Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 22nd March 2024 Written Episode Update: HemRaj agrees to the wedding of Naren and Nandini

Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 22nd March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Anousya Baa is sitting reciting the Mantar when HemRaj enters the room so she asks who is there, he greets her when she also gives her blessings, HemRaj is very worried, Baa asks what has happened because she can feel he is tensed and what is the reason, HemRaj says he will get her eyes treated when she questions if he has so much money then should perform an FD, she asks what did he talk about with the master, HemRaj asks how did she know of it, she replies that Kunal told her everything, HemRaj informs he is talking about the marriage with Nandini, Anousya Baa says HemRaj was finalizing the deal with the daughter of Sujhan so what is the need to fix it with Ishwar, HemRaj replies he has never played weak games and wants to end two birds with a single stone as Naren would not go to America

while even Ishwar can give him something which even Sujhan cannot give him, Baa gives the permission.

Naren is sitting while working with Jigar when Ronaq comes from behind to scare them both, Jigar asks if he does not know how to knock, Ronaq replies that it would happen if three brothers share the same cabin, Jigar replies he is very hungry so can one of them share the meal, Naren replies he is not hungry and even Ronaq refuses to Jigar leaves. Ronaq says Naren would not be hungry at such a time when they are happy, Naren says whatever happened with Ronaq was wrong but it does not mean his father is being partial, Ronaq questions what is besides partiality as he is ruined the love of him while is getting Naren married to his love, Naren says people change with time but Ronaq replies it is like what they say that the cat tried to be pure after eating one hundred mouses and so says HemRaj changes his stance, Naren scolds him but Ronaq tells Naren that HemRaj will just sacrifice everything and get Naren married to the daughter of Sujhan. Ronaq says Naren felt bad but then Naren replies if Ronaq had taken a stand for his love then even he would nto be furious while Rupa Bhabhi would not have to suffer.

Virel goes to sit beside Chanchal Bhabhi asking her why is she tensed as now even HemRaj has agreed to the marriage and called them, Chanchal replies she is worried what will happen when the talks start, Virel does not understand when Chanchal says that Virel knows all the daughter in laws have brought a lot of dowry but what will happen if HemRaj finds out that the new daughter in law would not be able to bring any dowry, Kinjil enters the room saying it would be very good and apologizes for listening to their conversation however says it will set a very good example, Chanchal says she does not understand it but Kinjil replies she does not understand the traditions and how can one be impure if they touch her, Chanchal says she is still young but Kinjil asks if she is still not old when they ask her to come and help them all while even work in the kitchen, she says she is eighteen years old and can chose the PM, Kinjil says that she can support Nandini once she comes to their house and leaves, Chanchal asks Virel since when did she start talking so rudely, Virel replies they felt bad because she is saying the truth

HemRaj enters the room where Ishwar and Mehul are standing, he explains they tend to suffer loss worth of crores with a single mistake and he is not going to impose anything on him, he says that even if the relation between Naren and Nandini is not fixed but then their relation is fixed, Ishwar says that he is ready to accept all the desires of HemRaj for the sake of his daughter, HemRaj hugs Ishwar saying now they are going to be In laws, Mehul is just sitting when HemRaj calls him so then comes to take the blessings, HemRaj says what Ishwar has done for his niece would not be even easy for a father, he says they would announce it when Ishwar says that he has a request that whatever happened in this room should not be revealed in front of everyone, HemRaj says why do girls have to know about it, Mehul replies that their Nandini is not like any normal girl and she has lost her mother along with her friends but she would go against everything, HemRaj says even Naren should not find out about it, Ishwar assures that no one would find about it but it should happen before the wedding.

HemRaj introduces Ishwar and Mehul to Anousya Baa saying that he is glad that he has fixed the relation with Nandini, the entire family is glad and Heta thinks that she knew Nandini would surely bring a change, Anousya Baa asks what about Sujhan when HemRaj says nothing is more important then the happiness of their children, Chanchal asks Samta to bring the sweets when Baa says they should even fixed the date of the marriage, HemRaj agrees with Baa.

Naren is sitting when Kinjil calls him saying his life has changed, he gets excited when she replies she wants to have a party and he agrees however says he wants to know the update of each and every moment otherwise would not give her the party. Naren thinks about calling Nandini and so calls her when she asks if he found anything, he in a tensed voice thinks he does not know what to tell her, she asks what happened when he replies that it should not have happened and reveals his father has refused for their marriage. Nandini gets emotional an is about to cry but Naren asks her to not cry as he is joking and his father agreed for their marriage, Nandini asks if this is a way to joke, he says he just wanted to see her reaction when she replies she saw the bad things in a moment, Naren says she will just have good things, Manri comes to her and then takes the phone from Nandini. Naren greets her when Manri says that she is very tensed thinking what would have happened, Naren mentions they are fixing the date and his father has agreed so Manri ends the call.

Manri runs to Nandini with a smile and they both are enjoying, Nandini says she is very excited but Manri says she is not able to control herself, they both hug each other, Manri mentions she cannot believe it, she applies the black tika. Nandini tells he agreed in the end, Manri turns to the Mandir saying it is all due to the blessings of Ishwar and she just wants to pray that Nandini should not get any evil eye on her happiness, Nandini asks how can she get any evil eye as Ishwar is sitting there, Nandini tells that Naren jee is saying but Manri asks her to stop talking his name, Nandini replies she is not worried but Manri keeps taking his name, then Manri asks her to not this act but Nandini asks what is the problem with taking the name when Manri asks what is the need to take the name, Nandini then starts arguing so Manri says this is not some bad thing but just a tradition, Nandini replies she cannot call him like this, Manri says Nandini should give birth to a lot of children then call Naren as their father, Nandini asks if she can tell her mother and so leaves, Manri exclaims even she is excited to tell everyone so cannot control herself.

Update Credit to: Sona

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