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Episode 99
Krishna suhani n yuvaani is working on the kitchen… Their preparing dinner…
Yuvaani:(comes near Krishna) whr r u going to sleep now Krishna?
Krishna: Kahi bi… Koi farak nahi hai… I can manage.. Don’t worry…
Yuvaani: Don’t forgive sayyam easily…I know that he is my bro..i should support him.. But jobi kiya… Wo galat ta… I’m with u anything for u… He will definitely try to seek forgiveness…. Don’t forgive him easily… Samji…
Krishna: Ay..ay.. Captain… I got it.. N thank u soo much yuvaani for ur support…
Suhani saw both Yuvaani n Krishna talk that too secretly… So thought to check..
Suhani: Wht r u both talking leaving me alone huh?..
Yuvaani: Woo… Kuch nahi maa… Bas ase hi…
Krishna: Mein abi aati Hu… (she excusedn went out from the kitchen)
Suhani: Yuvaani…
Yuvaani: Ji maa…
Suhani: I know wht u r talking to Krishna… Relationships can’t govern with ego… U r telling Krishna not to forgive sayyam… Is anyone doing like that…(in little anger)
Yuvaani: Why r u taking like that…I didn’t said not to forgive.. I just said not to forgive so easily…
Suhani: ( turn towards yuvaani) toh kya… If Krishna wants to forgive she will forgive him… If she want to forgive sayyam today… If she thought about it n made a decision… After talking to u she might change her decision… Sometimes we need to sort out some problems earlier as we can.. Before it turn into something big…
Yuvaani: Ok fine maa… Let’s forget about krishna n sayyam’s matter… Just imagine me in krishna’s place n maan in sayyam’s place… Just think about it mom.. How will u feel if maan slapped me in front of all.. Am I suppose to forgive him easily… Just think about it once ma…. Raise a hand on his own wife is not a simple mistake….
Someone was listening to this conversation is shown… That was sayyam… He went away… (hamari aduri kahani song plays from the background) He went to his room… He remembers about their happy moments…. Their masti n their romance….He was crying while closing his mouth from one hand…. He slowly sit on the floor near bed… He gets the flashes how Krishna waited for him in the mandap… And how he slapped Krishna… How Krishna tolerate everything… He miss his wife… He keep his head on the bed… He remind his miserable 4 months without his wife… His life n his strength…
After sometimes Krishna yuvaani n suhani keep food on the table… N all the family members comes to dinner except sayyam…
Suhani: Sayyam kaha hai? I have seen him watching tv with u all…
Yuvraaj: He went to kitchen to drink something but didn’t came again…
Suhani: Achcha… But he didn’t come to kitchen… Only yuvaani me n Krishna was there… Kaha hai yeh ladka…
Yuvaani: Maa don’t worry… I’ll check him in his room n come…
All this while Krishna was listening to them… She felt scared…
Krishna:(in mind) sayyam r u ok?… Whr r u?..
Yuvaani went towards sayyam’s room… She tapped the door.. But no sound came from the other side…
Yuvaani: Sayyam… Dinner is ready plz come downstairs…(while tapping the door)
Sayyam opened the door…
Yuvaani: Sayyam …. (concern voice) sayyam kya huwa… U look soo dull… N ur eyes…
Sayyam: Kuch nahi..bas.. Something went into my eyes…
Yuvaani: Ok u wait in the room… I’ll come with ur food… Today we both will have dinner together…ok only two of us…
Sayyam: Ji… (hugged yuvaani)
Yuvaani: Aree.. Fine..fine… Wait few minutes I’ll come…
Yuvaani went downstairs n said that she n sayyam will take dinner at his room.. N signs maan… Maan also smiled at her n nod his head positively… All members starts eating except Krishna.. She is not at all thinking about her meal.. But thinking about sayyam… Somehow she tried to skip the meal…but suhani didn’t allowed it so Krishna had to eat something… She ate a Little bit n went to kitchen to clean the kitchen…
In meantime sayyam n yuvaani is in kriyam room…sayyam was on the floor n yuvaani was on the bed… Yuvaani tried to mend the broken heart of sayyam…
Yuvaani: U should apologise her sayyam… She won’t convince so easily… She is waiting for u to say sorry… Don’t be guilty now… Jo huwa… Usse buljawoo… Start fresh… Apologize her in a unique way… She needs u.. I always observed her changed behaviour after that incident.. I need my Krishna back sayyam…. I don’t want this Krishna who is soo pale n hurt…
Sayyam: Ha di… I will apologise her… Wo bi aaj… I will… I will do anything she says… I can’t be without her… She is my everything…
Yuvaani: Yes…. U have to do it tonight… Ok.. Promise..
Sayyam: Ji..
Yuvaani give the food plate to sayyam… Both sayyam n yuvaani finished their dinner… Yuvaani goes outside the room with the plates n she turns around…
Yuvaani: Sayyam…
Sayyam: Ji..
Yuvaani: All the best…
Sayyam:(comes towards yuvaani) thank u di… (hugs her) thank u for everything… I love u dii…
Yuvaani: I love u too… Say this to krishna also .. She is waiting to hear this from ur mouth…
Time passes.. Yuvaani n maan left the BM Everyone goes to their respective rooms… Sayyam was waiting inside the room..
Sayyam:(in mind) Krishna can’t sleep with Kushi bhabi now… N guest room is also closed.. Becoz it has to be repaired… N there is a current short in it soo no current in it n it has been closed since many days… Krishna has to come here to sleep… Let her come… I’ll seek forgiveness…. I will do everything she says until she forgive mee….
Krishna is shown going towards the store room… She open the door n goes in.. She closed the door n goes to sleep… She adjust her blanket n sleeps…
Clock is shown… It’s 9pm … Time passes.. It’s 10.30pm now…
Sayyam: Whr is krishna? Till now she didn’t come.. Let me go n check her….
Sayyam goes towards the hall… N see..but he couldn’t find Krishna…
Precap- same as before… sayyam goes towards store room… Krishna is sleeping… Sayyam opens the door…
Hi guys… Thankx for ur comments on the previous episode… There is nothing special on 100th episode… It will be as usual… But I need all my reader to comment on my 100th episode…. That means in next episode… So ready to comment on my ff 2mrw… Let’s see…
And I have decided to continue my ff… Hope u guys will support me.. Zaniab requested to bring sayyam’s birth truth… N I’m planing to bring that also n before that I will give kriyam moments on nandani’s n kabir’s marriage… Hope u guys remember… Soo basically this is my plans… C u guys on the next episode… Don’t forget to Comment below ?. lv u all…..
Yooooo girl?1 left for the century?best of luck
so good your ff is?it’s amazing?#Stargirl?always shine girl?and keep writing more and more cos yew are an amazing writer?
Thank u soo much Zani saleem ??? it means alot to me… And yeah.. The next episode is also uploaded… U can read it…?
U r rocking.very nice
Thank u soo much somi???
Nice episode…

