Thank u everyone for the comments..!! Keep reading..!! And silent readers plzz comment or otherwise no updates..!!
Nd guys before starting i wanna clear u something this stry is not vikram’s movie “DEIVATHIRUMAGAL” or hrithik’s “KOI MIL GAYA” its a diff story so plzz read calmly..!!
Happy reading..!! ♥ :-*
Episode starts from Adarsh and Swara left the room leaving Sanshu in the room..!!
“I know Swara u r fully puzzled up by the scenerio..!! I mean ishu taking care of sanskar..!! ” said Adarsh..!! ” yeah sir..!! But i can understand that sanskar is mentally unstable..!! ” said Swara in a understanding tone..!!
” yeah Swara..!! Thats y actually sanskar is like a child..!! He is not a type like arrogant ..!! We can easily handle him..!! But all are making fun of him..!! ” said Adarsh while fisting his hands..!!
” Dont worry sir..!! Now i came na in this school..!! I wont let anyone to make fun of him..!! I ll take care of him..!! But sir dont take me wrong can i know who is he to u..!! If u dont mind..!! ” said Swara..!!
” wo Swara..!! He is my JIJU..!! ” said Adarsh..!! ” but sir..!! ” Swara was about to say but Adarsh interupts ” Swara plzz dont ask me more..!! ” said Adarsh with tears..!! Swara nods..!! Nd both leaves to princi room..!!
While they enter..!! They hears a giggling voice..!! Both peeps in nd sees Sanskar is laughing whole heartedly..!! Coz of Ishu who is ticking Sanskar nd making him forgot everything..!!
On seeing Adarsh,,Sanskar ran towards him while giggling nd clapping and hide behind adarsh..!! Ishu ran behind him ticking him..!! ” hahaaa..!! Ishu nhi..!! Bhaiya..!! Hahaaa..!! Tell her to stop she is tickling me..!! Hahaaa..!! ”
Sanskar said innocently in btw his laughs..!! Swara admires the cute father nd daughter..!! Ishu is ticking him continuously..!! Sanskar stood behind Swara by wraping his hands on her waist..!!
Ishu stops getting affaird of Swara..!! Here Swara is all lost by the sudden act of Sanskar..!! Soon her trance broke by sanskar who talks near her ears..!! “See hahaaa..!! Ishu is afaird of u..!! ” said Sanskar while giggling nd clapping..!!
Swara just smiles..!! ” Ishu baby kya…!! Hua…!! Hmm..!! Why are afaird of her..!! U know..!! Hmm..!! She only..!! She only saved me from that big..!! Big boys..!! ”
said Sanskar while kneeling down infront of Ishu while poking his hairs..!! Adarsh nd Swara smiling admires them..!! ” Papa she scolded the big boys na..!! What if she scold me..!! ” said Ishu to which Sanskar pokes his hairs being innocent..!!
Swara smiles nd knees down beside Sanskar..!! “Ishu tell me one thing..!! What will u do if u r there on the time when the big wala boys making fun of ur papa..!! Hmm..!! ” asked Swara..!!
” me vahan hoti na..!! I ll definetly break their bones..!! ” said Ishu..!! Swara laughs..!! ” hahaa see u r saying u broke their bones..!! But see i only scolded them..!! Than why are u thinking that i ll scold u..!! While u did nothing..!! ”
Said Swara..!! To which Ishu smiles nd forwards her hand ” Ok i wont be afaird of u..!! I m Ishita, Ishita sanskar..!! Will u be my friend..!! ” said Ishu..!! ” haww is it..!! Its a pleasure to be a friend with u..!!
And i m Swara, Swara malik..!! ” said swara while shaking hands with Ishu..!! Ishu pecks her cheek..!! “Everyone had forgot me..!! ” said Sanskar while pouting..!! Ishu smiles nd pecks his cheeks..!! ” nd Swara this is my papa Sanskar..!! ” said Ishu..!!
