Fan Fiction

Kriyam- Journey From Hatred To Love (Chapter 15)

So guys…here is the next chapter….
Saiyyam comes to his room..and starts walking…to and fro….krishna comes there with her bags….
Saiyyam-so u are blackmailing me….
Krishna-yes… wudnt have allowed for this…
Saiyyam-Why are you doing all this…
Krishna-I…i don’t want any problem in yuvani’s marriage..becos…of me…thats why…
Saiyyam-when Nikhil comes tomorrow…ill go and tell him everything….
Krishna-you wont do that…if you know wat will happen… the way why do you use sleeping pills?
Saiyyam-that’s none of your business…..ok fine…you can….but…dont u dare to question me like this again….
Krishna-I wont let you use this….
Krishna-I mean till I stay….i think you should..stop…i mean…im scared…to live with someone who uses these medicines…
Saiyyam-if your scared… forcing you….you can go(he shows the door…)
Krishna(thinks)-how will I stop him from using this….
Saiyyam-now also its not late…you can go…
Krishna-so ur saying that u will continue…to take this….?
Krishna-but why?
Saiyyam-I said you to mind your own business…..or else go….
Krishna-ok fine…do as you wish…

That night…krishna was arranging…her couch…when saiyyam comes in…she looks at him…he goes take water from jug…and goes near his drawer..he takes the medicine…and haves it….krishna looks on…he lays down to sleep….
Krishna(thinks)-I really don’t know what to do…it seems like he cant sleep without that…how will I make him understand…..(after sometime …she goes…and calls saiyyam..but he doesn’t wake up….she immediately starts checking his drawer….she sees doctor’s prescription….)
Krishna(thinks)-I think this doctor can help me in knowing saiyyam’s case…..she go the next day…
She goes near saiyyam….
Krishna-I know saiyyam…you have gone through a lot….but have a family…so you don’t need this now…and I will make you stop this…..(she off the lights and goes to sleep…)

The next day she goes to meet the doctor..and asks about saiyyam…
Doctor-mmm …i really don’t remember..this patient…if you can show a photo of his?(krishna shows saiyyam’s photo..)
Doctor checks in his computer….
Doctor-he came to me one year back…(krishna gets shocked…)
Krishna-that means…he is using this pills…since one year…?but ive never seen him taking that before….
Doctor-wat is he still using that?i just wrote for 2 months…not beyond that….
Krishna-no doctor…he still taking…it…
Doctor-I warned him that day itself…that it should not be taken..beyond 2months….if taken beyond that..then it wud be an addiction…(krishna gets shocked)
Krishna-but doctor…why did you…prescribe this medicine…if you know…it wud lead to this..?
Doctor-he is a software engineer…thos people usually come up with this problem…they really don’t get good sleep….thats why their sleeping cycle gets disturbed….and this happens…and yaa…he seemed like he had some family problems also….so maybe…
Krishna-but doctor…now how to get him out of this….i thing the condition is getting worse….he used…to rub his eyes..and hold his head..sometimes…one day he even….fell down while walking….
Doctor-wait wait…how much tablets does he takes…?
Krishna-two….i saw him taking yesterday….
Doctor-I just..prescribed one…..this means…now ..with just one he is not getting good sleep…thats why started taking two…which is really dangerous…this happens with most of the people…they keep on adding…without asking any doctors…
Krishna-but to stop him…please help me….
Doctor-it’s a matter of getting sleep…we should be very careful…you cant forcefully make him stop…if it happens like that….then he might switch on to other things to get good sleep…like alcohol or drugs…

