Hello, i am back with a new episode. Thank u so much everyone who like my ff. Especially thanks to @shivani, @Annie and @khushi. Your comments inspire me.
***** Next day******
Everyone was doing break fast. Krishna was serving them.
Suhani: So, how was your dinner.
Saiyyam: It was nice.
Suhani: Krishna, how was it?
Krishna: It was OK..
Yuvaani: I thought that Saiyyam loved it. (Smirks)
Saiyyam (glare): No, it was nice.
Yuvraaj: I think, we should throw a reception party.
Yuvan: Ah yes.
Suhani: Its a nice idea.
Krishna: No need of that. You throwed us a dinner. It was fine. Nothing more to do.
Suhani: But it is like a function for newly married.
Yuvraaj: Suhani is right.
Krishna: But…
Yuvraaj: No ifs or buts. I will call the caterers.
Yuvan: and I will start decorating.
Suhani: I will invite guests.
Everyone got busy. Kriyam was in the room.
Krishna was sulking.
Saiyyam: What happened?
Krishna: You know that I don’t want any reception.
Saiyyam: But they are doing this with love.
Krishna: But its a forced marriage and you know that.
Saiyyam: Yeah, I know but they think that we are happy.
Krishna: But we are not.
Just than Suhani comes in room.
Suhani: What happened? Why were you shouting?
Krishna: Its nothing. Did you want anything.
Suhani: No, I just came here to give this.
She gives two boxes.
Krishna: What is this?
Suhani: See yourself.
She opens the boxes and saw a beautiful gown or frock. And other had a black suit.
Krishna: These are beautiful. But what was the need of this.
Suhani: You both will wear these in party.
Saiyyam: Thankyou maa.
Suhani: Wait! I have something more for you.
Krishna: What.
Suhani hands her a red velvet box and black box. Krishna opens them and smiles.
Suhani: This is a diamond necklace for you and these are our khandane bangels which were given by maa to me and now I want to give these to you.
Krishna: Thankyou aunty.
They talk for a while. Kaira was standing at door. She saw the bangels and necklace.
Kaira (thinking): These are so beautiful. I am elder bahu so I deserve these bangels and that diamond necklace will suit me more than her.
She burns in jealousy. And then goes away. Suhani goes too.
Saiyyam: See, she is nice to you but you.
Krishna: Alright. Here are your clothes. So go and change.
Saiyyam: Listen, you don’t have to tell me what to do.
Krishna: I will as I am your wife and I have whole right on you.
Saiyyam stared at her. She realized what she said. She quickly goes away.
Saiyyam: 5 mins back she was saying that this is a forced marriage and now.
He goes and gets ready. Krishna also gets ready.
They both go downstairs.
Guests had already arrived.
Guest: Suhani ji. Your bahu is looking beautiful.
Guest 2: She is right. They both will make a beautiful couple.
Saiyyam and Krishna greets them.
Guest: Wow Krishna beta, you are looking amazing.
Krishna: Thankyou aunty.
Guest: and also a Beautiful couple.
Krishna smiles.
Yuvaani: Gather here everyone. You are all welcome to Saiyyam and Krishna’s reception party.
Every one claps.
Yuvaani: So we will start this party with a special performance.
The performance starts (I don’t want to explain it much.)
It ends and everyone had dinner. Everyone also give gifts to Krishna an praise her for her beauty. Kaira is jealous.
Yuvaani: So couples, come at dance floor.
Couples go to dance floor and dance except kriyam.
Yuvaani: Why aren’t you at dance floor.
Krishna: I don’t know how to dance.
Saiyyam: Its OK. I will show you( while forwarding his hand) May I have this dance.
Krishna hesitate but then took his hand and goes to dance floor. They held each others hands and started to dance. They have an eye lock.
Saiyyam POV:
She is amazing. Her lips are so beautiful that I want to kiss her. I want to be hers forever. I don’t know if she has these feelings for me but I have these feelings. I don’t know why but I feel that…)
POV end.
Krishna POV:
He looks so dashing. I always feel comfortable when he’s around me. But I can’t love him as I this is a forced marriage for me.
POV ended.
They both were coming close to each other and were staring in each others eyes wishing to fall in them. Their eye lock was broken by guests who were clapping for them.
Yuvaani: seems like someone was trying to romance. (Teasingly)
They both feel ackward and embarrass.
Soon the guests go back home and party gets over.
Kriyam goes to their room. They don’t look at each other as they were feeling ackward about those happenings. They both change clothes. And go to sleep.
Someone comes at birla house and a new twist.
So guys, how was the episode. Tell me by commenting…
New twist .. hmmm love it .. kkep posting..
The episode was seriously fantabulous. The manner in which you managed to perfect every word spoken or action undertaken is jyst exemplary. The kriyam bond is just so awesome. Their adorable bickerings and sweet moments make this episode a truly wonderful one. They are truly one of a kind and made for each other…
Sorry for the error. Hope you understand..
Thankyou so much shivani??
Thank u sooo much Princess for mentioning my name. Its a pleasure that my comments inspired u. I mean u nailed the episode today. Oh krish…. Surely u can love him…..(am talking about the dialogue) my fav part where Yuvani says i thought Saiyyam loved it… I was laughing hard. I could imagine the scenes. It was soo good. I mean I just love ur ff. Keep going….??
Tysm Annie?
Nice episode..loved it.. Keep It up… Waiting for the next episode
Thankyou so much.
Loved it!!!