Chapter 6
Hey guys. So in my precious episode there was one person that gave a lot of hate comments. I just wanted to say if you dont like my story dont read it and if u hate it then fine i will stop writing it.
Krishna: No! Today i will not listen to you!!
Sayyam: Kri-
Krishna: let me speak! YOU SAY YOU CARE ABOUT ME RIGHT? People who crae for eachother tell everything to each other! BUT NO YOU ARE NIT READY TO TELL ME UR FEELINGS. YOU ARE STAYING QUIET LIKE A COWARD PERSON. TELL ME!!
Sayyam: So much anger is nit good for the baby , Krishna –
Krishna says this as a single tear comes down her face. Sayyam heart starts aching. Does Krishna really hate me? Does she still love Yuvaan? Then Sayyam started to fume with rage. Fine ! Iwill tell her!!
Sayyam: (gritting his teeth) what do you want?
Krishna:Tell me your feelings sayyam!! STOP BEING A COWARD!
Sayyam: FINE!!
There was silence as sayyam shouted out those words. Krishna didnt say anything waiting eagerly to see whether sayyam would say what she wanted to hear.
Sayyam walked closer and grabbed krishna’s hand. Right now he didnt care to be gentle towards Krishna because she is pregnant. He wanted to let Krishna know. He pinned Krishna to the wall and bought his face really close to Krishna
Their nose were touching and Krishna was breathing really hard. She delt enjoued yet scared to hear Sayyam’s confession. Did he love her or hate her?
Sayyam: I care for you Krishna because I love you…. I. LOVE. YOU.
Everything stopped moving. All Krishna could see was sayyam and all she could hear was thise three words. The way thise three words floated through Krishna’s ears and made music spring in her brain. She wanted to kiss Sayyam but she pulled herself together.
Krishna(thinking) Play hard to get.
Sayyam moved even closer. Now if anyone of them moved they could guve each other a kiss. Thier lios were that close.
Sayyam: And i know that u love me too.
Krishna: No….. I .. Dont.
Sayyam actually thought Krishna was saying the truth. He loosened his grip on her. He felt hus heart would break. But then he noticed that Kroshna averted her eyes and wouldn’t look at him. Sayyam knew Krishna loved him. A joy filled him and a naughty nut good side came out of him. Sayyam smirked.
Sayyam(taunting): Oh really.
He turned Krishna around so that her back was pinned to his chest. He removed her hair and rubbed his nose against Krishna’s back. Krishna could feel sayyam hard breath. She took deep breath and tried to pull herself.
Sayyam: say…. The truth….. (He whispered in her ears)
Sayyam began kissing Krishna’s neck and began going down when Krishna couldnt bear it any longer.
Krishna: YES! Yes i love you.
So guys i am ending the episode here. This was a very short one as my mood is down because of that person who commented hate. I feel really sad.
Precap : Krishna wakes up
Sayyam: Krishna i was thinking.. How about having another baby when this one is born?
Krishna smiled.
Don’t bother about one comment.. Ignore.. We loving ur ff :). Pls post a long full of kriyam episode. Love the way u write. Go ahead

Thank you so much for you support dear
no…no no…pls dont feel upset….there r many like me who r waiting 4 ur ff everyday….
n this one was so cute…..pls…dont stop writing…n give us long epi…pls upload next part 2day itself…pls…
Thank you so much dear. I will try to post the next epi soon
Who gave a hate comment to u.. I have read all the comments of the previous part.. But there was not negative comments…
Anyways… If there was negative comments.. Don’t mind them… We love ur ff.. If that person don’t like ur story then y the hell is that person reading it.. Don’t mind those type of ppl..i like ur story.. This episode was ? keep going… Don’t stop writing due to one or 2 ppl… There are more ppl who like ur story… Don’t spoil ur mood.. Keep smiling..
Good bless u..
No the person sent hate in private messages. Thxs so much for ur support. I just got a little ipset. But my hopes are rising. Thxs so much ?
Don’t worry.. Just ignore it.. We love ur story…
Thxs dear. I will ignire ?
I read them all too buh I didn’t find any hate comment either
Plz dont stop writing… ignore dem.. anyways nyc episode as always.. waiting fr next
Thxs u soo much for ur support
No pls dont stop i love your ff pls keep wrieting waiting for next update
I will keep on writting. Next part posted
Don’t take anything to ur heart dear.. u r awesome.. don’t mind such things .. continue ur lovely writings dear ???
Tyxs soo much
I loved this episode especially the confession part?! U are an awesome writer. And please don’t get annoyed by those comments since you should also take crticism in a positive way and your rectify the flaws if any. And i didnt see any such comments in the previous episodes who wrote it??