” oh acha..!! I dont know..!! Hi Sanskar will u be my friend..!! ” said Swara forwading her hands..!! Sans looks at Adarsh he nods..!! Sanskar shakes hand with her..!! Nd pecks her cheek..!! Swara is in utter shock by his actions..!!
” haan..!! It is habit to kiss his friends..!! Dont mind..!! ” said Adarsh who is leaning on the door..!! Swara just smilea but she is still in shock by his actions..!! SwaSan getsup..!! “So Sanskar shall we go..!! ” asks Swara..!!
“Hmm..!! Kahan..!! ” asked sanskar while poking his hairs..!! “10B” said Swara..!! “Nhi nhi me wahan nhi jaunga..!! Nhi jaunga..!! ” said Sanskar nd hides behind Adarsh..!!
” Sanskar what did Adarsh sir told u..!! U respect him rite..!! Now come..!! ” said Swara in a stern voice..!! ” haan..!! I m their teacher..!! I should not afaird of them..!! I m their teacher..!! ” said Sanskar nd goes towards Swara..!!
Swara smiles..!! But his next act again gives her heart attack..!! He entwinkles his fingers with hers..!! Nd asks while poking his hairs ” come..!! I m their teacher..!! I should not affaird of them..!! ” said Sanskar…!!
Swara smiles nd goes with him to 10B..!! Sanskar grips her hand with his both hands..!! While entering 10B..!! The standsup nd wishes gud morning to Swara..!! Swara held Sanskar’s hand nd walks in..!!
” Students i think now u all are clear..!! He is ur teacher..!! So give him respect nd listen to his words..!! Or otherwise i m class teacher too i dont know what will i do with u ok..!! So be carefull..!! ” said Swara..!!
Swara turns to Sanskar who is griping her hands tightly..!! “Sanskar dont worry..!! Now they wont do anything ok..!! Dont forgot that U R THEIR TEACHER ok..!! ” said Swara..!!
Swara leaves his hands nd was about to go..!! Sanskar held her hands..!! Nd pulls towards himself like he is back hugging her..!! He closed his eyes..!! Nd Swara this was again a heart attack for her..!! Her trance again broke by Sanskar..!!
“Hmm..!! Hmm..!! Mujhe..!! Bohot dar lagraha hai..!! ” Said Sanskar to which Swara opens her eyes nd turns to him while coming out of his grip..!! ” Sanskar they wont do anything..!! ” said Swara..!! While the same boy who teased Sans came forward..!!
” Sir we are sorry..!! I mean i m sorry..!! I shouldn’t do like that..!! I m sorry sir..!! ” said the Boy Sanskar bcm lil calm..!! Swara smiles nd left from there..!! “No need to sorry its ok..!! ” said Sanskar..!! Swara hears this..!!
Swara pov…!!
He is really easy to handle..!! He knows many thing..!! Its like someone had teached him..!! He is a nice man,,nice papa..!! Anyways Swara he is ur friend nd u said Adarsh u ll take care of him..!! By that u can able to know what had happened..!! Ok now lets leave to class..!!
Pov ends..!!
Here every students ask forgivness from Sanskar..!! Nd Sanskar teaches them violine..!! Nd on the other hand Ishu nd Adarsh is playing nd chatting..!!
To be continued………….
Hey guys hope u liked it..!! If not than i m sry plzz do cmnts..!! Being a writer we r losting intrest in writing seeing low responses..!! Hope u guys understand nd here is star cast of this stry
SANSKAR : Varun kapoor
SWARA MALIK : Helly shah
SHEKAR MALIK : Sachin tyagi
VARUN MISHRA : Siddant gupta
Do cmnts..!! Babye..!!
