Fan Fiction

I know I am in love (premaentho andhamainadhi) Episode 2

Hai every one ,thanks for ur comments I hve came with second episode .
It’s a sunny morning .a huge builing shows it was sharma mansion 3 people were discussing about something in living room .

Radhika sharma :don’t how will shw react after knowing the thruth.
a girl voice says don’t worry mom don’t say the bride groome family were coming just say the guest are coming .
ravinder sharma : acuvally this is not a problem what happened if she knows the bride was mr shivay singh oberai .
the girl face shows and she is guari sharma .
Gauri says nothing will happen I will take care of it,
They 3 goes to garden area .
Their a girl is playing with pigeions gauri shouts di,
The girl turns and she was our anika sharma .
Ravinder says anika don’t go any where today some guests are coming to home
Radhika tries to say something but gaury interfere and says nothing the guests are important that’s it .anika nods ok and feels something fishy .

Now scene in om
All family members were getting ready to go anikas home.
Shiv om ru sit in car and other family members are sit in other cars
Om sits in driving seat , shivay sit next to om and rudra in back seat
Om notices shivay in tension and asks what happened
Rudra says shivay behaving like he is going to see devil
Shivay says no, she is more than a devil
Om say do u know her before . shivay says yes and rudra ask egarly how
, when u met first time
Shivay says we met first time in hospital

After asecond fb shows
Shivay was in car .a girl badly injured on the he takes the girl to hospital. that girl was anika friend’s sister after knowing the news anika rushes to hospital . she asks abuot that girl in reception. the compounder says come madam I will show anika follows him while on the way he says the girl was badly injured and I think the man who was with that girl , he only done that accident
Anika gets angry by hearing these words she reach the ward and sees the girl
Shivay comes to anika and says do u know her .

In angry anika did’t listen anything and give atight slap to shivay.
Om applies a sudden break rudra and om sees each other and says oh my matha ata time

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