KKB (You are so special) Part 4

(Note: all Mehra’s went to Mehra Mannsion)
Pragya came to kohli mansion she saw kohli mansion is locked
She took her phone and dialled vikram
Pragya- hello Vikram ji
Vikram- Haa Pragya ji
Pragya- I came to kohli mansion it’s locked
Vikram- sorry forgot to mention Pragya ji i came outside for meeting
Pragya- it’s ok designs are ready
Vikram- Pragya ji please give it to abhi he is in his home please give it to abhi
Pragya’s pov- ohh god today i have face him
Vikram- hello Pragya ji are you there can you here me
Her thoughts was broken by vikarm
Pragya- ya ya I can here you
Vikram- Pragya ji please give the designs to abhi
Pragya- ok mr kohli
Vikram- thanks Pragya ji
They ended the call
Pragya’s pov- god where I am stuck today I have to face him ohh god please help me
She took cab and went Mehra Mansion…….
After some time she reached Mehra mansion
She saw name plate Mehra’s she slowly entered
She saw the house and memories flash’s

All saw Pragya coming into house
Dasi- aree Pragya beta come
All saw Pragya
Pallavi- Aree Pragya ji come sit
Pragya- vo… Vo i came there to give the designs
That time abhi and he saw Pragya and he went towards pragya but pragya showed her plam
And stopped there
Pragya- mr. Mehra these are Are the designs
She gave the design and went to outside and abhi also follows her but she didn’t noticed that and she was about leave but two hands pulled her it was abhi
Abhi came closer to her

And was about to kiss her put she pushed him and was about go but abhi pulled her and pinned to wall
Pragya- mr. Mehra leave me
Abhi- why…. Why I should leave my wife
Pragya- wow see who is saying this who left her wife long back
Abhi felt bad
Abhi- fuggi I know I made mistake but please forgive me
Pragya- oh please stop you are drama
Saying this she went

Abhi falls on his keens and cries

He shouted PRAGYA…!!!!!!!
On other side
Pragya is crying

Pragya’s pov- I can’t trust you once because today I am not alone I have parchi with me if you again break my heart i will be hurted so much and parchi can’t see me in hurt and if she comes to Know you have hurted me and I can’t even imagine what she do in her anger you know how she hate you………

she wipes her tears

And she went to home and lies on couch and that time parchi and sahana came from college and saw Pragya lying on couch

Prachi- maa are you fine
Pragya- yes prachi I am Fine when you came
Sahana- just now massi
Pragya- I am really tired
Prachi- wait maa I will my special coffee for and you are tired (asked speciously looking at Pragya)
Pragya- vo…….vo i am just tried of work that’s it so now you will give coffee or what
Prachi- ok ok i will give you
Sahana- for me also
Prachi- ok
After sometime prachi came with coffee
Prachi- maaa sahana coffee
Sahana/Pragya- thank you
After sometime they slept
On the other side
Abhi’s pov- I now fuggi did I did a mistake but please forgive me please fuggi i want you and my daughter……… What If my daughter hates no no she will not hate me……. she Will not hate me saying this he cries
Soo i will stop here

How was the episode……. Tell me in comments section

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