Fan Fiction

Kriyam- Journey From Hatred To Love (Chapter 26)

Hi guys………so here is the next chapter….hope you all will like it…

In birla mansion….everone were worried for krishna and saiyyam….
Suhani-yuvraj…please do something….im having a feeling that something bad has happened….please something….(yuvan gets tensed….)
Yuvan(thinks)-don’t know…where are they…..i think the effect must have started showing on saiyyam….krishna is drunk…she wont be able to do anything….now wat to do….(he calls someone…)
Yuvan-haan..its me yuvan…..can you please tell me….if there…is any problem..if it takes time to take him to hospital….?

Guy-ofcourse….its overdose when you mix alcohol and bhang….it can be fatal also….(yuvan gets shocked..)
Yuvan-but…when I asked told its not that dangerous…..
Guy-that’s just for sometime….(yuvan cuts the call…..suhani sees him tensed…even yuvani and Nikhil were tensed..)
Suhani-wat happened?why are you all looking tensed…..(yuvani and Nikhil says the matter….yuvraj and suhani gets shocked…)
Yuvan(thinks)-this is the right time to say…..but how….
Yuvan-actually…papa….im sorry….me n my friend..were mixing bhang…but we thot that…it wont effect saiyyam…so we mixed alcohol…also in that(yuvraj gets shocked..and slaps yuvan….)
Yuvraj-do you know….its dangeruous… do that…..?
Suhani-what dangerous…yuvraj?(yuvraj looks at suhani…)
Suhani-tell me…what dangerous..?
Nikhil-uncle we dint know this….we just asked yuvan to mix bhang….if I knew this I wud haven’t allowed…..cos its very dangerous….even dea….(he stops…)
Suhani gets shocked…..
Yuvraj-don’t worry suhani nothing will happen to saiyyam…im sure…they will not be far….they will be here around we will look….
Nikhil-but uncle we have to make it fast….it should not take time…atleast…fast medication shud be given….so its ok even if we take time to reach hospital….i will do that….(yuvraj and Nikhil was about to go when yuvan also cums….yuvraj pushes him….)
Yuvan-papa…please….i really dint know its dangerous…please….
Suddenly saiyyam comes in…..screaming…..
Saiyyam-maa…..papa…..cum fast…..please……(he gently places…krishna on sofa…..and goes to their room….they all gets relieved seeing saiyyam…suhani goes and hugs him…)

Suhani-what…happened…?(she notices even he was crying..she ..takes with him to the hall…they all gets shocked seeing krishna lying unconscious…they go to her…and tries to wake her up….)
Saiyyam-I don’t know…wat happened…suddenly….she….(he goes to nikhiland drags Nikhil..there…)
Saiyyam-do something fast…wat are you standing here…..?(Nikhil…checks..krishna…and asks….yuvani to bring his…medical kit…from room….and he sits checking….krishnas pulse…..)
Yuvani gives…him the medical kit…he gives krishna an injection…
Nikhil-she will gain her consciousness….now….but…we have to take her to hospital faast….i jst..gave her this…so that the toxic effect will…not remain for sometime…cum fast…..(krishna slowly opens her eyes….everyone gets relieved….)
Saiuyyam-krishna…cum fast…canu walk…?
Krishna-yaa..saiyyam…but wat happened….and this blood?
Saiyyam-I don’t know wat happened…….but no time to discuss all that….(he makes her get up…)
Saiyyam-are you sure that you can walk…..
Nikhil-its fine saiyyam…now she is alright…..
Krishna-but im feeling thirsty….
Suhani-cum krishna..weel drink from garden……theres no water in house….as now outside…(suhani and krishna goes….saiyyam…was about to follow them when yuvraj….stops him..)
Yuvraj-cum saiyyam…start the car fast…..we cant make it late….(they leave…)
Nikita goes to yuvan..