Krishna-wat else..we can do..?
Doctor-he himself should feel that….he himself should realize that…then only…we can do something..then only we can help him…and make sure that eventho by taking pills..he should sleep on right time…there should not be any flunctuation in that…going to sleep not good in this case…
Krishna-ok doctor…ill try to make him realize… leaving now…thankyou…
Suhani-krishna where were you….nikhil’s family had come…everything is fine…now its just that we have fix their marriage and engagement date….
Krishna-hope everything goes well…im sorry aunty…i was not here….i went to doctor..i was having headache..thats why..
Suhani-its ok..are you fine now…
Krishna-yes aunty….ill just go rest for sometime…
Suhani-we thought to go for 2nd show today…with nikhil’s family…they took tickets….ull come no..?
Krishna(thinks)-doctor had said..saiyyam should not sleep late…
Krishna-no aunty…im having headache…ill rest all go…
Suhani-ok if your not coming…then..saiyyam also need not to come….i mean..wat will they think..?ill tell them….u take rest today….
Krishna-ok….thnks aunty…(and she goes..)
Krishna keeps thinking the whole day….and yuvan was constantly trying to speak with krishna…but krishna was busy in her thoughts…
Yuvan-krishna…i wanted…to tell you something..
Krishna-not now yuvan…i have something else to do….(yuvan thinks to do something..)
At night..everyone had gone out to watch a movie…saiyyam have his sleeping pills.krishna was sleeping on her couch..suddenly some goons…come…and tries to take krishna….saiyyam comes there..and starts hitting them…..the other goon goes to krishna…and slaps..her….the other goon hold saiyyam…
Saiyyam-krishna.!!!!! tell me…..tell me who you all are…..?leave her….or else….(suddenly his vision gets blurred…he feels..weight on his head….
Krishna-Saiyyam!!!….(saiyyam could hear krishna’s crying…..but he couldn’t respond to that…slowly he starts to loose consciousness….but his eyes were filled with tears….)
Saiyyam-kri…kr..krishnaaa……(his eyes slowly starts closing……he falls on floor….lifelessly…..the goons take krishna from there….)
Saiyyam-kri…krishnaaaa……(he slowly closes his eyes….tears falls from his hecloses….he falls asleep….the goons…put him on bed….)
The next day saiyyam…wakes up….by rubbing his eyes…(suddenly he gets flashes…of yesterday’s incident….)
Saiyyam(thinks)-was it a dream?
Saiyyam-krishna…krishna….(he starts calling her…he looks in washroom…he starts getting tensed..)
(He goes out….and sees everyone..standing..tensed….)
Saiyyam-maa….where is krishna….?
Suhani-even we are looking for her…(saiyyam gets shocked…)
Yuvraj-wat happened to you saiyyam?we called you a lot of times….you were not waking up….we were about to call doctor now…wat happened..and where is krishna?
Saiyyam-maa…but…kri..krishna….(he starts panicking…suddenly he gets a message…saying that krishna is in their custody..if he wants her…then..he shoud bring money…and asks him not to inform to anyone….not even to family….saiyyam quickly goes from there…and arranges the money…and goes to leave..)
Saiyyam-don’t worry maa….ill bring her back…(yuvan looks on…)
Saiyyam reaches the place….and looks around….he calls out the goons…and tell them that he bot money….But to his surprise…krishna..comes there….he goes….and hugs her….but suddenly realizes something….he sees…the two goons..coming…smiling….
Saiyyam-wats all this?can someone please explain me….wats going on…
Krishna-they harmed me….they slapped me….they kidnapped me….infront of your eyes..yesterday…but u dint do anything…to rescue me?(saiyyam doesn’t answer anything…)
Krishna-this is my friend arjun..and his brother…rahul…..(saiyyam gets shocked…)
Saiyyam-so all this was your plan?
Krishna-yes to make you realize….that you are turning into a good for nothing…(saiyyam looks on)
Krishna-this was a plan…but just imagine if this was real?this…happened with yuvani?will you be able to save that condition…(saiyyam bcums speechless…but he looks at krishna angrily)
Saiyyam-u know… house are tensed and praying for u there….for making me understand this….u put them all in tension…(he leaves from there angrily….)
Arjun-I think he is angry…shud I speak to him?
Krishna-no its ok arjun…and thankyou so much….
Arjun-please don’t say this…ok..fyn..we are leaving…call us if you want any help….
Krishna-ok….(they leave and krsihna goes and sits in saiyyam’s car..)
Saiyyam starts driving….
Krishna- I know…i did wrong with them….but saiyyam…you have to leave this habit…not only for you..but its bad for people around you also….(saiyyam doesn’t say anything….they reach home…)
Yuvraj-wat happened krishna….are you fine?
Krishna-yes daidu….
Suhani-saiyyam who were they?(Saiyyam was about to say..when krishna interrupts…)
Krishna-they kidnapped me for money..but saiyyam tricked them in not giving the money…
Yuvraj-okay you both go and rest…..weel talk later…
That day night…Saiyyam comes from wash room and goes near his drawer…..krishna looks on…he takes the medicine packet…..(krishna gets sad….)
He then goes to the dustbin and throws it….and looks at krishna….
Saiyyam-(shouts)but how will I sleep now?(krishna gets scared)

Precap-Saiyyam-will u help me to get out of this?

So guys…hope you all liked this chapter..please do give me your reviews….

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