Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 27th April 2016 Written Episode Update

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 27th April 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Dev asks driver for car key. He says there’s too much traffic due to some protest. It’d be better to go walking. He will drop Sona. But Dev decides to go himself even though Sona says not to.

Mama is packing bags. Mami says it’s their house. Where are they going? Mama says their house burned and this is not their house. If they live here, she will burn this house too. She asks what he means? He says the way she talks, she will spoil this house. She says he always sees her at fault. He asks her to stop her rubbish. He knows her very well. He asks her to pack her bags. Dev’s mum comes and says no one is going anywhere. Mama tells her not to argue with him. He has made decision. Dev’s mum says everything is solved now. She signs Mami to say him that.

Mami says yes..she has forgiven Sona and there is no house where arguments don’t happen, but they don’t leave home. Mama still says they won’t live there. Dev’s mum asks him to think about her. What all will say outside that she didn’t take care of her brother and bhabhi. She requests him not to go. He’s convinced and Mami is relived.

There’s a protest going on. Dev and Sona are walking by. Dev says, rain in Mumbai and rally in Delhi can happen any time. She doesn’t say anything. He says he knows she’s still upset, but that matter is over now. Just let it go. He asks her to look at from his point of view. Sometimes relationships get complicated that you can’t fix it. Business is not like that. It’s easier to deal in business as others are not your own. Sona says she can understand. She tells him that he handles his family very well and she should have handled this matter a different way. But what she can do. Her family is not complicated. They are strange, but everything is open. He says very lucky people get family like her. She’s a very lucky girl. She smiles and says indeed.

Saurav’s dad is upset with his mum. He pretends to be drinking water. She asks what he wants to say. He asks she wanted to become model for Saurav, right? She says if she wanted, then why would she say no. She is a model only for him. He gets happy.

Dev’s mum and Mama share their childhood memories. Mama says her nature was good even back then and asks her not to be so good, else people like Mami will take advantage. He knows she hides many things and she is spoiling her peaceful life. He’s tired of making her realise her mistakes. Dev’s mum says no matter how, they are still a family. He supported her in her bad time. He says he didn’t do anything. She says he did a lot for her. He says there is a big difference in what he did for her and what she’s doing for them. She says he did more than he could, so don’t think like that and feel bad.

Some kids are going by. Sona asks them what they are doing there. They say they are going for dance and ask them to join too. They make such a good couple. Dev says they are not a couple. Sona agrees. A kid says them to just dance. Kids start dancing around Dev. Dev then dances as well. Sona watches him and smiles.

Saurav’s mum tells her family that she had told Sona to come early. Saurav says Dev is with her. Dadi says they would be looking so good walking together and wishes it rains today. Saurav’s sis says and Sona and Dev under same umbrella.

Dev and Sona continue walking. Seeing Sona smiling, Dev asks what happened. She says nothing. He asks why she’s smiling then. She asks can’t she smile without any reason when he can be angry without any reason. He asks what she means he’s angry all time? She says not all the time, but many times. She laughs. He says she seems very happy today. She says seeing kids, she remembered her childhood..roles she used to play in school. He asks what role? She asks him to guess. He says a princess who’s waiting for her prince charming. She says no..she used to play weird roles. She never got a princess role. That love story went out of her hands, but she’s feeling that her love story is waiting. One day her love story will happen too..she won’t die before that. They laugh.

He asks she never had a love story? She says it’s personal matter, but he can ask. Go ahead. He asks she never had boyfriend, no dating? She says no and asks him. He says he never had time for all that. She says she had time, but she couldn’t find her dream boy. He tells her she will find her Mr. Perfect soon and her love story will start too. He will wish that for her. She says he’s not that bad either. He’s wishing for her! Suddenly, a car comes in fast speed and crashes into Sona. Blood splashes on Dev’s face. She falls on the ground. Dev rushes to her and calls doctor to come fast with ambulance at their location. Doctor says there’s a big rally..it will take too long to reach there. Dev says he doesn’t know all that..lots of blood is flowing and he asks doctor to come fast. Doctor tells him to keep pressure from where blood is flowing. Don’t let her become unconscious. Keep talking to her. He will reach soon with his team. Dev keeps Sona in his lap. She closes her eyes. He asks her to open her eyes.

Dev’s mum is worried. Her daughters say she should have spoke in Sona’s favor. Dev’s mum thinks maybe Sona felt bad because she didn’t say anything and that is why she’s not feeling well. She will talk to her tomorrow.

Sona opens her eyes. Dev continues talking to her and tries to keep her awake. He says he’s her boss..he will have to listen to her. She’s fighting with him since day they met. She’s a fighter and she will fight. He talks about random things and keeps her awake. He tells her stories (of his childhood?) to keep her engaged.

Precap: In hospital, doctor asks Dev to arrange someone with same blood group as Sona. His doesn’t match with her.

Update Credit to: Simmy

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