Nikita-so all this was your plan?you wanted saiyyam to drink that…but krishna drank it by mistake wright?
Yuvan-please…i don’t want to talk now….weel talk later….
Krishna was drinking…water….still holi party was going on….some guests cum to suhani…so she was talking with them….
Some goons….cum…and takes krishna…she tries to call suhani..but…they cover her mouth…..
After sometime….suhani luks back…and doesn’t see…krishna….she looks here and there…..but cudnt find…she gets worried….she runs to yuvraj and saiyyam and says the matter…..they gets shocked….saiyyam quickly runs from there…..and looks everywhere…..but cudnt find them….
Yuvraj comes to him…
Yuvraj-don’t worry saiyyam…..weel look…
Saiyyam-but where did she go?did any1 take her from here…..?…papa….if we donttake her in time….
Yuvraj-saiyyam….please…..dont be weak…..cum…fast…weel luk….(they search for her…sudenly a man cums..there….)
Man-excuse me…actually…i heard you talking….my son saw….sum goons taking….your daughter….
Saiyyam-wat?did he see..where did they take her…?
Boy-yaa….they took her there?(he points towards an old building there…..saiyyam and yuvraj thanks them..and goes….)

In the old building…..
Krishna was taken to the person who asked to kidnap her…he was business..rival of yuvraj……
Yuvraj’s business rival-you have brot the wrong girl…this is not yuvraj birlas daughter…
Goon1-but sir…
Yuvraj’s business rival-I want his real daughter…..not this girl….(he goes saying this….)
Krishna was screaming in between…she was terrified….
Krishna-please let me go…..please….
Goon-if we let her go like this….we will be caught..her family might….inform police…..but if we do something..that she cant tell anyone outside…then…..(krishna gets shocked…..)
Goon-bring her to my room…..its been so many days….and she luks so beautiful…i cant wait more…..bring her to my room….(he smirks..)
Krishna-no!!!!(she get out their..grip….but she was too weak…for that…..the goons..take her to the leaders room…and they leave from there…..(krishna gets really scraed…..she tries to open the door and go…but he pulls…her…..)
Krishna-don’t touch me…..!!please…..leave me…..ill do anything …..please don’t do this…..(the goon takes off her shawl….krishna cries… d she pushes him….suddenly she feels weak…..and start loosing her consciousness…the goon comes to her..and smirks…..)
Krishna-sa…saiyyam…ple..please he… elp me……(the goon..cums…close…to her……with all her energy left…she screams…)

Suddenly the door…opens…with a force……the goon gets shocked..seeing saiyyam and yuvraj……
Yuvraj a nd saiyyam sees….krishna….
Saiyyam runs to krishna……
Saiyyam-krishna…..krishna….open your eyes……(the goons cum from there…..and attacks yuvraj……saiyyam goes and helps yuvraj….both of them starts….fighting the goons…..saiyyam goes to krishna….)
Krishna(in semi conscious state)-saiyyam…please save…me…(she hugs saiyyam..saiyyam sees her shall thrown away….and understands that they misbehaved with krishna…..he gets angry…..)
Saiyyam sees..the goons hitting yuvraj…he goes to him..
Saiyyam-papa….please take krishna from here….ill manage them….please..
Yuvraj-but saiyyam…
Saiyyam-please papa…..remember wat Nikhil told?
Yuvraj-ok…..but be careful…..yaa……(sum 1 hits them..they both fall…..they were again going to beat…but saiyyam stops and starts fighting…..)
Saiyyam-take her and go papa!!!!fast…..(yuvraj goes to krishna….takes her….and leaves from there….in between…he calls yuvan….)
Yuvraj-yuvan…..u know that old building near our house wright?go ….there fast…saiyyam is in danger…..go fast…..
Yuvan-ok papa……(yuvan and his friends…..go there…..they all fight….with the goons)
….One of the goon…cums and hits..saiyyam..on head…..(everyone gets shocked……saiyyam’s head starts bleeding….yuvan goes to him…while the goons runs..from there…..)
Yuvan-saiyyam…..saiyyam….(saiyyam slowly starts to loose his consciousness…)
Saiyyam-krishna……fy..fyn….?(he falls on ground…unconscious….)
Yuvan’s friend-this is wat you wanted wright?if he dies…you will get krishna….(yuvan slaps..him…)
Yuvan-he is my brother……i cant let him die….dont you dare say this again… cum help me….(they all take saiyyam to hospital….)

Suhani and yuvraj gets shocked seeing saiyyam….they take saiyyam to ICU
Yuvan tells the whole matter to them…..both krishna and saiyyam are being treated….everyone prays for them….

Precap-krishna comes to see saiyyam….everyone are present…there….
Krishna-why is he not waking up?wat happened to him?

Sorry guys…for always…hurting saiyyam…but this is needed for my future story….so hope you all like it….thank….you… give your reviews..

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