Fan Fiction

Kuch na kaha (Manan) part 35

Kuch na kaha !

Manik’s batch as entered 3rd semester, they have given a project that each one should assist a senior, and make power point presentation about any of the system like nervous system, digestive system, etc.
Batches will be decided by professors so no choice. Project carries 50 percent of marks of this semester so ever has to work hard. Whose project is best they will get full marks along with a reward and a trophy.
Manik is paired up with Varun cabir with Meghana and mukhti with sushanth.
Everyone started their work. Mukhti went to meet sushanth.
Sushanth is a perfectionist, and college topper.
“Hai sir! I Am mukhti. Your partner”

He looked mukhti from top to bottom and again turned his face towards his book and said “report me tomm at 10sharply in library. Sharply at 10 I hate people making me wait”
“Ok sir!”
“Fine then move”
Mukhti felt odd but had no choice for one month she has to bare him.

Manik is playing in ground. Nandini is waiting for him. She sat there and watching Manik.
Priya came.
Nandini felt nervous.
“So you are Manik’s new girl friend.”
Nandini did not speak
“Nandini murthy topper of juniors, got 7th rank in entrance, only daughter to Shashank murthy a business man. Good. So you know how many gf s does Manik have? I think your number may be 12. Na na 13.”

Nandini is just listening,
“Manik plays with girl, you are his new toy. You are the one whom he can hang out easily. Pihu! This is what he call you, yes, let us see how many days you will stay?”
“I am sorry” Nandini said in soft voice
“Sorry? For what?”
“Becoz of me you got hurt”
“Ha! Girls like you are just like butterflies, they are beautiful and colourful which attracts us most but life span is sooooo small.”
“I think you don’t know Manik.” Nandini dared to say, as she can’t listen bad about Manik
“Manik sir, mind it! You are junior and always.”
Piya who is just listening to both walked from there and reached Manik, who is playing stopped and ran to piya. She shows Nandini and Priya.
Manik came running to Nandini
“What happend?”Manik asked Nandini

“So you came to rescue her?”
“Pihu! What happened?”
“Nothing we are just talking”
“Waw! Impressed so with this sweet and cute nature make people drag towards you. It’s amazing” Priya clapped
“I am warning her Manik, today iam tomorrow she will walk away from your life. As you kicked me next it’s her turn” Priya said in anger
“Priya stop it yaar! Did I ever propose you? Or did I spent any private time with you?”
“Does all those things matter if we are in relation?”
“Yes! As I never felt it with you. I proposed Pihu! We spend together, we giggle, I do everything with her did I ever try with you ”

“Manik! You want to play with emotions that’s true cut all this is crap”
“Priya! I always felt you as mukhti my friend not as Pihu. It’s you who took me wrong and why are you blaming Pihu? She is not responsible for anything”
“Manik when I hold your hand, when I lean on you, why did you bare it?”
“Is that means love? Why can’t we care our friend?”
“Don’t tag friendship for my emotions Manik, it’s insulting”
“If you think so then i am sorry. It’s my fault”
“Your sorry doesn’t mean anything to me”
“So what I had to do?”

“Leave her for me”
“Impossible for any reason I can’t leave her, you be clear not even for Pihu sake I will not leave her”
“Ha ha ha! Great then obey my elegations. You are one to break my heart and my emotions”
“Does my acceptance satisfy your ego?”
“But I can’t if I accept I cheated Pihu! Which I can not dream so I will not”
“Then how you want to make things correct”
Manik is silent for few mins
“If you both don’t mind can say something?”Nandini asked

“Say”Manik said
Priya gave a irritating look
“If this confusion wouldn’t have clarified, Priya mam would have been still in same misunderstanding by this she is clear that Manik is not in … Love with her, so I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault or ego damaged, and about emotions, being in wrong relation may lead to more emotional toucher.”
Manik looked her with smile. He hugged her
Priya is shocked and even more angry and irritating. She walked away from there.

Manik is so happy atleast nanidini tried to open her mouth to give her view. It’s his greatest achievement.
“Pihu! Iam on top of world. You didn’t be silent, you made her walk away. It’s great thing ever happened. Ask what ever you want I want to give you something”
“I want to learn to whistle can teach me? I want whistle for your goals.”
“That’s it?”

“Granted! But now let’s go for a long drive”
“Uhaaaa! Excuse me guys I am here don’t forget, first drop me then your wish”
“Go with mukhti! “Manik suggested
“Manik sir”screamed piya

“Call me Manik and bye thank you sorry”Manik dragged Nandini and ran with her.
Piya started to search for mukhti


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