KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 64

The episode starts with Pragya reaching MMIS College and noticing Shahana in a state of distress in Rishi’s arms. She rushes forward and hugs Shahana, while trying to pacify her saying, “Shush, shush Shahana, calm down! Don’t worry your perpetrator will surely get punished for what he tried to do! Now please calm down!” Shahana vents her complete agony on Pragya’s bosom while Pragya looks madly at the scoundrel who misbehaved with Shahana. She pulls Shahana aside, inches closer to the man and slaps him hard on his face. Sanju gets tensed seeing that and prays in his mind, “Mata Rani, please save me, the only mistake I committed was to hire this a*sh*le for that psycho Priyanka Madam’s plan, I never knew that she will play double game and all this will happen, so please I beg you, I already got nearly a hundred slaps from Sunny Bhai, now please don’t make me get more from this Lecturer Mother of Prachi or from the police!”. Pragya shouts at man, “How dare you look at a woman with such dirty lusty eyes, only because of men like you the CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN IN OUR COUNTRY AND IN OUR CITY, KNOWN TO BE THE CAPITAL OF INDIA, HAS INCREASED! Men like you should be punished in such a way that you will dare not look at a woman in such a way again!” after saying that she slaps the man hard once again. By that time, the man already been being beaten gravely by Sunny, Rishi and Ranbir starts feeling dizzy. At that moment, Abhi arrives there with Delhi local Police. Prachi informs Pragya that before calling her, she had called Abhi and informed him the same. Pragya and Abhi see each other and have an emotional eye lock. The police come and put on the handcuffs around the man’s wrists, The senior CI mentions firmly, “Such crimes against women have increased all over the country, we ensure you Madam that we will take STRICT actions regarding this case and this man such that it would be a lesson to all such men who are hell bound to ruin the lives of women for their own evil desires.” Pragya nods approvingly. The police drag the man and push him forcefully inside the jeep. As they are about to leave, Abhi stops them and requests the CI, “If you don’t mind Sir, can I just confirm one last thing from this man?” The police officer agrees. Abhi goes behind the jeep where the man was held taps on his drowsy face and asks, “Tell me did you misbehave with that girl for your OWN EVIL INTENTIONS or was THERE SOMEONE WHO ORDERED YOU TO?” Sanju gets nervous. The man who is almost unconscious, is unable to see Abhi clearly in front of him nor clearly respond to him. However, the question made by Abhi takes him to the flashback when he was having a discussion with Priyanka. Flashback, Priyanka and the man are having the entire discussion regarding s*xually assaulting Shahana while unbeknownst to them, Sunny is closely watching them. The man demands Priyanka, “Madam ji, if you don’t mind, may I ask you, being a WOMAN why are you asking me to commit such a crime AGAINST ANOTHER?” Priyanka draws close to his ears and whispers, “Because I’m Rhea Mehra and I want to avenge this girl, Prachi for snatching my LOVE.” Even though, Sunny had been closely listening to them, he did not catch what Priyanka told that man at that moment. Flashback ends. The man still insensible to his surrounding due to the heavy thrashing he received pronounces out, “It was Rhea Mehra who asked me to do it for avenging the girl Prachi for SNATCHING HER LOVE!” and he quickly passes out. All are dumbstruck at that REVELATION. Pragya rushes near the man, catches his collar and shouts, “How dare you PUT THE BLAME on my daughter, when she has not done anything?” but the man is unable to retaliate as he has completely collapsed. Pragya starts shaking him even more violently, “Get up you fool, get up and say who exactly is the REAL CULPRIT! Get up!” But all her tantrums are unheard by the man. The policemen ask Abhi to handle her otherwise they will have to arrest her along. Abhi and Prachi come forward and try to pacify her, but she remains adamant and inconsolable. Finally, Abhi screams at her saying, “Enough Pragya, whatever you do or whatever you SHOUT will not change the fact that your daughter is A CRIMINAL who planned such an inhuman crime against her OWN SISTER! And you know what! I will see to that she gets the punished for what she has done” on saying that, Abhi quickly goes to his car and drives off rashly. Pragya is astounded at his words and without uttering a word to anyone, she catches an auto and leaves from there. Sanju whisperes to Sunny, “Bhai, this psycho woman Priyanka has really played a BIG GAME!” Sunny looks on.

