Fan Fiction

The Kriyam Story (episode 4)

Chapter 4
Hey guys! So at the beginning of the chapter 3 i wanted to right “AFTER A FEW WEEKS AT NOON” But i dont know why i wrote that. Anyways. Here are a few things i want to tell you guys. In the serial Baby is pretending to be good but will turn evil but i will keep her good and Yuvraaj wont die. This chap will be a little shorter than others as i may post 3 chaps today. Oh and i have made rags and dadi have a little soft behaviour towards Krishna .
Krishna goes to sleep. Sayyam stands and looks out of the window. Hethinks about the days happeneings. Sayyam doesnt understand what happened. He was over the moon to know he was a fsther but he didn’t understand his reaction.
Why did he suddenly hug Krishna or come soo close to her? Why did he talk to Krishna properly and joke and laugh with her? He was always saying that he doesnt care about her then why did he do those?
He thought back about the time he saved Krishna from the goons even though he had chilli powder in his eyes , and how he saved Krishna from the tiger . Why did he do those? Does he care about Krishna? Does he possibly like Krishna?
Sayyam looked at Krishna then her stomach. He smiled. He thought.

Sayyam:(thinking) I will think about my feeling later. Now what matters the most is my baby.

Even though Sayyam knew that the baby was being born without their own will. He knew Krishna cared for the baby and he cared for it too. Sayyam went to bed


Baby did not come to the room back. Instead she and Suhani went to make preparations even though it was late at night. Yuvaan paced around his room. He was so shocked and filled with anger that he could kill 2 lions at once.
How dare Sayyam! How Dare he get Krishna pregnant? Did something really happen between them that night?
And Krishna? Krishna only loved him right? Then why? Yuvaan was so stressed that he took a sleeping pill and slept planning to do something the next day.


Krishna woke up first. She also slept late thinking the exact same things as Sayyam. But she also thought. Sayyam is so close to her does Sayyam actually care for her or is it just for the baby? Krishna moved her head to see the Sayyam was not in his bed.
Krishna: Maybe he has gone for his jog. You will get a healthy good hearted father you know kid.
Krishna gets up. But she slips.
-(does she fall)
-(oh no)
-(what happens)
-(are the babies safe)

Luckily sayyam holds her before she can fall.
Sayyam: KRISHNA!! Where is your mind??!!!!! If you slipped what would happen to my baby??
Krishna: Sorry sayyam. I-
Sayyam: SORRY? Krishna my baby could be dea-
SAyyam: Okay look i am sorry. But be more careful. U r going to be the mother of my child so dont be so careless.
Krishna:(pouts angrily) Fine!

Krishna goes to the washroom. Sayyam sighs.

Sayyam: i have to deal with this mood swings for 9 months. At least she doesnt have cravings.

Sayyam:(thinks) Though if i have to see her pout so cutely i may go on her bad smile.
Sayyam suddenly realises what he thought and his eyes grow big.
Sayyam:(thinks) What are you thinking sayyam?! You dont like her ! ………….Or do-

Krishna:sayyam what are you thinking?
Sayyam: (snaps to reality) Nothing lets go to eat.

Yuvaani: There’s Krishna!
Rags: Come Krishna’s beta.
Dadi: Krishna eat as much as you like.
Bhavnaa: Yes , i have made all your favourite dishes.
Yuvraaj: krishna i want my granchild healthy.

Suhani and Baby comes from the kitchen holding a pot.
Baby: But papji Krishna must get to eat something tasty.
Suhani: Which is why we have made her favourite oil curryy!!

Sayyam: MAA!! I dont want my child to be fat!
Krishna: Sayyam i love curry and so will my baby as she will go on her mother.
Sayyam: No! She will be like her father which means he will hate curry.
Krishna: Sayyam i am pregnant i have to eat for two people so ket me eat.

Krishna says this with a pout. Sayyam looks at her for a long time.

Sayyam: Fine but only 5 spoons.
Krishna: 6?
Sayyam sighs. Everyone laugh at them.
Sharad : ak minute. Sayyam u should get an ultrasound done to ses how manh babies Krishna is pregnant with.
Yuvaani: Yes! Who knows if it is twins like me and Yuvaan. Right Yuvaan.

Yuvaan was deep in thought trying to decided what todo. Krishna had forgotten Yuvaan loves her and was busy eating instead of trying to save her kids from Yuvaan’s danger. But Baby knew what Yuvaan was thinking. He wanted to kill the kids. And so Baby got scared. Baby decided to try to find out Yuvaans plan.

Yuvaani: Yuvaan!
Yuvann: oh what?
Yuvaani: Dont you want Krishna to have twins?
Yuvaan : oh yeah.

Yuvaan was sitting in the bed smirking. Apparently he a plan.
Yuvaan: I have to kill the baby. I will mix poison to Krishna’s sweets and kill the baby.
He smirks mischievously.
Suddenly someone comes and slaps him soo hard he falls in the bed. For a second he was scared. He thought it was Suhani. But it turned out to be Baby. She was fuming with rage.
Baby: How dare you! How dare you take such a happiness from Krishna from a girl? Yuvaan i know u love her but doing domething like this. Shame on you!
Yuvaan :baby you said you will help me !
Baby: i did. But now i am going to tell the truth to everyone.

Baby turns to leave but Yuvaan gets hold of Baby’s hand.
Yuvaan: Baby, do you really think i will let you roam around the house when you know the truth?
Baby: what do you mean?
Yuvaan:come with me.
Yuvaan drags Baby to the storeroom at the end of the house. He pushes her in and locks the door. Baby bangs on the door but it cant be heard.
Yuvaan: Happy time baby! When u come out the kid will be dead and u will be blamed because u were not present in the party.
Sorry guys there are less Kriyam scenes but i am posting another episode today with bunch of Kriyam scenes.

Precap: sayyam: WHY? Why didnt you tell me?
Krishna: because u saud u dont care about me!
Sayyam: i care about you !!!! I CARE ABOUT YOU ALOT!!!!

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