Sry for not commenting last few episodes… as I m busy in entrance exams…
Ur’s ff is awesome…
Loving it
N also congratulation in advance for ur century…
Don’t be sorry… I can understand… All the best for ur exams…
Thank you so much ??? for loving my ff…next episode is also uploaded…
Nic episode lets she how much time vll krishna take to forgive sayyam.waiting for next episode
Thank u soo much manisha??? I have already uploaded the next episode..
Very nice epiosde.Im so sorry after a long time i comment here but i read all ur epiosde.its simply amzing.i loved to the core.Eagrily waiting next epsiode.kepp it up.
Thank u soo much asia? it’s ok don’t be sorry… Thankx for reading them.. Next episode is already uploaded..
Congrats shaani u r gng to cross the milestone of 100th episode i m so happy for u dear i appreciate the efforts u have put into this ff…. after reading this ff series i have started liking kriyam more than usual…. waiting for the next episode dear

Thank u soo much Hrn… Whr have u been all these days… I haven’t seen ur comment since long time I thought that u r not reading my ff… Glad to know that you still read this…
I have uploaded the next episode also… Thank u soo much???
Superb …..And all the best for century …Plz make it long ff
Thank u soo much Nadhiya??? I have already uploaded the next episode.. I was not so long one..becoz these day it’s festival season in my country soo I have so many preparation to do n visitors r coming n with all these work… It became little short… Sorry about it..
Awesome, Amazing episode!!!

And I’m sooooo happy that u decided to show saiyyams birth track
Plz update soon ????
Thank u soo much Zaniab??? it means alot.. I have uploaded the next part also..
carry on your good work all the best…….. congrtas for 100 ye…ye..
Thank u soo much yaar??? I have already uploaded the next episode also..
Its absolutely stunning. This compilation of words is a true embodiment of emotions and actions. All characters and their feelings were beautifully described and written about. The story is truly superb and is a great work of art. The episode was awesomely SMASHING!
Will keep commenting till the 150th episode….
Thank u soo much shivani? it means alot to me? I have uploaded the next episode 100th episode also.. Hope u will read n comment on there also…
Superb episode… Good luck for century.. Episode…. Shaani
Thank u soo much Fidato…???
Hi i’m a silent reader n dis is d first time i’m commenting on a ff.dis is my favourite ff n i’m glad u r continuing ur ff.congrats in advance 4 d century.
Thank u soo much dinu..??
Kya yaar shaanu!!Century wale episode mein kuch spcl to hona chahiye na.. Anywayzzzz, I’m very happy dat u’ll continue after episode 100

Thank u soo much Aaru ?
And plz post d nxt prt soon. I’m eagerly waiting 4 ur century
Already uploaded Dr…
Superb girl. Really felt bad for saiyyam. Fighting with his emotions amazing dear. Siblings bond nice. In advance, Congratulations for 100th episode??? Thank you for considering our request to bring saiyyam ‘ s past. Continue ur ff. Keep writing
Thank u so much yura… I’ll try my best… Keep supporting as always..
Today epi good but next upload karo plz fast aj hi waiting next epi
Thank u so much richa… I have already submitted it…?
great talent u have
Thank u so much rosy?
Thank u sooo much Shaani u decided to continue it. Really I am very happy.
Anyways in thr episode. Aww poor Saiyyam. Felt so bad for him. Now don’t worry about anything becoz we ? ur story very much. And I can’t wait for the marriage track….. Keep writing and we will always keep loving becoz u write really good.
Thank u soo much Annie… It means alot to me.. U have always supported me through out this journey..i’m really greatfull to it..
Thank u soo much Naina…
Great waiting for the next episode
Thank u so much hiranya??