Mehra Mansion

Abhi comes there infuriated and roars out “RHEA!” Everyone in the house are startled to hear his voice. Dasi, Mitali, Priyanka and Meera come out first and ask him the matter, Abhi ignores them and roars out again in a loud voice, “Rhea!”, while Pallavi and Beeji too arrive there sensing a disturbance in Mehra Mansion. On hearing the second call, Rhea comes out of her room and looks down fearfully towards Abhi. Noticing him hot-headed, she hesitantly makes her move downstairs and asks, “What happened Dad?” Abhi immediately catches her hand tightly. It hurts Rhea, while Abhi neglects her pain and asks, “What happened? Rhea, the man whom you had hired for such a disgraceful CRIME has confessed your PART IN THE WHOLE GAME!” Everyone is thunderstruck to hear his words. Priyanka gasps thinking, “How could that happen? I had taken all preventive measures so that the man could escape from this city without leaving any evidence, then how did he get caught?”, while on the other side, Abhi continues to rebuke Rhea, “You know what Rhea! I was so proud to be a FATHER till now, I considered myself the world’s luckiest man to have a DAUGHTER LIKE YOU, but today you have shattered MY ENTIRE PRIDE, Rhea! And today I curse the day you were born, on realising that you could PLOT SUCH A CHEAP TRICK AGAINST YOUR OWN SISTER!” Rhea by now completely heartbroken and distressed by Abhi’s words shouts back, “She is not MY SISTER!” Abhi gets exasperated and raises his hand at her just when Pragya comes there and catches his hand. All are surprised to see her. Abhi tells her, “Don’t stop me today Pragya, It was my mistake that I held her back that day without sending her with you for which I am getting punished today, allow me to correct my mistakes, MY BAD PARENTING, because I should be BLAMED AS I WAS THE ONE WHO MADE HER LIKE THIS!” Rhea gets dejected on hearing those words and tears pour down heavily from her eyes. Pragya puts his hand down and announces sternly, “She is my DAUGHTER TOO and I believe that our daughter has NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG!” Abhi retaliates asking, “How is that possible when all the proofs show……”, when Pragya cuts in saying, “And I will bring the PROOF of the real culprit behind all this!” Priyanka panics on hearing that, while Pragya shifts her gaze from a still shocked Abhi, turns around and leaves. Everyone looks on towards her from behind. (a-aa-aaa Kumkum Bhagya dramatic tune plays)

Scene shifts to the night time

Aryan’s bedroom

Aryan and Ranbir are sleeping together. Ranbir is fast asleep, while Aryan is constantly reflecting on the incidents of that day. His mind keeps halting on how Rishi had hugged Shahana, which keeps him upset and sleepless, just then Ranbir rolls around and hugs him dotingly in sleep saying, “Hey Prachi!” Aryan is stunned and calls out Ranbir but the latter doesn’t awaken, instead tightens his hold by saying, “Come on, sweetheart, just one kiss!” and quickly kisses on Aryan’s cheek. Aryan gets disgusted and forcefully frees himself from Ranbir, while placing a pillow in his position. Ranbir cuddles onto the pillow while Aryan gets thinking, “Oh god, I should be more careful with him next time, otherwise instead of Prachi, he will make SUHAAG RAAT with me! Now what should I do as I am unable to get sleep” he keeps thinking, when all of a sudden, the thought of meeting Shahana comes to his mind. He keeps questioning, “Should I go or not?” and finally makes up his mind to go there.

Sarita Behen’s house

Aryan comes to the window of Prachi and Shahana’s room and sees them asleep. He tries to awaken Shahana and throws a stone. The stone hits her. She gets up, looks around and is astonished to see Aryan waving at her from their window. She signs him to stay there and makes her way outside without making any nose and letting Prachi know. She comes outside, sits next to him and confronts him, “What the hell are you doing here at this time?” He replies, “Actually I wasn’t getting sleep!” Shahana asks him, “Why?” Aryan hesitantly asks, “The thing is I just wanted to know why did you hug that Rishi so tightly today?” Shahana is confused and asks, “You came all the way here just to ask that!” Aryan gets irritated and says, “Just answer my question!” Shahana bangs her forehead and tells, “Arrey, I was emotionally distressed at that moment, so when he comforted me……” Aryan cuts in, raising his voice. Prachi gets disturbed by his voice. Aryan continues, “Oh really, even I’m emotionally distressed right now, so that means I can place my head on your lap” he unconsciously puts his head on her lap. Both feel strange; however, Aryan doesn’t take off his head from her lap. Shahana continues to ask him, “Aryan? Why did you feel bad when you saw me close to Rishi today?” Aryan becomes reflective and slowly puts his hand on her cheek, saying “Because I…I….”, when all of a sudden Prachi shouts out, “Shahana!” Shahana quickly gets up, putting Aryan head down with a thud. Aryan silently says, “Awwch!”. Shahana runs inside, when her leg twists on the stairs, making her land into Rishi’s arms. Both have an eye lock.


To be continued.

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