Categories: Krishnadasi

Krishnadasi 1st March 2016 Written Episode Update

Krishnadasi 1st March 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Aryan says i havent done any mistake so inspector Damini see whom you will support, Damini frees Aryan, Banwari says nobody should get enemy like them, he leaves with Aryan, Aradhya stands there in tears.
Damini brings Aradhya to police station, Aradhya says now you will arrest me but trust me Banwari lied to you, Damini says i know whats the truth and i can see it too but they are very clever in twisting laws, Aradhya says thank you for trusting me, Damini says thank me when i catch these criminals red handed, criminal can be clever but always leave evidence behind, i promise you that i will put them behind bars, Aradhya says whatever happened today my aji and Ayi should not know it, Damini says nobody will know, you go home, they must be in tension, Aradhya leaves. Damini says Aryan

didnt write this letter but someone wrote it, someone is playing this game.
Banwari says to buyer that our plan failed, now you should village for sometimes else police inspector can spy on you or either Aryan will catch, just leave from here, buyer leaves.
Tulsi says to Kumudini that Aradhya have not returned, i have asked Damini but dont know what she is doing, Aradhya comes there, Tulsi hugs her, she asks where were you? Aradhya says i went out to walk, Tulsi says you should have informed us, Tulsi asks where did you go exactly? Aradhya says i went to meet Ketki, Tulsi says but i went to see you there, you were not there, Aradhya says i met some other, i became friends with her so i went with her. Postman comes there and gives courier to Aradhya, she says Shivani has sent it for me. Kumudini comes to Tulsi and says i know you are not trusting her but Aradhya can do anything wrong, dont worry, trust her, Tulsi nods.
David is working in aaba’s house, he sees Gayetri passingby, she smiles to him, he smiles back, David leaves, Gayetri sees his phone ringing, she picks call, caller says your patient bed no.16 is very ill, do come fast, he ends call, Gayetri says he went out, how to tell him now?
Aradhya comes in her room, she recalls how she lied to Tulsi, she says i am sorry aaji, Aayi, i had to lie to both of you, i am really sorry, she cries. Aradhya sees Shivani’s courier, she opens it to find her and Aryan’s picture, she gets nostalgic seeing it, she recalls how she had lit lantern with Aryan, Kitni girhen baki hain plays, Aradhya recalls Aryan’s ill words that she is of lose character like her family. Aryan comes to his room and sees his and Aradhya’s picture angrily. Aradhya says to herself that how can you stoop so low Aryan? i hate you Aryan Vidyadhar Rao, she wipes her tears and leaves room. Aryan says i hate you Aradhya, he throws away picture.
Gayetri comes in hospital, she comes to bed no.16, she says to nurse that i have called this patient’s relative, he will come here soon till then i will stay with this patient. Saras asks her who is she? Gayetri says i am Gayetri Rao, i am grand daughter of aaba Vidydhar rao, Saras gets happy listening it, she asks how did you come here? Gayetri says i got to know that you are ill so i came to meet you, Saras asks how is everyone at home? Gayetri says everyone is fine at home, Saras cries listening this, Gayetri asks why is she crying? Saras says nothing, David comes there and is shocked to see Gayetri with Saras, he comes to Gayetri and says you are social worker right? he points to Gayetri to nod in yes, Saras says no she is not social worker but.. David says doctor told me that social worker has come to meet you, i will tell her about you, he takes Gayetri from there, Saras says even if for social work, i get to meet someone from my family.
Aradhya is walking and thinking that dont know what fate wants, i hate Aryan but his picture keeps coming infront of me, i want to erase those memories but still his face comes infront of me. Aradhya comes to lakeside, she tears her and Aryan’s picture and throws it in lake, she sees Aryan standing on otherside of lake, Aryan comes to her and says what happened? cant you make eye contact? are you ashamed? you dont have guts, or is this new drama of devdasi? Aradhya says i cant bear this anymore, it will be better if we stay away, she starts to leave but Aryan holds her hand, she tries to free it but he doesnt leave it, Aradhya looks at him, Aryan says wow you atleast looked at me, now you must be thinking to trap me, you must be following me till here, who taught you all this? your ayi? Aradhya frees her hand and starts to leave but Aryan says why dont you leave village? you and your ayi can earn alot with your work, Aradhya says dont talk ill about my ayi, Aryan says what will you do? will you file FIR against me? what your ayi did with my father, you are trying to do with me, because of your my mother lost her smile, Aradhya slaps him hard, Aryan says you didnt like it? i liked it but, Aradhya says dont show your ugly face to me again, she leaves.