No dear. It was written in private chats
Thank u soo much for ur support. Its nice to see people support each other these days 
Gajaab?lovely update yaar…and plz continue writing. ..Don’t upset for 1 hate comment dear…if 1 person hates ur ff then there are so many are there who love you rite….we are all with u….so uss ek hater ko goli maaro aur tum aage bado. …waiting for your next update ?
Thank u so much for supporting me. ?
?Ha goli mat dungi
Another episode please
Episode 7 posted
Who made hate comment..Tell me..I’ll irritate him/her so much dat he/she will forget making hate comments??
See, it’s all upto..Do u want to end it bcz of dat one ridiculous person..Or do u want to continue for all your supporters..Me being sweetest??
*sweet supporters
The persons user name is so stupid-Kriyamiseww. ?? yes i have many sweet readers. ?
The persons user name is so stupid-Kriyamiseww. ?? yes i have many sweet readers/supportes. ?
Hate comments are ordinary, there are always people wjo enjoy to spread negativity. This shoudnt demotivate you in anyway. Because what yoy have fot here is a very romantic and very sweet and lovely lovely lovely epi and ff. Thank you for writing, its awesome
Your right. I shouldnt be demoted. Thxs for encouraging me. ???
i love ur ff..not just ur but of every1 bcoz ur ff r nly joy or shud i say a source to kriyam scns n every thg abt kriyam..pls u ppl dont stop writing dat…im a silent reader but i hv started commenting fr u all..n bcoz of few ppl dont stop writing thk of us..d positive comments….love ur story n KEEP WRITING…
Exactly why I was hurt. We spend soo much time to get love and not hate btysm dear ?
Hey who gave negative comment? Leave that ….we r with u
always ……..
And nice epi ??
Aww thxs for being with me. I am soooo happy now???
Person who gave negative comment may be jealous of u?
U dont stop writing we all love ur ff
Nice episode
Plzz update asap
Maybe ??. No i wont stp writting. Next part uploaded
I love this ff?
Awesome … i wish same thing happens in d episodes also
Omg mee too ??
Loved the chapter, didn’t really get time to comment on other chapters but I’m really loving your ff
Thxs? Good to know silent readers are commenting.
Never ever feel bad dear…we all luv ur ffs….just tell the name??
The person was not registered. His name was – Kriyamiseww. I hate the username ??
Ridiculous name, I must say..It’s pukeworthy
This ff is mindblowing mahn!!i dont understand y ny1 wud hate it…pls dont take such ppl srsly..nd continue rytin..cos u do an amazing job!!
Thank y sooo much dear.
Made my day
your ff really very good…don’t bother about negative comments the didn’t had guts to say publicaly that’s why he had said privately becos he know he is wrong
your ff is awesome…waiting for next update
Thank u sooo much. I was really hurt as i spend hours writting this ff but people send hate. But ur right. The person had no guts??
Wow….Nice epi dear..Pls continue…Read all of ur epi in one go..This is truely an awesome ff.U r truely a great writer
Thank you so much dear. Loved that u like my ff ??
Keep writing gal because we love u &ur ff…don’t give up just ignore hate comments…whoever the person may is really jealous because u got talent….ignore those peole & just keep writing..btw the epi was epic….
Yea ur right maybe they r jealous ? Anyways thank u so much for ur support. I wasreally hurt ??
pls do not writing……do continue…..i just love your ff…….today episode was great…..pls make tomorrow story bigger….
Thank you so much i have already posted the next part
sorry error….i meant do not stop writing*
Hi everyone..All the ssel fans..Either u r a kriyam fan or Yuvani fan…Please support SSEL..There are many rumours now that ssel is going off air..It is our responsibility to prevent our fav show from going of air.If u have fb or twitter pls make posts to starplus requesting not to make ssel go off air..And pls…Stick on to ur televisions at 5pm..Pls contribute in increasing ssel’s trp..Pls..This is a humble request
Yes. Please everyone watch SSEL kriyam or yuvaani fans ??
Aww great ep like always and don’t worry we are here to support u and ur ff??
Thank you so much. All of your support is greatly needed ?
Hater’s work is being hateful. But just becoz of one person do u want take the joy of others who likes reading it. Ignore the Haters and concentrate on the good side becoz u know you r an excellent writer and many people love ur work. So keep writing and can’t wait for the next epi.
Very sweet…don’t bother about the hate messages… ignore them
Awesome . And don’t stop writing bc of some stupid retarded person . And I think ik who it is . It might b Gaya. Guys u remember Gaya? Tht person once wrote to all the ffs dat yuvani is better n dat Kriyam sucks . I think it’s her again .she can go suck a d***