caresses her face..

Disha – So you are Arya, you know Sunny is always talking about you. I was eager to meet you and you see today I met also.
Kiara gives a smile.
Kiara – So Sunny used to talk about me,  did he say anything wrong about me aunty?
Sunny – No, not even a single word, everything which I spoke was truth only..
Kiara – Who knows after all that day you called me dumb! Aunty pls tell na.
Disha – No Arya, today he is saying the truth he didn’t speak even a single word against you.
Kiara – Then it’s okay.
Disha – Come let’s have something..

The trio sit on table together and order food for themselves.

Sunny – Arya but when you were coming you looked a little sad, why?
Kiara – I am sad because now I have to return to London very soon.

Sunny was sad on hearing this but at the same time was confused.

Sunny – London but why?
Kiara – Ohh you don’t know anything about it! Let me tell… You know I from London and eloped from my house to celebrate two days freedom but this freedom extended very much, dad is calling me everyday but I didn’t pick his call.. He is madly searching for me so after the concert I will directly leave for London.. I know there will be a big punishment so thinking about this made me sad.
Disha – Beta you are only thinking about your dad what about your mom, she must be worried for you..
Kiara gets emotional – Aunty I don’t have mom that’s why my dad is so possessive.. He doesn’t want to loose me.

Sunny tries to console her, Disha feels bad for her… After sometime they all                    have their food and have a conversation… Then Kiara bids farewell to them…

Disha – She is a nice girl..
Sunny – Yes mom I know, tomorrow is Prachi’s engagement let’s buy gift for her..
Disha – Okay beta..
They both leave and do shopping for Prachi’s engagement..

While in Srinivasan Mansion
Shashank happily comes down stairs and sees the arrangements.. He checks everything and directly heads towards the Mehra Mansion.

In the Mehra Mansion
Shashank reaches the mansion and was passing through the corridors when he collides with a girl.. He was happy to see her and caresses her face.. It was Mishti.
Mishti – Shashank you?
Shashank – Yes baby it’s me.
Mishti (angry) – Listen I am not your baby.
Shashank – You know Mishti you are mine and nobody can seperate us not even that Aryan.
Mishti- Do you consider yourself as Romeo?
Shashank – No no I am not that kind. I can not sacrifice myself but instead I can sacrifice the world for you. (He winks at her)
(Mishti gets happy on hearing this but still fakes her anger.)
Mishti – Shashank stop it.And tell me what are you doing here?
Shashank – Ohh I completely forgot I came here to meet Shahana.
(Mishti fumes in jealousy on hearing this)
Mishti – Why?
Shashank – My wish.

He leaves from there leaving behind Mishti who was completely burning in jealousy… Mishti leaves from there.. Aryan and Shahana were sitting together just then Shashank comes there.. Shahana gets happy on seeing him.
Shahana – Shashank you here?

She gets up from her place and was about to hug him when Aryan goes forward and hugs him. She was a little shocked to see Aryan’s behavior.

Aryan (fakes his smile) – Come come, sit.
Aryan was sitting in between both of them…
Shashank – Well I came here to meet Shahana..
Shahana – Aryan you are not letting me talk properly to Shashank, you go to his place and he will come in yours place.
Aryan – Shahana but!
Shashank- Shahana is right, let me come in between.

Shashank comes in between while Shahana and Shashank have a long conversation… Aryan was fuming on seeing them together. After finishing their conversation, Shashank looks at Aryan.

Shashank – Aryan congratulations. Actually that day I couldn’t congratulate you.

Shahana was confused at Shashank talks..

Shahana – Shashank why are you congratulating Aryan?
Shashank – You don’t know!
Shahana (confused) – No.
Shashank – Your dear friend is getting married to Mishti in Mumbai.

Shahana was hell shocked on hearing this. She was feeling extremely sad and was about to burst in sorrow but controls her emotions.. She looks at Aryan who was not able to have an eye contact with her….Aryan was feeling sad for that..

Shahana – Congrats Aryan, you didn’t tell me about it.

Aryan was left speechless… Shashank smirks at both of them.

Shashank – Well I am leaving now, goodbye.
Shahana – Chalo I also have some work, I am coming with you.
Aryan – Shahana…
Shahana – Aryan I will meet you afterwards.

Shashank and Shahana leave from there.. Shashank leaves from the mansion and calls someone.

Shashank – Plan part 1 is executed successfully.. Now tomorrow in the engagement it’s time for part 2.
The person- Good.

Shashank hangs the call and heads towards Shrinivasan mansion with a smirk on his face.

Precap- Aryan gets shocked to see Sunny and Disha together…Prachi and Ishaan get engaged…Shashank executes plan part 2 .. Kiara gets shocked to see something.

Guess the person whom Shashank called.. The person is already in the story..

Pls note – It is a Pranbir story and not Prhaan.. The engagement is just for jealousy and they will not get married. It is all about Pranbir ❤.

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