Fan Fiction

KriYam-a unbreakable bond of love (Episode 7)

Episode starts.
Saiyam eats the sandwiches..
Suhani comes and stands near the door..before she says something..krishna and Saiyam talk
Krishna: Saiyam u r really strong.
Saiyam: what?
Krishna: i understand how it feels to be an u miss ur parents.. how u wish they would be with u in ur problems and happiness….without them it feels that a large part of ur life is missing..
Saiyam listens to her with emotional eyes as she was saying the exact words that he was feeling.. he was never able to make anyone understand it.. but Krishna understood it without saying..
Krishna: im lucky to have suhani aunty and this family who always keep me happy..otherwise orphans like us…

Saiyam(cuts her short) im not an orphan my mother is alive.. she and her lover killed my dad and threw me in an orphanage..
Krishna gets shocked.. even Saiyam gets shocked as to how did he say all this .. he was not supposed to …but he just utters everything when krishna is in front of him..
Krishna: what? What did u say.. how do u know all this..??
Saiyam: ah actually a lady in the orphanage told me

Krishna: did she tell u ur mothers name.. who is she?
Saiyam: that i don’t know but i will soon find out.. and u would be the first one to know after me.. i promise..
Suhani feels bad for Saiyam as she remembers th she also left her child in the orphanage..
Krishna thinks .. how lucky i am that to have a family even im an orphan…and Saiyam has a mother still he feels like an orphan..
Saiyam: krishna.!! Where are u lost.. ya ur feeling bad fr me right??..but plz don’t .. i don’t want to see u sad..ok??

Krishna: (smiles) ok….
Saiyam: now let me say something..will u be my friend?…I’d be honored to have a friend like u..
Krishna.: no.. the honor will be mine..
They shake hands and laugh..
Suhani: (wipes her tears) so u found a new friend Krishna.
Krishna: aunty? When did u come.. ya actually
Suhani: ( goes to Saiyam) tomorrow is yuvan’s birthday..and u have to come u saved Krishna and u are a part of this family..
Krishna: (gets happy) really Suhani aunty.. thats good ..Saiyam will u come.. the party is at 7 pm..
Saiyam: i would come but not at 7 pm but at 7 am
Suhani: what?
Saiyam: ya.. u called me my family right? So i have the right to do the arrangements too
They all laugh
Suhani: ok then Krishna u go and buy decorative items for the party.. and ya i need some more things for the shack too..i will give u the list
Saiyam: ah aunty…if u don’t mind can i go with krishna her leg is also hurt .. she can’t manage it
Krishna’ leg had heeled and she was able to walk properly but yet for saiyam she pretended
Krishna: yes aunty..plz let Saiyam come with me
Suhani agrees and after sometime they are driving to market..

In the car.

Krishna is confused where to go first as the list was quite long
Saiyam: what happened?? U look confused
Krishna: the list is quite long. Where to go first..
Saiyam: then let’s go to some mall.. all the things will be there
Krishna: ok..then..

They reach the mall
They are buying a gift for yuvan.
Krishna: tell na saiyam what will yuvan like ..what shall we buy
Saiyam: now how do i know what he likes u r his best friend..u must know
Krishna: he likes only girls then i think we should gift him a girl..
Saiyam: ( laughs).. ok then buy him a jacket..btw now i remember u didn’t return if u like it then u may keep it ur choice
Krishna : but that is ur fav jacket right??
Saiyam: ya but not more than u
They both look at each other lovingly

Krishna(playfully) no ways i had to face problem last night due to ur jacket.
Saiyam: whg what happened??
Krishna: what happened?? U know i had to sneak into aunty’s room like thieves at night to get ur number.. i also lied to aunty and this made me feel really guilty..
Saiyam: ( holds his hands nd teases her) u did so much for me.. thank u soooo much
Krishna hits him and tries to go but he stops her and holds his ears
Saiyam: ok ok baba sorry.. sorry for trouble.. now just forgive me
He makes cute faces..
Krishna looks at him and smiles

Krishna: hmm..its ok
They both smile

Precap: Saiyam is holding Krishna by waist an she is holding his shirt…they look in eo eyes..
Saiyam: i came with u coz i like being with u


Karan jotwani: <3 <3.. I love him so much.. support him support Kriyam Read my fan fictions. Im hungry for comments

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