Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 18th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Nandini informs Naren regarding the decision of his father

Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 18th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

HemRaj circles the name of Dhawal from the list when he enters the room, HemRaj says he was waiting for him and he has been thinking for so long wondering can take such a big risk and then gets the answer that the person who thinks like a businessman so asks him to see, Dhawal is shocked seeing his name circled, Dhawal says that HemRaj said he would not blame without the proof, HemRaj explains that everyone went to asleep but Jigar panicked and so came to meet him, Dhawal tries to explain however HemRaj says that Dhawal would try to prove his innocence but should give an answer, Dhawal says he is not against his elder brother otherwise would not have come to apologize, he says that HemRaj is the one who did it, he informs he saw how HemRaj took out the passport and hid it under his bed

so then he put it back in the safe. Dhawal asks if HemRaj thought his son was so idiot that he would not find out why he could not find the missing passport, so there is already a difference between them both but he did not want it to increase, HemRaj replies that Naren would not have gone to America, Dhawal asks it is very easy to make a duplicate passport and even file a report for it, HemRaj says he was trying to buy time for it, Dhawal explains that there are still a lot of procedures left including the interview, and says no one wants to send Naren away especially him as he has realized the business sense of Naren but is still ready to apologize in front of everyone. HemRaj angrily takes Dhawal outside while everyone is waiting, HemRaj says they would have realized that the person whom he has been searching for is no one other than Dhawal, he explains that Dhawal has made a mistake but his intentions were not wrong as he did not want the differences to increase, HemRaj says he has kept the family together and Dhawal also tried to do the same thing,

Naren holding the hand of Dhawal says he is glad that his uncle tried to mend the relationship but he is going to ensure that there is no difference between him and his father however he still wants to leave since he cannot watch three lives being ruined which is why he is going to leave for Mumbai today as tomorrow he has the interview, Virel tries to stop him but Naren says he knows that they all have their reasons to stop him but he has his needs to go and so they should forgive him if they can and take care of themselves. HemRaj gets a call which he attends, he starts smiling after it before leaving.

The politician is talking with the people mentioning that their party has been a winner and he wishes it should be the same, the worker comes informing that HemRaj Ratansi has arrived when the politician hugs HemRaj who explains he needs his support which is why he took the appointment and then HemRaj says that he wants to make a diamond factory on the land which belongs to Arjun Khemji when he says that he also has a dream project of making a township for which he has bought all of the lands but six people do not want to sell their lands and he does not believe in using force however it is in their tradition to use every aspect they can, HemRaj promises to do the work for him so Arjun Khemji also agrees to make sure that the work is completed, they both shake their hands.

Naren is packing his bag and after picking up the passport he sees the portrait of Nandini before walking out, Chanchal is standing along with Heta, Naren goes to his emotional mother, and she hands him the passport when Naren says he took it, Chanchal asks him to also take her passport as she wants to come with him, Naren replies she knows she cannot come with him, Chanchal asks Heta if she is seeing how Naren would walk holding her saree but is now leaving after getting older, Naren asks his mother to not cry saying that times were different, as he was her responsibility but now she has a lot more responsibility, he says that he is just going for his interview when Chanchal mentions she has the right over her tears. Naren hugs Chanchal when he gets a call, he is worried as Chanchal is saying it is from Nandini. Naren goes to answer it when Nandini says she is very happy, he replies he is going to Mumbai when Nandini questions if he did not end the plan so Naren does not understand when Nandini informs that Mehul came to her saying that his father asked him and her uncle to come to Rajkot for the fixing the relations when Naren says he will talk to her later, he throws the bag to his friend.

Naren is standing when his friend asks if he told Nandini that he is going to Mumbai but Naren replies he is not going anywhere and so walks back inside, Jigar tells Dhawal that their responsibility is going to increase a lot when they both assure they will handle everything when Naren runs inside calling everyone and reveals that his father asked Ishwar and Mehul to come and fix the wedding date with Nandini, Dhawal, and Jigar are furious when Chanchal says she is going to tell the news to Baa, Chanchal is taking the blessings when Anousya Baa asks if she is crying, Chanchal says they are tears of joy, Baa says she is rejoicing when the children won from his father however she told Chanchal that a wife wins with her husband, Anousya Baa says that the girl who humiliated her father in law even before she came would do a lot more when she is present in their house.

Nandini is giving food to Surbhi saying she is very happy, Visakha comes asking how the girl who got her married is living like this, Mitesh says Nandini should prepare to cry, Mehul informs it all happened due to her and so she should take his blessings, Nandini asks Visakha to come with her to the farm as they need to give the news to her mother, she leaves after taking permission from her uncle, Manri is worried thinking how did HemRaj accept the proposal so easily.

Update Credit to: Sona

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