Scene 2
Aryan comes back home, Pavitra says i have made sweetdish for your, Aryan says leave me alone for sometime, Pavitra says i want to talk to you about a girl, Aryan says i dont wanna talk about any girl, these days i am hating girls, he leaves, Pavitra says he must have fought with Aaro(aradhya), he doesnt know that these fights happen in love, she prays to lord to make her mother in law soon.
Aryan comes in garden and sees a worker cutting woods with axe, Aryan takes axe from him and starts hitting wood hard in anger. Aradhya comes home, she recalls Aryan’s harsh words about her and her mother, she breakdowns in tears, Tulsi comes there and asks what happened? she hugs her.
Aryan is cutting woods, Aaba sees this, he says you are taking out anger on wood? dont waste your anger on it, use this efficiently, take anger out on your enemy not on wood, come with me, its Aarti time, you will be with me in aartis from now on, he takes Aryan from there.
Tulsi asks Aradhya why is she crying? she says you would not tell me? Aradhya looks at her and says when we trust some wrong person then it hurts alot, Tulsi says yes, did someone break your trust? Aradhya says yes, a friend of mine from college, he helped me and i helped him, Tulsi says you are talking about same friend for whom you called earlier? Aradhya says yes, i thought he was nice person but after coming here… Tulsi asks if he lives here? Aradhya says yes, Tulsi asks who is he? Aradhya says Aryan Vidyadhar Rao, he has said ill about you, how can he even think about you like this? Tulsi says Aryan is your friend? Aradhya says i did mistake in recognizing him, i feel like.. how can person be so much dual face? he was so different in college but here he is Aaba’s grand son and same like him, Tulsi says they are like this, dont take it to your heart, hatred, animosity and vengeance make person bitter only, aradhya says how can you be so calm? you know what they talk about you? Tulsi says but it shows their character, if we start using slangs in return of slangs then it would not be good, Aradhya says from where did you learn all this? Tulsi says time teaches you everything, anger is characteristic of weak person, if we have faith on our truth and honesty then it doesnt matter what others say, Aradhya says when we havent done anything wrong then why people talk ill about us? i am hating all this, Tulsi says dont hate anything, hate burns person inside, just calm down, you will understand how to deal with all these ill words soon, now we shall go to Mandir for aarti, it will calm you down, you will like it, she hugs Aradhya.

Scene 3
David says to Gayetri that Saras’s story is complicated, i didnt want her to know about you so i told her that you are social worker, i am sorry, Gayetri says i understand that you must have said it after thinking, i am sorry for coming here, i left message with Shashwat about getting call from hospital but it didnt get to you, i hope you didnt mind? David says nothing like that, Saras was happy to see you, i havent seen her this happy in many years, its good that you came, thank you for coming, he holds her hand, Gayetri says i didnt say anything, i just talked about my family and she got emotional, David says yes because she is ill, you have to promise me that you will not come here without telling me and you will not tell anyone about all this at home, i dont want to get sympathies like this, Gayetri says dont worry, i wont tell anyone and i will also pray for Saras, David smiles at her, she smiles back.
Kumudini, Tulsi and Aradhya are in mandir, Shastri says Aaba hasnt come till now, Kumudini says now Krishan have to wait for Aaba too? Shastri says aarti will happen on its time, Aaba doesnt get late usually, you start aarti today, Aaba comes there and says you dancer, how dare you take my place? Kumudini says fake person has come, Aaba says to Shastri that its my right to do aarti, shastri says aarti time was passingby, Kumudini says we are Krishnadasi, we dont snatch right of doing aarti from anyone, she offers aarti to Aaba, Aaba says i wont aarti which you have touched, Aryan says i will arrange another aarti for aaba, Aradhya says they are phobic to your aarti but Krishan isnt, you start aarti, those who want to be part of it will be here, there is no ego infront of Krishan, Aryan brings aarti for Aaba. aaba and Kumudini starts together, Aradhya looks at Aryan who is staring at her, they both keep looking at each other in anger, Aaba and Kumudini sees this, Kumudini is saying Bhajan, Aaba starts his bhajan, they both say their own Bhajans, people are confused, Shastri shouts to stop this aarti, he says this is insult to Krishan, so much ego infront of Lord? this is Mandir not wrestling ring, people come here for peace not for fight, he says to Kumudini that dont bring your egoistic fight in mandir atleast, Kumudini completes her aarti, Aradhya looks at Aryan who looks away, Aradhya prays to Lord, Aaba completes his aarti, Aaba says to Shastri that everyone knows who has ego, this Mandir is pure place, and impure people are doing aarti here, this is biggest insult to God, from now on you should never give aarti to someone else other than me, he comes out of Mandir to find Damini with police there. Aaba asks whats this? Damini says collector has sent orders that there will election for Panchayat in village, from tomorrow there will be nominations, aaba says no elections happened in Krishnavati till now, we have same Sarpanch for 15years and before him was his father, Damini says this is people’s authority so it cant be in one family, this is government’s order, people can choose anyone, Sarpanch says i am old, i cant be Sarpanch now, Aaba says who will stand in this election then? Banwari says you aaba Sahib, Aaba says i am king of here, i cant beg for votes here, he leaves.
Kumudini is in house, she says to Tulsi that with new Sarpanch, things will change, Tulsi says our place will remain same, people will keep dancing to aaba’s tunes.
Aaba says to Aryan that people dance to my tunes, this Panchayat is under me, they are nothing infront of me, Aryan says i know but this way you will get panchayat’s control directly and government will start listening to you only.
Aradhya says to Tulsi that Sarpanch’s work is to give justice to people and we need a person who can stand against aaba only then justice will be served, Tulsi says nobody from this village can do this, Aradhya says how can you say this? the one who can stand against Aaba is Kumudini, my aagi, Kumudini looks on.
Aryan says to aaba that no one can beat you in Krishnavati.

PRECAP- Aaba says to his family that my Aryan wants me to take part in elections and i can say no to him, he says to shashwat that what you couldnt do, Aryan have done it. Aradhya makes slogan for Kumudini “ideal Sarpanch for village is Kumudini”. Kumudini thinks that now Aradhya is with me too in this fight against aaba, this is what i wanted.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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