Chapter 5
Hey guys! Sorry for less Kriyam scenes yesterday. I needed to show the plot of the story so i just put a little Kriyam scene. Sorry! I hope you guys like my writting cause some times i feel like quitting and not continuing with this story. Anyways heres the story. Btw i am going to bring the old characters like Saurab, Meenka and anuj back in the next episodes.
Yuvaan walks away Baby keeps on banging at the door.
Krishna is getting ready. Apparently she has to wear a sari. Krishna struggles to wear a sari. Apparently its been 12 weeks and her stomach has began to show a little. Krishna remebers the time when Sayyam made her wear the sari. She smiled.
Krishna: Ufff! You baby in there for you i have to struggle to wear a sari. I even forgot how to wear one. And i have to wear it in a lose way so that u r safe. Uff!
Sayyam: Krishna!!
Krishna stands frozen. Apparently she was wearing her sari but it covered half of her body. But Krishna didnt understand why she didnt feel uneasy towards Sayyam as he was seeing her like that. She slowly turned around.
Sayyam walked closer to Krishna and bent down. He looked at her stomach and touched it. Krishna felt a tingle of shiver pass down her back.
Sayyam: Sorry beta inside there. You maa was gone crazy and is scolding you. But dont worry i will not let her.
Sayyam stands up. Krishna is smilling looking at Sayyam.
Sayyam: Krishna. Dont dare to scold my child again. Okay?
Sayyam: let me help you wear the sari.
Krishna : You know how to?
Sayyam:(sighs) Krishna stop talking. Remember I made you wear sari the last time.
Krishna: Yes but-
Sayyam: okay i am leaving !
Krishna: No wait!
Sayyam starts to leave but Krishna gets hold of his hand. Sayyam looks at her hand. He turns around. Krishna is pouting and doing the ‘big pleading eye’ thing. Sayyam looked at her pouting. He didnt know why he liked Krishna doing it so much. He looked at her eyes tnat were so big and brown. He wanted to hug her.
Sayyam slowly pulled himself together and sighed.
Krishna: For you baby’s sake.
Sayyam: Fine turn around
Krishna smiles and turned around. Sayyam helps her drape her sari. When sayyam was making her wear the sari he touched Krishna’s back. Instantly a shiver went down her back and her bones turned to jelly. Sayyam felt like there were butterflies in his stomach. He slowly draped her sari. And went away.
Sayyam was stading behind the chair Krishna was going to sit on. It was just a family party. Sayyam was busy smilling at the preparations done for Krishna and their baby.
Suddenly cam Yuvaani’s voice.
Yuvaani : And here comes Krishna!
Sayyam looks on. He stares at Krishna. Apparently she had done more makeup and wore beautiful but simple jewellery. Krishna looked at him and smiled. They both stared at each other for a moment.
Suhani: ahem.
They both looked away, Krishna sar on the chair.
Everybody ate and talked about the future. Meanwhile Baby was stuck in the storeroom. She had no idea what to do.
Rags: Where is baby?
Yuvaan: uh… She said she had to get some things from the market.
Suhani: oh.
Somewhere inside the house the shadow was watching.
Shadow : great! Yuvaan is helping me in such a way by trying to kill the babies. But it must happen a little later. Let me go free Baby. I will show my face in a few days.
Theshadow leaves. Sayyam sees someone. He starts to walk the direction when he hears Krishna saying ouch. He quickly rushes to her.
Sayyam: what happened?!
Krishna: nothing just this earring.
Sayyam: You got me scared.
Krishna: Good to see you care for someone atleast.
Sayyam looks at her. He smiles.
Yuvaani: Krishna eat this sweets !
Yuvaan looks at eat. He smiles. It hallens to be exactly the one he had put the poison in. He goes forward to see what happens.slowly Krishna bought he r hand to the spoom. She was going to eat it. Yuvaan looked on waiting for her to eait it.
Suddenly someone comes and moves the bowl away from Krishna’s hand. It falls with a smash.
Baby: Don’t eat it! It’s poisoned!!
