Fan Fiction

Kriyam : Made for each other (Episode 2)

Hai guys it is dewdrop again .with the second part .

let’s start,
All of them entered into their class saiyyam always sits in the place from which he can see krishna clearly with out getting noticed by others and also not by krishna.
Then teacher announced about a project ,a group project ,
Saiyyam to his friend
Saiyyam : oh no yar ,I don’t want to do any project .it is quite boring.
Arjun : ha yar ,I think everyone should participate , right?
Dev : but I don’t want to , I just hate doing project .
Teacher : group wise list should be there in the notice board from evening it self.
But in that day saiyyam left the college before evening ,so he didn’t check the group list in the notice board , bcz he have no interest in that .
He reached his home ,yuvan had already arrived ,bcz they have to go their brothers engagement function.
During the function boys were planing about the bachelor party ( bcz there is only few days for the marriage)
Yuvan : I think ,party will be on next Wednesday day ,what say.?
Saiyyam :(in mind) next Wednesday , good I can escape from that group project .( To yuvan ) yeah I think you chose a good day ( smiles).
Yuvan : so it is confirmed.
Ivan ( their brother): yeah so that is fixed it will be on next Wednesday.

After spending some more time birlas left from there and reached their house .
Saiyyam and yuvan (towards yuvani ): hey, we are going to have a bachelor party on next Wednesday.(they smirks
At her by meaning that they are going to enjoy it and teases her)
Yuvani : (to Suhani and yuvraj) mamma pappa this two guys are irritating me (with a sad face)
Yuvraj( to his sons) : stop teasing my daughter (goes near yuvani)
Suhani : (goes near her sons ) oh yuvraj ,they are saying the right thing ,they have to enjoy .yuvani stop this drama papaka Chamchi
(Yuvan and saiyyam hug Suhani )
Suhani : let them enjoy. After marriage they didn’t get time to enjoy like this (she smiles)
Yuvan : oh after I can continue this enjoyment for 2 or3 years.
Suhani: no beta we thinking about your marriage now .
Yuvan : marriage,no maa
Yuvraj : no yuvan no excuses now ,you have a job and a good salary now ,so it is the time to get married.
(Yuvan pouts Infront of them ,but smiles in his mind get excited)

Every one dispersed to their rooms to sleep
In saiyvan’s room
Saiyyam : bhai,you are getting married soon .
Yuvan : yes .
Saiyyam: then what about your girl friend.?
Yuvan : which girl friend ,oh suman.
Saiyyam: did I inform our family about her ?
Yuvan: no yar ,no need .it is just a time pass.what about your love ?
Saiyyam : my love , I don’t know what to do .
Yuvan : go and propose her .
Saiyyam : no way Bhai .if she rejected my proposal ,I can’t even think about it.
Yuvan : just go and confess ,if she reject forget it.
Saiyyam : (with a sad face) nooo ,plz don’t say that . You know bhai it is the second year of my secret love ,I don’t even say a word to her ,bcz I am afraid ,she is not like other girls in our college she is unique ,she have no interest in these things.
Yuvan : you don’t think much, every thing will be alright.
Both of them laydown on the bed ,yuvan falls asleep,but saiyyam is thinking about krishna her smile ,her care for her friends and soon he also falls asleep.

Next day in the college .
In the canteen ,
Dev : ( to saiyyam) did you see the group list.
Saiyyam: no ,I don’t want to see that list ,I don’t even come to college on that day.
Arjun : what ?
Saiyyam : ivan’s bachelor party is on that day .(smiles) come with me we will check that list just for a fun.
Arjun and Dev : yeah
They reached in front of the notice board and begin to search their name.
Saiyyam on seeing the names in his group he get shocked .
Saiyyam : oh no what will I do ?
Dev : what happened saiyyam ,why are you bothering about this list ,you are not even coming on that day.
Arjun : yeah right ,why are getting tensed .
Saiyyam : nothing (by saying this he leave).

While walking through the corridor he see some coming toward him ,it is none other than krishna ,
Krishna : hai, saiyyam.
Saiyyam : (with shock face thinking that it is a dream he pinched him self ) ha hello
Krishna : so you and me are in same group right.
Saiyyam : ha (with a sad face)
Krishna : why are you sad ,is there any problem , I think you are not comfortable with this group right .
Saiyyam : no,no nothing like that .(make a smiling face).OK ,now
Krishna :(smiles). yeah. we are in same group so we have to discuss about the project right .
Saiyyam : yeah ,shall we start discussion today it self.
Krishna : no ,we will start it tomorrow.(she smiles)
Saiyyam :(smiles back) OK then.
Krishna goes from there . Saiyyam became very happy and sad also by thinking that what did he tell to Ivan to escape from that party. he continued walking by thinking about a way to escape and also about his first talk to his love.

(Authors note 😕
It is fourth year of kriyam in their college but they have never speaks to each other.)

That’s it . hope you like it.??
. I have no idea about the project plz share your ideas.
Love you all?


Keep calm and rabbave❤️❤️ARSHI ?kriyam??

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