KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 59

The episode starts with Rishi getting shocked on seeing Prachi and Ranbir standing in front of him. Priyanka too sees them, gets nervous and asks, “You both here? What’s the matter?” Prachi tells her, “Actually, I wanted to have a personal talk with Rishi! And when we both came to Fusion beats for Rishi, I heard that he has come to the lawn area with you, what happened, we heard your raised voices outside? Is everything alright?” Rishi is about to say something, when Priyanka butts in and says, “Oh nothing really Prachi! You know that myself and Rishi are ex-college mates, so we were just having a chat on our old college days! Right, Rishi? Rishi stares annoyingly at Priyanka and does not respond. Ranbir gets doubtful seeing his expressions. Prachi continues, “Okay then, can I have a few minutes with Rishi now, Priyanka?” Priyanka replies, “Of course, why not, Prachi, after all Rishi would love to talk to you rather than with me!” Prachi-Ranbir get confused with her remark, while Rishi clenches his fists hard in anger. Priyanka takes leave from them while looking expectantly at Rishi, however he doesn’t turn an inch towards her and continues looking downwards. Priyanka gets thinking while leaving, “I thought I will get rid of that woman, Shahana from Rishi’s life after she gets raped on Fashion event, but instead, my plan was not a complete success because of that fool Aryan and she still remains to be the queen of my Rishi’s soul, not I will not let it continue, because, RISHI IS ONLY MINE!” and she slowly leaves from Fusion Beats still pondering with the same thoughts.

After Priyanka leaves, Prachi tells Rishi, “Rishi! I want to have a personal talk with you! So, shall we sit down for a coffee at the cafeteria?” Rishi nods. So, the three proceed to the cafeteria where Sunny had been checking out his newly made designs. He notices the three together and starts watching them closely. Ranbir orders coffee and looks towards Prachi. She is unable to start the conversation, he senses her uneasiness and starts, “Look, Rishi, I have always disliked you in the beginning not because you are good looking or smarter than me, but because I felt PRACHI LIKES YOU! Later, when we both realised our LOVE for each and also confessed to each other, I never really bothered about you in my life. And this morning, Prachi’s dad, Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra even suggested to take our relationship forward by getting engaged, but Prachi doesn’t want to!” Sunny gets curious on hearing that, while Rishi cluelessly asks her, “Why Prachi?” Prachi tells him, “Because of Shahana, Rishi!”. Rishi still confused asks, “Shahana?” Prachi continues, “Yes, Shahana! Rishi, whatever happened with SHAHANA ON THE FASHION EVENT night was EXTREMELY PATHETIC! And the worst GUILT for me is that the TRAP was laid for me but unfortunately, she fell into that, if Aryan wouldn’t have reached there, then……” Rishi cuts in and says, “NO PRACHI, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO SHAHANA, BECAUSE I WILL NOT….” He stops himself, realising what he is blurting out, while Prachi-Ranbir curiously watch him. Sunny grins thinking, “Oh my gawd, things are happening according to my PLAN, even without me doing anything, this is just simply great!”, Prachi noticing Rishi’s anxiety asks him keenly. “Rishi, whatever you told Priyanka a few minutes back, IS IT TRUE? DO YOU LOVE SHAHANA?” Rishi nervously nods and says, “And I can do anything for her, even GIVE MY LIFE!” Prachi-Ranbir smile beamingly, while Sunny feels a successful glory inside him. Prachi enthusiastically asks him, “Does that mean that you are still ready to accept her in your life even after whatever happened?” Rishi replies, “Prachi, I just said, that I can even give my life for her, then why will that petty incident matter to me?” Prachi feels completely relieved and is about to hug him, when Ranbir stops her, “Oh come on, Prachi he is not your BOYFRIEND, but Shahana’s would-be, then why you need to get cozy with him, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS RIGHT HERE, hug me!” Prachi stares with wide eyes at him when Rishi asks, “But does Shahana LOVES ME?”

