“Nurse” Pragya shouts.
Lady “no… Listen to me… I am glad that you hit me in your car; else I would have died by now (pravind look clueless). Ashok… Ashok Kumar is my husband…AK IND…”
“Mr. Ashok Kumar? You mean owner of AK Industries?” Arvind gasped.
“Let her tell…” Pragya told…no, screamed!
“Yes, but he is not as good as you think…just because I came to know of his fraud… I told him that I will not transfer property in his name and that I will complain the police, he tried to kill me. It’s not his fault completely… it’s because of his farther that he turned into an animal…Aww!!!” the lady screamed in pain.
Nurses returned…… Arvind was outside and Pragya knowing a little in medicine, stayed in to help… it was a desperate struggle to save both lives…after almost half an hour, the baby was born…a boy…
He was pale…his white body seemed limbless… that small head lay lax without any support…the eyelids remained closed and were stubborn enough to not loosen… his heart did not beat and they couldn’t feel his pulse…
‘The child is dead’ the nurse told gently cuddling him close.
The three *the two nurses and Pragya* gathered around the child while the lady was still unconscious… Pragya started crying… ‘I am the sole reason… it’s all coz of me…’ she told between her sobs. She became uncontrollable and they called Arvind in…
Arvind tried to calm her down… “Pragya, stop crying…it won’t give you any solution…will only increase your pain…” he said.
But Pragya never listened…her mind instantly flew to one of the cases that she herself saw Ms. Sheena handle in the hospital.
She grabbed the child in her palms…Arvind was first shocked but then remained silent…
Pragya yelled for a few basins and a few jugs of just boiled HOT water. She then asked for towels and cold water. One of the nurses was broken, and did not move…she said, “We are nurses. We know what to do in time of emergency. But there is no way this time…the child in dead!” she said sobbing while the other nurse stood blinking. Arvind wondered on how they became nurses…not even able to handle a single emotion! He then yelled… “She is a Doctor. Do what she says…” he lied for a good reason! The nurses believing that Pragya knows a better way to handle ran to bring what she asked for.
“Arvind, try bringing her to conscious “Pragya said pointing the lady… “Hmm…” he rushed to her.
This side, everything arrived. Pragya rolled the blouse sleeves up… she tied her pallu around her hip. She poured the boiling water in one basin and ice cold in the other… she touched the basin with hot water…
“Aww…” it terribly burnt her fingers…she mixed some cold water to it…but tried to keep the water as hot as her hands could bear. Pragya wetted the towel with that hot water and rubbed the chests of the baby, she desperately tried to bring some movement in the boy’s heart…she turned the baby over and upside down, giving it strong but gentle enough strikes on the back…after she felt it is enough, she rubbed the boy with towel and thrusted on his chests… putting all her effort, she pressed his chests successively…then a white foam of mucous escaped from the baby’s nose. Then she again tried thrusting and this time came the child’s cry…
Finally they heard him cry… Pragya jumped in happiness…the nurses mumbled in prayer while Arvind hugged them in pleasure.
“Wow di… you just saved two lives…it’s just great” Purab hugged Pragya.
“No Purab…you are wrong… in the fervour of saving the child, we completely forgot the lady…it’s all… my mistake…” Pragya told…but she did not weep…she knew, to be strong is the only option now.
“I can understand di… don’t worry…think it just as a bad dream” Bulbul tried to console her.
“I agree…but that bad dream has led to a bright awakening…” Pragya smiled faintly.
“What happened then?” Aaliya asked…
“In her last minutes, she told us that the property is in the child’s name… she told us to join him in some orphanage and that she didn’t want her son to be a burden to anyone and when he turns eighteen, we can reveal things to him…she told that she trusts us and begged us not to break the trust…” Arvind told.
“But you are growing him as your child!!! I mean…” Purab was lost in words.
“Pragya didn’t want to…and we are glad we took that decision…we found paradise in our family” Arvind smiled, side hugging Pragya who was also smiling a bit now.
Purab felt so great of his di…she had changed but yet she was the same caring, gentle Pragya as he knew her to be…
“But why is Ashok behind you?” Bulbul asked…
“We complained of Ashok to the police…his father died in a heart attack due to sudden accusation… but Ashok was not arrested coz there were no proofs against him. He thinks that we are responsible for his father’s death and that he also knows that all the property is in name of Ayush. So he is behind us for money…” Arvind replied.
“Don’t worry u ppl…I will do all possible things to keep that Ashok out of way… I will also help you di…” Purab told Pragya. “Thanks” she told and the five shared a group hug. Then all dispersed.
They started having the snack Pragya brought. Arvind went up to play with Ayush while, Alrabul were discussing something so serious that Pragya wanted to listen.
Pragya went near them… but someone stopped her.
It was… (Of course guys, u might have guessed it…) Abhi…
Abhi, who was standing numb all the while, caught Pragya’s wrist.
Pragya started staring him. She shrugged his hands off and walked away in anger.
Abhi ran behind her pleading…
Precap: “Hi…I am Abhi…” Abhi forwards his hands, smiling. “…So, I am Pragya”.
They shake their hands telling “Friends”.
Hi guys…I know you are all hell angry for being so late…but as I already said, I am lil stuck with probs. Will try to post the next one soon… Then, this epi was so much less than what u all expected…I know…but I am sry, I badly flawed it…will try to post a better one next time…forgive for mistakes…
Coming to my readers who dropped in their views…
Lucky: thanks for the cmnt akka…nd wish ur sister on my behalf…sry I am late…anyways, I too know how it is when someone so dear leave us…don’t wry…simply wish ur sister a happy married life…love u too akka???
Lopez: thanks dear… I will for sure…love you so much????
Aiza: thanks aiza dear…love u??…thanks for wishes?
Maya: thanks didi…really means a lot…how r ur practicals? I think they r done….anyways, love you???
Saranya24: thank u so much akka…nd I am very happy that u r happy…hope this epi was gud too???
Reshma_Pradeep: thanks sissy…love you so much???…
Abhigya: thanks Abhigya…love you too??
Prathi: you are true akka…obviously she is still Abhi’s!??
SamyuSam: it is ok if u didn’t cmnt dear??…nd as I said, leave extended..but will again scull reopens on June 7…will surely love my scull life baby?? love u too??
Sethidisha002: thank you so much dear??…
Priyanka: thanks akka?? unga vacations eppa midiyudhu? r u enjoying it before it’s over???
My silent readers, if there are any, thank you for reading…do comment once in a while…
Bye guys… Love you all…
hi dear ………..love u
have a nice day dear……….
Nice and pragya did a great job precap is interesting and waiting for next update.
Awesome cutie??
Love u
Awesome darling finally gonna knw abt abhigya i hope seeing precap loved it waitng fr nxt post soon and dnt wey abt prblms da it cms fr evryone it ll be alryt soon ok cheer up girl if u dnt mind u can even share wit me fr easing ur pain if u need iam always thr fr u love u muuahh??????
What?? Now only they are becoming friends?? I thought they are already friends.. Did I miss something?? Phew! So our sweethearts will fall in love again??
Interesting dear.. love it..
June 16 than Enaku clg reopen da.. athuvaraikum enjoy Dan.. Keep smiling.. Luv you da?
Thanks dear and I love this epi. I love u dear