KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 35

The episode starts with Aryan-Shahana heartbroken to hear Aliyah’s announcement, while Rishi feels glad. Shahana looks at Aryan who signs her “NO”. Aliyah is closely watching them and is frustrated to see Aryan-Shahana’s bond, before Shahana could say anything. Aliyah tells, “Come on Rishi-Shahana, everyone here is waiting for you!!!!” Rishi catches Shahana’s hand and pulls her into the dance floor. Priyanka gets wild seeing Rishi and Shahana together, she runs to her room. The music for the dance starts playing. Everyone is happy except for Aryan and Shahana. Aryan eyes fill as he sees Shahana with Rishi, while she feels uncomfortable dancing with Rishi. Mishti notices sudden change of humour on Aryan’s face, she asks him the matter when he replies telling her nothing. Mishti smiles thinking, “I know Aryan, you are disappointed because everyone else except for us were called to the dance floor, right???”, while Aryan eyes are just fixed on Shahana. Mishti tries to cheer up Aryan, she catches his hands with her fingers interlocked into his, the latter is shocked with such an approach and Shahana gets disturbed on the dance floor. Aryan looks at Mishti, who signs him to smile. Aryan gives out a fake smile, while Mishti continues to place her head on his shoulders. He starts to feel more uncomfortable, while Shahana gets disturbed even more. Aliyah who had been closely watching her son and Shahana, smirks seeing Shahana’s face turns sorrowful on Aryan and Mishti’s closeness. She thinks, “No matter how much your daughter tries Pragya, I will never ALLOW her to be a PART of my son’s LIFE!!!” Purab snaps, when Aliyah turns her concentration into the dance. Meanwhile, Shahana is getting more irritated seeing Mishti with Aryan, Rishi tells her, “Dance well Shahana!! A courageous girl like you want to accept defeat so fast, huh??” Shahana turns towards him with a sad smile. On the other hand, Aryan tells Mishti that he wants to get some fresh air and goes out. Shahana and Mishti look on at him.

Inside Priyanka’s room, Priyanka is talking to herself in the mirror, “How could you Rishi??? How could you HOLD THAT SHAHANA’S HAND??? Then as she continues, she stammers saying, “And that Shahana, how could she dance with my RISHI????” RISHI is just MINE!!! JUST MINE!!!! She throws the things kept on the dressing table down, when a blade falls onto her feet, she gets an idea seeing the blade!!! She tells, “You were so excited and happy to dance with my RISHI right, Shahana, now you see how I turn that into shame!!!” she continues to smirk looking at the blade in the mirror.

Downstairs, the music is still going on, Ranbir and Prachi constantly smile at each other, while dancing, Rhea looks at them anxiously and thinks, “I’m not able to see them together, O GOD!! Ranbir need not continue with my plan, nor will I hurt Prachi again!! Just make Prachi-Ranbir out of this dance floor. Ranbir gets romantic with Prachi and holds her tight, Prachi signs him, “No”, when Ranbir holds her even tighter, Prachi tries to loosen his grip and pushes him backwards, when he goes out of the paper and becomes out. Rhea breathes a sigh of relief. Vikram teases him saying, “What Ranbir, being a young couple, you both are the first ones become disqualified from the game, huh???” Ranbir disappointingly tells him, “STOP IT DAD!!!”, and then he looks irritatingly at Prachi and leaves from there, Prachi feels bad. Vikram says, “Let’s continue!!!”

Outside Aryan feels sad reminiscing seeing Shahana and Rishi together on the dance floor, then he notices someone in the garden, he thinks it to be a thief, he asks nervously, “Who is it?? Whoever it is, TELL!!! OTHERWISE I’M SO STRONG THAT YOU WILL LEAVE FROM HERE WITH BROKEN BONES”, when Rakhi turns towards him, he is surprised, however smiles on seeing her, he asks, “You!! What are you doing here??? Did you come to attend our party??” Rakhi looks at the house and gets more haunting flashes from her past. She asks him, “Whose house is it???” Aryan replies, “Oh this, this is my MAMU, ABHISHEK PREM MEHRA’S House” Rakhi feels a slight shiver inside her body, she remembers seeing Abhi and Pragya together with Prachi in the hospital. She thinks, “Why do I feel a strange connection with this house and Abhishek Prem Mehra???” Aryan tells her “Come inside, I will introduce him to you!!!” Rakhi denies him saying that it has grown too dark and she need to get back. Aryan asks her, “Are you going alone!!!”. Rakhi affirms. Aryan tells her, “This is DELHI, the capital of INDIA, also the CAPITAL OF RAPES IN INDIA” Rakhi’s smile disappears, she remembers how she herself had been a victim of the cruel act. Aryan notices her emotions, and asks her, “Are you alright?? Would you like to have something, some juice???” Rakhi denies. Aryan continues, “Then let me at least give you a lift!!” Rakhi again tries to deny, but Aryan tells, “Come on, one NIRBHAYA is more than enough for Delhi!!!” Rakhi finally gives in.

As Rakhi and Aryan are going out, Sunny comes towards Mehra Mansion gate with Sanju. He notices Aryan going out with a woman, but does not see her face, assuming it to be Shahana he thinks “My brother’s love has grown so strong that he is leaving the party in the house and spending time with his girlfriend, but not for long ARYAN, I will make YOU go through all the pain OF LOVE which you YOUR DAD gave to ME and MY MA.” He smiles maliciously.


To be continued.

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