Categories: Krishna Mohini

Krishna Mohini 1st July 2024 Written Episode Update: Mohini gets unwell

Krishna Mohini 1st July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Mohini saying I know what’s right for me, I have come to become a singer, I have to get habitual to things here, I like Krishna and your jodi, she is lucky to get a loving, caring and handsome husband, where did you meet Krishna. She spills some water at his coat. He asks what did you do. Sid says follow them, take their pics, angles should be such that everyone doubts them. Mohini says I didn’t do it intentionally, come out, I will clean your shirt, how will you go for audition. Aryaman says its okay, I will do it myself. She says I will clean the stain. She says coffee was hot, did anything burn. The man takes their pics. Aryaman says we have to go for audition, lets just go. She shouts OMG, Pani puri. He asks are you mad. She says yes, I m mad for Pani puri, I thought

to eat pani puri when I come to India, I can’t miss this chance, come. He says you have to give audition, you shouldn’t eat it at this time. She insists and takes him.

Krishna gives rice to the pandit. He says Mohan was lucky to get a sister like you. She says I wish he was with me today, just wish he gets soul peace. He blesses her. He says coming time isn’t right for you, your life’s path will get tough, there will be a fight in the family, the storm will ruin you, you will lose your precious relation, keep your eyes open, enemy will be in front but you can’t see, you wish for yourself this time, you are going to fall in danger. Mohini eats pani puri. Aryaman says I don’t eat all this. She says its fine. She eats it. He says don’t eat, you will fall sick, you are getting tears. She says you wipe the tears, my hands are of spicy panipuri. He wipes her tears.

She feeds him the panipuri. He scolds her. He says I m leaving you here. She asks why are you getting angry, how will I come, my work is done. She leaves. Pandit asks Krishna to take care. He goes. Krishna worries. Rajshri and Dadi come home. Dadi says we came back, as there was waiting time in the lab. Rajshri asks Krishna to move on.

The audition goes on. Aryaman asks about the auditions. The man says we just found Renuka’s voice good, we will finalize her. Aryaman says test Mohini’s voice as well, she is from London, don’t give her special treatment. He goes. Mohini sings Dhunki lage…..

Aryaman hears her singing and likes her voice. He goes to his cabin and calls Krishna. He says I miss you when I stay away from you for some time. She says Sadhu baba said a big storm will come in our life. Aryaman says stop trusting him. Mohini hears them. He says we will fight every storm, we will protect each other, stop calling me Aryaman Sir, I feel I m dating my secretary and cheating you. She asks what shall I call you. He says call me anything, not Aryaman Sir. She laughs. She asks him to come home. He says we will go on a romantic lunch, just you and me, I will book the entire place. She says fine, we will go. He says I will come. Mohini says hello, did I disturb you both. Krishna asks how was your audition. He says she sang well. Krishna says I knew it, her voice has affection.

Krishna asks them to do the work. Mohini asks the results. He calls the judges. He asks Mohini to wait outside. The judge says we will make Renuka and Mohini compete and select the best one. Sid comes and says I was passing by and came to see your studio, how is it going. Aryaman says good. Mohini thinks to get selected somehow. She recalls the doctor’s words. She gets rashes on her hands. Doctor asks her to take the injection every day to maintain the hormonal balance. Mohini looks for her bag. She says bag is in Aryaman’s car, how shall I ask him for the car keys, he will call the doctor and then he will know about my gender transformation and he will know that I m Mohan. Sid asks will you keep a tie breaker. Aryaman says yes, we will make them compete. Sid says great idea. He thinks to tell this to Mohini, she has to get selected. He says I will go now. Aryaman says I will come along and tell the girls about the competition. Mohini faints. The girl asks what happened to you, get up. Sid thinks how to make Mohini win, Renuka is a versatile singer. Mohini gets up and says I m fine. She thinks to go and get the car keys. Aryaman and Sid come. He asks what happened. She gets fainting. Sid holds her and asks are you okay. Aryaman says we have to take her to the doctor. Sid thinks no, we can’t go there. Aryaman goes. Sid asks where is your injection. Mohini says my bag is in Aryaman’s car, get it, I can’t go to doctor. Sid says Aryaman, hold her, I will get the car. Aryaman says Mohini, you will get fine, sit down. He makes her drink some water. Sid goes to the car and gets the bag. He gets the injection. Mohini thinks why didn’t Sid get the injection till now. Anshuman comes home and runs to meet Isha. He asks are you fine, sorry, I had to go to village for factory work, don’t eat sweets. Isha says I swear, I didn’t eat any sweets, I don’t understand how my sugar spiked. Krishna says yes, I also don’t understand this. Dhanya comes and says police has come outside to ask about Mohini.

Precap: Inspector tells Krishna that Mohini had paid to get herself kidnapped.
Krishna asks Mohini why did she do so and who is she? Mohini says to her that I consider you as my elder sister why would I trouble you, please save me from the police. Mohini gets arrested.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • This Mohini track, while inevitable, is not that enjoyable...I feel like the story is falling apart a bit all of a sudden, it's just not as enjoyable as it used to be and is sort of tipping towards the typical plot lines we're all so used to (in terms of the story arc, even if the characterization is new and different). Idek if that made any sense but...yeah..

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  • Painting transgenders as husband stealing deviants… itv is not progressive if they are going to demonise people. They should focus on Mohini’s battle to be herself, but nope Mohan turns into a sl*tty Jezebel. All these itv heroines are painfully naive, I like Fahman but all the tea in China could make me actually watch this show. Fahman needs to work with bigger prod houses even his last serial didn’t garner much attention. Mohini looks like a daiyan and Krishna looks like dough

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    • True ...Fahman is too good an actor to be saddled with this sort of script

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    • The women and children - hater encouraging transgenderism. Classic. Woke to the core but in the worst way possible 👏👏👏

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