Sorry!! I’m really sorry 4 d delay. Actually I’m at my maternal grandpa’s house in internet problem u know..
RECAP: Sona n Dev locked inside Dixit house. Lights off. Evry1 comes back. Dev drops sona 2 her house n bids bye to her n saurabh.
Episode 4
Dixit house @night
Dev reaches. Ishwari calls him.
I: arey Dev beta! Come n hv food..u must b hungry r8? I hv prepared food 4 u.
D:(concerned 4 Ishwari) maa, y did u prepare food. U take care of your health. I had my dinner.
I: but how? Neither u know how 2 cook nor nutrition.. Wat did u eat then?
D: maa, v had oats. Dr Bose knows how 2 prepare oats, so she made oats n v had those. N ya those were tasty. I never knew oats are so tasty.
Radha rani was listening 2 all dis. Dev goes to his room after wishing good night to Ishwari. Radha comes to Ishwari.
R: arey Dev refused to eat d food prepared by u..dis nvr happened till today..
I: it’s nothing like’s jst dat he’s full otherwise dev nvr refuses food made by me.
R: watever u say jiji.. But now Dev likes oats more than d food u prepare.
I: its nothing like dat bhabhi.. Dev respects me a lot n his respect 4 me will nvr change. Its late now. V shud sleep. Good n8.
Radha Rani leaves 4 her room making faces. Ishwari also leaves 4 her room. Dev witnesses all dis from upstairs. He gets tensed.
Next day morning
Dev goes to Ishwari’s room n sees dat she’s restless after yesterday n8’s convo wid mami. He talks to her n calms her down. He assures her dat no one can take her place in his life. Ishwari gets relieved after listening to all dis. Sona reaches Dixit house n while moving towards d kitchen, she collides wid Dev.
D: good morning Dr Bose.
S: good morning Mr Dixit.
D: I wanted 2 ask u smthng
S: wat ask na!!
D:did your family tell u anything.
S:4 wat?
D: vo..actually..yesterday n8..v were
S: no did not say anything.
D: I’m sorry 4 dat n how’s your leg?
S: my leg is better now..but Mr dixit , u don’t need 2 say was not your fault at all. N by d way, yesterday I saw a totally diff side of yours. I came 2 know dat u r not actually dat bad as had thought. In fact, you’re vry nice person at heart. Its jst dat u don’t enjoy your life. N Dats y I say tummi ekdam impossible.
D: phir se Bengali.
S: Ami Bengali..Ami bangla bolbo.( I’m Bengali..I’ll speak Bengali)
D: now wat does dat mean?
S: nothing..tumi ekta boka.(she leaves smiling but Dev holds her hand n pulls her)
Sona twirls n falls but Dev catches her. He holds her waist n her hands r around Dev’s neck. Sona n Dev look into each other’s eyes. They share an eyelock.
D: no no..tell me wat it means..some days ago also u told dis same line 2 me.
S: when did I say?( sona asks composing herself)
D: I remember..u had said.
S: no I did not(she runs towards d kitchen to escape from Dev’s question)
Dev leaves 4 his office after having his breakfast.
Dev’s office
Dev was in his cabin. He asked one of his employees to get him d file of d new clients. The employee gets in wid d files.
E: may I come in sir?
D: ya come in..
E: sir your files..
D: ty subodh..( d employee’s name is subodh) wait a min.
E: yes sir..
D: you’re Bengali r8?
E: yes sir..but y r u asking?
D: can u tell me d meaning of tummi ekta boka?
E: sir did anyone tell dis to u?
D: ya vo Dr no not my frnd bunty.
E: sir it means dat you’re an idiot.
D: wat!!..ty subodh, u may leave now.
Subodh leaves. Dev says in a low tone, how dare she call me dat. God knows wat else she wud hv been telling abt me in Bengali.
Dev reaches Dixit house at n8. Sona was leaving 4 her house. Dev tells her dat he’ll drop her as her leg is still paining so it’ll b difficult 4 her to manage. On their way to Bose house, Dev tells sona
D: u didn’t tell me d meaning of tummi ekta boka.
S:(in a low tone) oh shit..he remembers..(back to normal voice) it means you’re nice.
D: then y don’t u look here..y r u looking here n there..( sona was not making eye contact wid Dev as she had lied to him)
S: wo..I was looking outside..look its so beautiful outside.
D: wat??beautiful..Delhi traffic n beautiful..
Sona hits her head wid her hand. Dev stops his car at a place..
S: wat happened Mr Dixit..y did u stop d car?
D: tummi ekta boka
S: wat??
D: it means..u r an idiot.wat did u think, I’ll not get 2 know anything.
Sona looks down as she fears dat Dev wud get angry on her. But Dev bursts into laughter. Sona too starts laughing. They start walking while their conversation is going on.
PRECAP: Dev says,” I love sona n she’s only mine”
Good one…?
Ty Asmita
full of comic epi…!!!! toooo good…….
Ty Tanya
Good going dear….plz continue….
Ty Kavya
Wow lovely nice
Tysm Fatarajo
comic epi….nyc