Fan Fiction

Kriyam FF – True Love (Chapter 10)

Chapter 10

‘I’m back!’ Yuvan was so happy, he stepped towards me and hugged me. I was in shock.
Firstly because of these unknown, growing feelings for Sayyam and secondly because Yuvan was back. I knew he was due back but it went out of my mind.
I stood in shock while he held me tightly.

‘I missed you so much.’ He said squeezing me tight. He then smiled at Sayyam and gave him a hug.

‘I’ll see you back at the house.’ Sayyam said quietly and walked away. My eyes followed him.

‘Krish, I have been waiting to come back, I really wanted to talk to you.’ Yuvan said happily. I was looking in the distance searching for Sayyam.

‘Krish, you remember what you said to me before I left?’ He asked.

I remember it clearly. That was my first experience of heartbreak, I have never cried so much. It was a difficult time.

‘The time apart from you has made me realise how much I missed being around you. It made me realise how strong my feelings are for you.’
I was afraid of what he was going to say next, I didn’t want him to say it.

‘I love you too.’ He said while hugging me again, he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

For so long I have waited to hear these words from Yuvan. I’ve always imagined what it would be like, how I would feel, how I would react, what I would say and the happiness I would feel.

Why don’t I feel happy?? My best friend who I loved since childhood has just confessed his love for me.
He let go of me, he held my hands. He was so excited.

‘I’m so glad I told you here. Sayyam told me you would be here. There’s something so magical and romantic about the beach.’ He said taking in the scenery.

‘Sayyam?’ I asked hearing his name.

‘I told Sayyam I was coming back today and I wanted to surprise you. He said it would be romantic if I confessed to you here.’

Sayyam knew? Sayyam knew Yuvan wanted to tell me he loves me and he encouraged him??

‘Hey Krish, you ok?’ He asked. He could tell my mind was elsewhere.

‘I want to go home.’ I said looking at him seriously.

I was so confused. My childhood love had just expressed his feelings to me but the whole time my mind was on my ‘dream guy.’ My dream guy who happens to be his best friend.
I have got myself into such an impossible situation. My mind was all over the place.

We walked home. The whole time Yuvan was telling me about his trip, my mind was on Sayyam.
We walked into the house. I looked around the room, he wasn’t there. I ran upstairs searching in all the rooms to find him. My heart felt restless, I just needed to see him. I rushed into his room, he was there.
My face dropped. My heart sank.
He was packing his belongings.

‘Whe…where are you going?’ I asked quietly, still trying to catch my breath.

‘I’ve been here long enough. I’m going back to Suhani Aunty’s house. Yuvan is back now.’ He said without looking at me.

‘Yeh but you can still stay here.’ I said worryingly.

‘Yuvan is back now. You don’t need me anymore.’ He said sternly.

‘I..I don’t understand.’ I was so confused.

‘Yuvan asked me to look after you while he was away. He’s back now, so you have him now. You don’t need me anymore.’ He rushed out without looking at me once and went downstairs.

I was speechless, I felt anger increasing inside me.

I heard someone call my name behind me. I turned round, Yuvan was standing behind me.

‘So what was I?? Some sort of deal?’ I said angrily.

‘What do you mean?’ He asked.

‘Oh, you don’t know? You know, where you told Sayyam to look after me because you left! All this time I thought he genuinely cared for me, but the whole time he just did it for you?!’ I was so angry. How could he do that?? He was just pretending to care for me to help Yuvan and in the process I have developed these unknown feelings for him.

‘I’m so gullible.’ I said with tears flowing down my cheeks.

‘Look Krish, if you think Sayyam did this just for me, you’re wrong. If you honestly think Sayyam was acting all this time and doesn’t genuinely care for you, then you don’t know him at all.’ He said sternly and went downstairs.

Yuvans words stuck in my mind. I felt guilty for thinking badly of Sayyam. He may not admit it, but I know he cares.
I could hear voices outside. I ran to the balcony and saw Sayyam and Yuvan leaving, Yuvan had got into the car. Sayyam gave Ma a tight hug and started walking towards the car.
I didn’t want him to leave.

I wanted him to look back at me. I stood waiting anxiously as he took steps towards the car. I wanted to see his face one last time before he left…
As he approached the car, he suddenly stopped and looked back. He looked up at me standing at the balcony. For that small moment, I felt happy that he had turned back but that feeling wasn’t to last. He didn’t seem himself, he stood there expressionless, looking directly at me.

