KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 19


In this episode you may lots of things which I actually created with a wish to happen in the original series, but I don’t know if it would happen or not, the people who are reading my ff please leave your comments on this episode.


The episode starts with Sanju manhandling Prachi. He drags her inside to the room and pushes her to the wall saying, “You have to listen to me baby, after all Sanju is here only for you.” Both Sanju and Prachi don’t notice that the fire on Prachi’s dupatta has caught the curtains hanging on the wall. Prachi bites Sanju’s hands, he screams in pain and takes off his hand, but is quick enough to slap Prachi back saying “Remember the way you had slapped me!!! And this is my answer for that!!! Now you see what I’m going to do to you”, he takes off her dupatta and throws it off on the bed, where the fire starts on the bedsheet. Sanju leans forward to kiss Prachi. She tries to stop him using all her efforts and finally her eyes fall on the fire on the bed. She screams “FIRE!! FIRE!!” Sanju turns around and is struck in awe to see the FIRE slowly filling the room. He runs towards the door to open it, but the doorknob is stuck and does not open. He asks Prachi “How will we escape from here?? The door is stuck”. Prachi tries to take out her phone but remembers that she had left it with Shahana in her purse downstairs. She asks Sanju to take his phone out, he takes out his phone, but his battery is dead. Both become anxious on thinking how to get out from the room. Soon, the smoke from the fire fills the room and Prachi starts coughing and feeling weak. Sanju doesn’t bother about her, he just thinks of finding a way to escape from the room.

Downstairs, Pragya is looking for Prachi all around but doesn’t find her anywhere. Then she sees Rishi and Shahana and asks them where is Prachi. Shahana tells her that she was with Mr. Mehra and family, she asks Shahana to go and ask them the whereabouts of Prachi. Shahana goes. Pragya gets worried and thinks “Why do I feel that Prachi is in some DANGER!!!”

Upstairs, Prachi is unable is breathe as the room is filled with smoke rising from the fire, she begins to feel dizzy and faints, Sanju doesn’t notice her and is busy to find a way out of the room. The fire from the room starts spreading outside onto the decorations of garlands, the people below are so busy in enjoying the party that they do notice the fire above. But finally, a spark of fire lands on a pile of boxes filled with crackers and it puts on light a chain of red crackers (1000 wala crackers) and the bomb starts exploding, putting on light all the other crackers and spreading sparks of fire all around the party hall.

All the people in the party are shocked with the sudden change of events, they screech and scream and run here and there and try to escape from the fire. Abhi and Vikram’s family are equally shocked at the sudden turn of events. They try to gather all the family members together, while Pragya on the other side is worried for Prachi and Shahana. Rishi asks her to calm down. Sarita behen starts getting weak in middle of the stampede of people.  Pragya asks Rishi to take her outside first while she goes in search of Shahana and Prachi. Vikram calls out all the family members and finds Mishti and Dasi missing. Rhea remembers that she had taken Dasi to her room upstairs for her to take rest. She asks Vikram and Purab to take all the other members outside, while she’ll go and bring Dasi. Pallavi cries for Mishti. Ranbir tells her to calm down and go outside along with Vikram and other family members, he’ll go and look for her, Aryan says he too will go and check for Misthi.

Upstairs Sanju is constantly trying to go out of the room, he tries each and every means, finally he breaks open the door and comes outside leaving Prachi behind, while he tries to run, he notices Misthi trying to run from the fire, he mistakes it to be Prachi, as the two had been wearing the same colour. He thinks “I came till here only for her, I’ll take her along with me.” He goes forward and grabs her and tries to take her by force.”

Meanwhile Ranbir and Aryan are searching for Mishti. They go in different directions. While Aryan is slowly coming towards the place where Sanju and Mishti are standing, a decoration garland in fire falls over him. The sleeves and back of his kurta catch fire. He tries to put out the fire but is unable to. Just then Shahana comes there calling out for Prachi. She is shocked to see Aryan in fire. She runs to help but is unable to find anything to put out the fire, finally she uses her hands to put it out while Aryan constantly tries to stop her. The fire on Aryan’s kurta is put out, but Shahana’s hands get completely bruised. Pragya and Rishi come there, and they notice Shahana’s injured hands, while on the other side Rhea comes along with Dasi. Pragya asks Aryan and Rhea if they saw Prachi anywhere. Rhea gets reminded that she had sent Prachi to Priyanka’s room which is on the other side. She informs Pragya about it and asks her to come along with her. Pragya asks Rishi to take Shahana as she is injured and Dasi, while she will look for Prachi. Pragya and Rhea rush towards Priyanka’s room while Aryan keeps looking at Shahana sadly until she disappears from his sight.

Ranbir is searching desperately for Mishti, he passes by Priyanka’s room and feels that someone is inside. Prachi too gains consciousness but is unable to shout. Ranbir looks through the fire but does not see anyone inside.

Meanwhile, Abhi reaches the Mehra Mansion and is shocked to see his house on fire. He looks desperately for the family members and is quite relieved to see Vikram, Purab, Aliyah and some of his family members but gets dejected to find Rhea not present among them. He pulls Vikram’s collar and asks, “IS RHEA INSIDE???” Before Vikram could say anything, Abhi runs into the house on fire, while others cry out asking him to STOP.

The firemen arrive in their van while Rishi comes out with Shahana and Dasi. Priyanka fumes in jealousy and she clenches her fists tight when she sees Rishi taking care of Shahana’s wounded hands. Inside, Aryan continues to look for Mishti, then he is shocked to see Sanju trying to abduct her by force. He takes a vase and hits him hard, Sanju falls in pain and runs from there. Mishti gets impressed, Aryan takes her and tries to find Ranbir.

Ranbir is about to leave from Priyanka’s room, when Prachi feebly says “HELP!!!”, Ranbir hears it and calls out “PRACHI!!!”. He tries to go inside but is unable to as there is intense fire all around the room. However, his mind gets too worried and he rushes inside while getting burnt badly, he notices Prachi unconscious, he tries to wake her up but then she is too weak. He lifts her in his arms while groaning in pain as he is burnt badly. He comes outside while shielding Prachi but getting himself more burnt. He falls down after coming out of the room when at that moment Aryan and Mishti come there and see him in pain. Mishti starts crying seeing her brother in such condition. Soon, Abhi too comes there. He gets concerned for Prachi. He asks if anyone has seen Rhea. Aryan tells him she went along with Prachi’s Mom searching for Prachi. Abhi tells him to take Ranbir and Mishti outside, he will bring Prachi. Prachi calls out feebly “MA!!! MA!!!”

Pragya and Rhea are trying to come towards Priyanka’s room but get constantly obstructed by fire. Abhi with Prachi come from the opposite side. Rhea notices Abhi and calls out “DAD!!”, while Prachi sees Pragya in her blurred vision and cries out “MA!!”. Pragya and Abhi look at each other and are shocked.

(Ram ram jai raja ram, ram ram jai sita ram plays….)

To be continued


So, in this episode I have made Abhigya realise the TRUTH of Rhea-Prachi, but I don’t know what will happen in the original series. I think some of you are disappointed that I have not introduced Kiara and Sunny in the last three episodes of DIWALI DHAMAKA, but I should justify myself saying that in the ff I’ve created Sunny and Kiara are not attending the Diwali Party in Mehra Mansion and that is why I did write not anything related to them, and already there is so many other characters of younger generation, so it is quite difficult to write about everyone together. And this I got the fire accident idea from the Puttingal temple fire in Kerala in 2016, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puttingal_temple_fire

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