Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 20th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Nandini files the case against HemRaj

Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 20th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Ishwar is very worried about what would be going on there as she did not even call them, Nandini is just dialing the number when Manri asks Ishwar to call her, Nandini calls him when he asks if everything is fine so she requests him to even come to Rajkot but he asks for the reason however she requests him to pack the clothes of three or four days, Ishwar replies if he comes to her then Kaku Bai would tease her aunt but Nandini says he should leave Mitesh with aunt, Ishwar questions if she is doing something wrong, Nandini asks if he trusts her or not, so then requests him to come to Rajkot.

HemRaj asks Chanchal if the breakfast is ready, she is furious so he questions her again when she replies it is ready and he says what is she thinking about, Chanchal says she is thinking that

he even hid the truth about taking the dowry from Ishwar even from her, HemRaj replies that Ishwar did not want anyone to know of it, Chanchal says either anyone or Nandini, she says along with the daughter in law even the women of this house are thinking of dowry, HemRaj questions who is thinking, Chanchal says Kinjil and Hetal have agreed with Nandini, HemRaj blames Virel for not being able to control his daughter, HemRaj gets furious when Chanchal asks him to control his anger otherwise it might cause problem for Jalpa and Roupa when they know Roupa is living out of some need in this house. HemRaj says he is thinking about everyone so walks out of the room.

Naren and Nandini are praying when HemRaj sees them both so walks out without even listening to Chanchal, Nandini prays to Bhagwan that she does not know if what she is going to do is right but her war is not against Bapu jee but with the ritual of taking dowry, Naren gets worried asking what is she going to do when Nandini questions if he is going to help her by the decision.

HemRaj is sitting at the main seats accompanied by all of the other members, Sujhan Seth asks if Naren is the one pleading when Naren says he is here to discuss the matter in front of the leader of the society, Sujhan tells Naren that he should know he is not standing in front of his father but the leader, Naren replies this is why he did not refer to him as his father, Nandini stops Naren saying had their desires were listened to in their own house then they would not have come here, Sujhan starts thinking how he feels something big is about to happen when Sujhan says that he is sure Nandini will not leave empty handed and their leader HemRaj believes in the story so asks if Nandini is aware of it, Nandini replies she knows that they all would only take the decision based on the truth. The other elders say that the daughter in law of HemRaj is very intelligent so asks her to sit, Sujhan questions who does she have the complaint against, Nandini says the leader of the society meaning Seth HemRaj Ratansi, so Sujhan asks if HemRaj thinks that he will provide justice after which HemRaj replies they have solved a lot of such cases, Nandini says that HemRaj has taken dowry from her uncle for which she has come to him as the leader of the society to solve the issue, Sujhan says that HemRaj is always addressing the issue of dowry so how can he take it, HemRaj replies this is just a small family issue which is being dragged, Nandini replies this is not the small issue for her because when he took the dowry from her uncle then he got into financial trouble, Sujhan says now who is going to make the decisions when the other elders decide that they have to form a committee but one of them says they want to make Sujhan as the leader till the case is solved, HemRaj gets furious demanding that Naren should come out with him, HemRaj says that Nandini does not care about the rituals of the house when she is not from their family but Naren has also forgot everything when his wife has been humiliating his father, Naren replies that there is just one reason for it, so requests HemRaj to return the farm to Ishwar but HemRaj says he cannot do anything since he is no longer the owner of the farm, but even if it was not the case even then he would not have returned the farm

Sujhan is given the file which he takes to Nandini saying that he wants to ask something from her, he says that he is in a lot of trouble because if Nandini takes back the case after some days then he would lose it all, Sujhan suggests that Nandini should give it all in writing so that they can go ahead with the case, Sujhan leaves saying if they get the written paper of Nandini then he should distribute it amongst all of locality, he says he is not worried that HemRaj did not get his daughter married to his son but that send his nephew to the jail. HemRaj returns when he is shocked seeing Sujhan sitting on his chair, Sujhan says that he want to give the judgment of this case tomorrow and feels even HemRaj should be allowed to present his point of view, they leave while HemRaj keeps standing there.

HemRaj says Chanchal sided with Nandini that she will be beneficial of this house but Nandini humiliated him in front of the society of which he was the leader, but even Naren did not do anything so Chanchal says that Nandini should take back the case while asking Naren to convince her, Naren says what can he say her when the farm had emotional values with the farm since it was the last memory of her mother. HemRaj says that Ishwar gave the farm due to the traditions but they both donot value it so he is not interested in staying in the same house, Nandini says this house belongs to him because he is the one who has built and nurtured it so he should not leave while she will go from this house but HemRaj just give back the farm, HemRaj replies he is not going to return it and even Nandini would get anything good since even those people believe in dowry. Naren replies he is not bothered by it but he cares for the principles of the Nandini for which he will stand by her side for the rest of his life.

Precap: Dhawal tells HemRaj that Nandini humiliated him in front of the entire society but he wants them to stay quiet, Inspector asks HemRaj to come with them to the police station when Dhawal asks the reason so the Inspector replies that an FIR has been filed against him for taking dowry,

Update Credit to: Sona

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