He didn’t smile.

The smile that I would yearn for, the smile that rarely makes an appearance, yet when it does, it is so mesmerising, it pulls me towards him and captures my full attention. I would find myself waiting each day to catch a little glimpse of his smile. The smile that gives me butterflies.

He slowly turned away, got into the car and they left.

I ran into my bedroom and dropped onto my bed with my head buried in my arms. Tears were gushing down my face. I couldn’t control my emotions, the tears didn’t want to stop, so much was going through my mind. Thoughts of the day’s events were spinning round my mind. Yuvans confession, my confusing feelings for Sayyam, I couldn’t make sense of it all.

What are these feelings I have for Sayyam??

The next morning I woke up. The emotions from the previous day’s events were still fresh in my mind. I got dressed and was about to walk down the stairs when I heard Ma talking to a man. The voice sounded familiar. My heart skipped a beat, is it him??

I rushed down the stairs with a huge smile on my face. It was him. He was sat at the breakfast table.

‘Hey Krishna, you remember you have a driving lesson with me don’t you?’ He said.
I nodded happily. The 3 of us had breakfast together. I will miss this.
Once we finished we both got into the car. I felt nervous. I didn’t feel this nervous when I have had driving lessons from him before. I put my belt on, checked the mirrors and switched the engine on. My hands were trembling, I struggled to put the car into gear. He put his hand over mine, calming my nerves and helped me put the car into gear. I felt a tingling feeling in my arm. He moved his hand away. I looked at him to see if he felt it too, but his eyes were focussed on the road.

‘Look at the road Krishna.’ He said sternly

‘We will drive to Suhani Aunty’s house. Yuvan wants to see you.’ He said.

He seemed different today. He would normally talk to me happily, but today he wasn’t himself. The whole time I drove, he didn’t speak to me, he just gave directions. Usually he would talk to me to make me feel at ease while driving. But today he was like the old Sayyam, very reserved. Something wasn’t right, it was as if something was affecting him.

We arrived at Suhani Aunty’s house. Everyone was sat together in the living area chatting and laughing. They were discussing Golu going back to his parents house tomorrow. Bhavna Aunty and Sharad Uncle are so lovely, they are the nicest people I know.

‘You should all come and spend the weekend with us. It will be a nice break.’ Golu said. They lived so far, near the mountains. I’ve never been there but I heard about how beautiful, calm and serene it is there.

‘No, it’s ok. You young ones go.’ Suhani Aunty said.

‘It would be like a road trip all of us together! It will be so much fun!’ Yuvan said happily. He came over to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

‘Ok that’s confirmed then! Yuvan, Krishna, Yuvani and Sayyam are coming with me for the weekend.’ Golu announced.

Sayyam sat down.
‘No, I don’t want to go. I will sit this one out. You all go.’ He said seriously looking down at the floor.
I stared at him trying to figure out what was bothering him, what was it that was causing him to step back into his shell.

I watched while Yuvan, Golu and Yuvani tried to convince him but he wasn’t interested. He got up to leave when the doorbell rang.
I walked over to the door. I opened the door and standing there was a tall, slim girl with big eyes. She had long black hair and was wearing a sleeveless tight top and long fitted skirt emphasising her slim figure. She walked past me and rushed straight over to Sayyam. She hugged him tightly. Everyone stood up in shock. Who is she and why is she hugging Sayyam??
I felt like I was burning inside. She took a step back and placed her right hand on his cheek. She leaned closer towards him and kissed his other cheek.

‘Oh Sayyam, I really missed you!!’ She said happily. She hugged him again. He didn’t hug her back.

‘Sorry, who are you?’ Suhani Aunty said.

Sayyam pushed the girl away gently and looked really uncomfortable.

‘Aunty, this is Baby…’ He said nervously.

‘Baby? Your ex girlfriend?’ asked Yuvan.

His ex girlfriend?? I clenched my fists trying to control the anger I felt inside. I wanted to go up to her and move her away from Sayyam.

Who is she and what does she want from Sayyam???

Precap- Weekend away at Bhavna and Sharads House. Kriyam share a moment.

Hi everyone

I am posting twice today as tomorrow is Eid so I won’t get the opportunity to upload tomorrow. If you read this chapter on IF, I have made a few little adjustments to this chapter, I don’t know if you will notice! Lol
If you haven’t read the previous chapters, please do as the chapters will make more sense.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment and share your thoughts.

Finally, Eid Mubarak to all TU readers.

Shaz x

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