Amazing…..suerly he vll give heart attack to swara by his antics……..soooo cute continue sooon tk cre
hahaaa thank sanu dear…!! :-*
Aww…that was so cute…and I wanted to see more ishu swara scenes…but its okay…swasan scenes were awwdorable….I have heard that in your language big sis is called akka…..so can I call you akka ? and I am a north indian….post as soon as possible…
thank u thangachi ( lil sissy ) u can call me akka..!! i would love to get a new sisso…!! :-*
It’s really nice…plz post next part soon…
thank u maithili..!! :-*
Loved it….continue soon
thank u DA…!! :-*
i can really understand you dear that when we give our full time and hardwork to our story and than we get so less response than we will definitely feel sad but we can’t force the readers to comment right its completely their wish to comment or not anyways coming to the story umm sanshu are really so sooooooo cute and it will be really interesting to see swara falling for sanskaar
yeah i m also saying the same dear i m not forcing i m saying my pov..!! ok leave all that now looking at our dp’s its like dhoni nd viru is chtting *dumboo me..!! nd thank u nepu..!! :-*
Lovely concept and story
Wow haha amazing yaar just superbbb I loved SwaSan senses
Sissy its sooooo cute! Sanskaar’s innocence n his antics…..semma cute! Ishu….lovely baby. Waiting for next part sissy…..
Awesome dear
hi your story is awesome and do not get disheartened pls by comments write for yourself and for the people who support you.
i have watched this concept in ajay devgan’s some movie but i do not remember but i can say that story is toatlly different from yours but concept is same
Awesome ???
Chapter was fabulous!!
Sanskar and Ishita are soooooooooo cute!!
I’m just waiting to see Swara falling in love with Sanskar…
Update soon, take care!!
Dheka dii Mai kitni cute hu log aise hi muje danger samajte hai ?????????
Awsm… Update soon
thank u rachana..!! :-*
Amazing cute loved it dr? swasan?
thank u akka..!! :-*
thank u sri..!! :-*
Amazing maha????loved it….
Next one soon…
thank u akka…!! :-*
I like it a lotttt
Its different from other love wala type stories
Sooooooo eager to read it
Please update soon
thank u yamuna..!! :-*
loved it dear
thank u seebu..!! :-*
Omg twinny
Am I dreaming???
Pinch me yrr!!!
I was not able to read any article cause I was not at home so I missed the pro
M still out but I got sometime and I came across your fs
It was so cute???????
And u added me
Omg twinny
U added Don
Love you infinity for this yrrrrr
I never expected anything like this
I am fainting due to this
Love u sooooooo muchh???????????????????????????
I am not able to express my feelings through these words
But I can only say love u????????????????????
Take care twinny
Post soon
Love u sooooooo much
Now stop smiling like an idiot ????
omgggggg….!! twin calm down yaar..!! its my pre- birthday gift to u from ur twinny..!! nd yeah i loveeeeeeeeee uuuuu tooooooooo…!! nd how do u know i m smiling like an idiot..!! huh..!!
Twinny I knew it I am Ur twin naa
Telepathy you know????
Now u should wait for Ur gift na
Just wait and watch
Bt idk when will u get it
But surely before Ur bday
Love u????????????
Now also u are smiling ???????????
hahaaa yes commando *saluting..!! Waiting..!!
i have seen movie of Ajay devgan and reading your ff. no doubt its good
but i have doubt Sanskar is having a child mind and even behaving like this, he even don’t have knowledge of society.
just want to know how he have enjoyed marital bliss with Kavita.
becoz as per my knowledge they don’t have knowledge regarding these things, if have plz enlighten me becoz i really don’t know about this
Sus dear ur doubt will be cleared in flashback..!! or may u can get the hint in next epi
but i m not sure..!! i can understand ur doubts..!! dont worry just wait for flashback..!! there u ll be cleared dear..!! and about ajay devgan is he is a bolly director..??
its just we should have knowledge dear becoz i really wanted to know
hahaaa i can understand Sus..!! just read the A/N of nxt part..!! there is a boomb
Awesome dear.. Sanskar is so cute ?
Loved it