RK Puram St. Thomas, Cathedral

Aryan and Shahana reach there and ask for Rakhi, when a nun directs them inside the church. They go inside and find Rakhi decorating the altar, when Shahana calls out, “Di!” Rakhi turns and is surprised to see them. She comes towards them, “You both, you came to meet me?” They nod and Shahana quickly hugs her. Rakhi gets emotional and tells, “Are you alright? I know I couldn’t help you much…” when Shahana cuts in and says, “No di, you did HELP ME? Because you fought like a tigress yesterday! You broke open the door and even tried to fight that scoundrel with whatever strength you had, you are just like my MAASI! She too fights against all INJUSTICE in front her eyes like a tigress, it’ feels like you are one of her LOST DAUGHTERS like Rhea was and another sister of Prachi!” Rakhi looks puzzled, when Aryan tells her, “Come on, Shahana, how will she know all our family tree? Give her the gift you bought for her!” Shahana nods and takes out the anklets which Rakhi had mortgaged earlier and places them into Rakhi’s hands. Rakhi is completely taken aback, she tries to deny taking it, when Aryan stops her saying, “Rakhi, in our very first meeting you became my friend and yesterday, by what you did for Shahana you proved to be my TRUE FRIEND, I know these anklets must be holding something related to your childhood, so please keep it FOR ME!” Rakhi gives in and pulls Aryan closer to her and asks in his ears, “Is this the SAME GIRL for whom you asked me to select THE ANKLETS?” Aryan nods blushingly, while Rakhi continues, “So she is YOUR SECRET LOVE?” Aryan gets embarrassed and says, “No, nothing like that!” Shahana frowns her eyes and asks him, “What?” Aryan nervously tells, “I think it’s time we leave!” and he takes leave from Rakhi, while nervously pulling Shahana along with him, who is still confused and questions him. Rakhi smiles cheerfully seeing them together and gets thinking, “They LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER! I just hope no one comes in between them!”

Fusion Beats

Prachi tells Rishi, “I think Shahana too LIKES you, because she really cares of you.” Rishi says, “But it is necessary that we ask her opinion, Prachi!” Prachi nods and says, “Yes, I know and I really wish to know what is in her mind, because Sarita Auntie has already presented your proposal for her!” Rishi is surprised, while Sunny smiles saying, “BINGO!” Rishi continues “What Nani has already presented my proposal for Shahana?” Prachi replies, “Yes Rishi and I really wish that we go forward with your both relation even before my OWN MARRIAGE, but before that I want to GET JUSTICE FOR WHATEVER HAPPENED WITH SHAHANA!” when Sunny loudly says out, “Maybe I can help you with that!” All turn towards him. Sunny continues, “Sorry for eavesdropping your conversation, but if you really feel YOU NEED TO GET SHAHANA JUSTICE SO THAT SHE CAN MOVE FORWARD PEACEFULLY IN HER LIFE, then I can help you!” Ranbir gets irked and says, “No need of your help, Mr. Sharma!” then he draws near to Prachi’s ears and says, “I really don’t like this man, I find something NOTORIOUS about him because he is the FRIEND OF A CREEP LIKE SANJU.” Prachi looks on, while Sunny tries convincing, “Prachi, you decide, don’t you want Shahana to move ahead in her life by forgetting whatever happened with her and I can help YOU because my MOTHER WAS THE MAIN MEDIA HANDLER THAT DAY!” Prachi gets demented, she closes her eyes takes a deep long breath and tells Sunny, “Fine I will take your HELP!” Ranbir gets disappointed. Prachi holds his hands and says, “I really want Shahana to come out of that day’s dreadful events and move forward in her life with Rishi, Ranbir!” Ranbir gives in, while Sunny smirks evilly saying, “Even I too want that Prachi!”

Sarita behen’s house

Pragya comes and opens the door for Aryan-Shahana. She welcomes Aryan inside, who asks her, “If I ask about someone will you detail about that person?” Pragya replies, “If I know that person then surely I will, who is it?”  Aryan tells her, “I want to know about your sister, BULBUL!” Pragya feels a chill down her spine on hearing Bulbul’s name after several years.


To be continued.

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