Yuvaani: What are you saying?!
Baby: Yuvaan poisoned the sweet!
Suhani: Enough!
Yuvraaj: you cant blame my son like that.
Baby turns to Krishna
Baby: Krishna. You kniw i am telling the truth. I mean he said i kive you to yiu remmeber?
Krishna nods. Sayyam is shocked and speechless. He stares at the scene going on.
Baby: and he loves u so much that he told me to seperate u a d SAYYAM but now i have leart my mistake. Yuvaan told me to jelp him poison your kids but i refused so he locked me up. I dont know whi but someone unlocked the door.
Sayyam stares at Krishna
Sayyam: its true?
Krishna: Yes! With the happiness of my baby i forgot to protect my child from Yuvaan. He can get to any extends to kill our child!!!!
Baby slaps Yuvaan. Everyone stares at shock. They cant believe the reality of Yuvaan.
Baby: There he revealed the truth himself!
Suhani walks forward and slaps him. Everyone is disgusted with Yuvaan.
Suddenly someone kicks Yuvaan. Its Sayyam. He begins hitting yuvaan kicking and pushing him. But Krishna stops him.
Krishna: Sayyam please! In between this fight he might push me and harm the baby.
sayyam: Just you wait!!!!
Krishna and sayyam comes in. Sayyam shuts the door very tightly. Krishna is crying in the middle of the room.
Sayyam:(fuming with rage) Krishna you knew? About yuvaan liking u?
Krishna: ……. Yes (she almost whispers)
Krishna: Because you said you dont care about me !
Sayyam: i care about you! I CARE ABOUT YOU ALOT!!
Krishna stares at sayyam’s confession
Sayyam: I cares for you from the day i knew the truth about my father! I CARED FOR YOU! Even before you were pregnant! BECAUSE ITS MY DUTY. AND O DONT JUST CARE FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE MY WIFE!!!! I CARE FOR YOU BECAUSE I LO-
Sayyam stops abruptly. He stares at his on confession.
Krishna: (soothing voice) Because?
Sayyam: i will tell you tomorrow night. Now go to sleep
Precap: Krishna: Tell me ur feelings sayyam!!! STOP BEING A COWARD!
Sayyam: FINE!!
Good i love kriyam
I love kriyam too
Pls update regularly. Waiting for the next.. Anyways beautiful writing
Next is uploaded
Kriyyam scenes were so adorable!!
Thank you so much
It was great one..I’m liking Baby yaar..I couldn’t even imagine I wud ever like her?? n Yuvaan..No comments?? d precap seems very interesting..
Aarti r u a dil hai hindhustani fan? Well I am…if ur then which participant do u like the most??
I don’t watch it for d contestants..I watch it for Prit..D host..
I also like dil hai Hindustani… I like haitham… Is handsome in casual wear ryt?…
N I love maa beti Jodi also… N simran raj is also an amazing kid.. N euphony’s beat boxer..bhavesh ryt?.. I love all of them..
Haha ? Metoo never thought i would like her Keep reading
Nice episode
Next episode as soon as possible plzz….
Next episode posted
Nice.. plz upload da nxt episode
Episode posted
Woow… I’m in love with this story yaar.. Super awesome… Waiting for the next part…
Thank u dear. I m in love with ur ff too
I love ur ff tooo
N I too in love with ur ff… Keep going… U r rocking it….
Thxs dear
I thought he would confess everything today….precap looks thrilling 4 the 1st time I loved baby…yuvaan that devil..saiyyam ‘s concern..cute kriyyam moments ….luved it yaar…update ASAP
Already updated the next one
Its too early to confes. Anyways thanks dear ?

Yhank you
ohhh pls dont stop writing…
Dont worry dear. I wont ?
n ya love ur story…waiting fr nxt part update soon..
The next part is uploaded
So cute scene of kriyam….keep going…
waiting for next part.
update soon
V nic episode whats next waiting for next update
Awesome epi il love it plzz update soon
Omg can’t wait

Omg can’t wait ?
Can’t wait