Fan Fiction

Kriyam- two bodies one soul- episode 2

Episode starts
Saiyam knocks at the door of the orphanage and a kid opens it..saiyam kneels down to him
Saiyam: hi beta..wht is ur name..
Kid: ayan..but what do u want..
Saiyam( takes out a chocolate from his pocket): i just want a bit of time with u..can i come in..
Ayan: krishna didi says not to accept chocolate from i can’t take it..
Saiyam: ok..ur krishna di is very smart but im not here to hurt u..i just wanna play..
Saiyam makes cute faces which makes ayan laugh..and he lets him in..
Saiyam plays with kids and gets to know about krishna baby trisha and kaka..he enjoys a lot with them..when his phone rings..
Saiyam: hello
Yuvan: dude..we got two rooms for us..just come now and its a bonus..being the first visitors we are invited to the party..
Saiyam: ok ok fine u flirt with the girls there i will take some time to come..
Yuvaan: fine..bye
Saiyam hangs up..

Just then the orphanage,s landline kid was around so saiyam received the call..before he could say hello..the girl from other side began saying..( as u guessed it was Krishna but saiyam does not know it yet..)
Krishna: hello..look whichever of the kid has received just listen..i don’t have much battery left…just go to my room and take out my blue sweater …then ask any warden to bring that here in the hotel..the dori of my kurta has been tore off and i need the sweater..just ask the warden to come in room 101 in the hotel
Saiyam was amazed nd doesn’t know how to respond..
Before he said anything the phone gets cut as krishna,s battery is dead..
Ayan comes and calls saiyam in the hall..
Saiyam tells Everything..
Ayan: hmm blue kurta was wore by Krishna she needs a sweater..but the warden has gone out..we need to wait..
Saiyam: but how can we leave her like that there..
Ayan: but kids are not allowed there..
Saiyam: ah..i can go there im goin to stay at that hotel ..
Ayan: good then i will bring the sweater…
Saiyam takes it and goes to hotel..he reaches to room 101 and feels awkward..he knocks
Krishna: come in..
He opens the door..and feels awkward..
Krishna,s back was towards him so they couldn’t see eo
He goes towards her..she was fixing her anklet..and doesn’t look upwards..
Saiyam comes exactly behind her back.. he doesn’t know what to say he just puts the sweater on her shoulder..unexpectedly krishna turns around and says thanks but her foot twists and she begins to fall but saiyam holds her..
They both see each other..

Saiyam was mesmerized by her beauty..while krishna had a confused expression.. they have an eyelock which was finally broken by Krishna..
Krishna: wh..who are u..what are u doing here??..she begins to hide her exposed back..
Saiyam: ( looking away)ah..i..u ..u don’t need to feel awkward..ur dress just got tore off so i..
Krishna: u were following me in the can u..
She gave him a disgusting look..
Saiyam: NO..i just got a ..
Krishna: just shut up..i know boys like u very well.
She scolded him a lot, and does not let him speak..and leaves..
Saiyam: what a weird girl..i came to help her and she..huh..

In party..
Yuvan flirting with baby comes to know about his background and plans to trap him..
Krishna comes and stands next to trisha..
Trisha: what happened??
Saiyam comes and kriyam exchange disgusting looks..

Precap: saiyam falls on top of Krishna


Karan jotwani: <3 <3.. I love him so much.. support him support Kriyam Read my fan fictions. Im hungry for comments

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