Categories: Kulfi Kumar Bajewala

Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 19th June 2018 Written Episode Update cutie scaring kulfi

Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 19th June 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

mahinder thinking about kulfi says,shall i first talk to Sikander or jagira,let me tell Sikander first he must be restless.sikander walks to jagira and ask what happened with kulfis mother,jagira says she is nomore and his father left when he was in womb and we dont know who he is and leaves.

Sikander feels jagiras words,and says i didn’t even looked back to Nimrat what must have nnimart old our daughter how must have she raised her, Sikander prays please help me meet my daughter god.

Sikander walks to amyras room and finds shr is missing and hears pianos sound and sees amyra practising piano,kulfi tries to talk, Sikander stops,amyra says dad did i play well, Sikander says very good,im so happy,kulfi says can i touch this,sikander says yes,kulfi takes blessing of piano,amyra

murmurs god this drama,kulfi tries her hands on piano and gets it correct, Sikander surprised and asks where did you learn,kulfi says amyra was playing i watched and learnt, Sikander says good you two are learning together, so today we will again practice together, both try make excuses, Sikander says cmon sit down practice

lovely sees Sikander on phone and says may be he is trying to reach mahinder bhai, lovely says Sikander its important please come.amyra and kulfi give each other cold looks and say war is not over.lovely says Sikander let’s go on a date, Sikander says not today i don’t feel like, lovely says was it just for yesterday Sikander can’t we please move one, let’s give it a fresh start.
amyra and kulfi fighting,cutie comes with face mask on, kulfi gets scared thinking it’s ghost,cutie says how dare you call me ghost,kulfi says i didn’t im sorry i just got scared, cutie says shut-up go get water,amyra says good work cutie this boy is a mess, a trouble,cutie says if someone troubles you,trouble him back, scare him so much that he listens to every single word you say,scared kulfi walks in with glass of water, cutie shouts quickly come here,kulfi thinks god she is so scarry and runs away.

Mahinder gets home and starts looking for Sikander every where,left says he went out with lovely maam,mahinder says where must have he gone.lovely and Sikander in car,lovely takes his phone and says no phone today it’s me time today and thinks i know you have nimrat and her daughter on your mind but i have to do something that you don’t forget me and amyra even when they are here.

kulfi hears some voice and walks towards it,she opens the door of store room and sees someone with longs nails white saree and white hair sitting on a chair,kulfi says who are you what you want,its cutie trying to scare kulfi,amyra hiding and watching.

mahinder starts looking for jagira but he is out in market,mahinder asks where is kulfi,kulfi walks towards cutie but mahinder starts calling kulfi,kulfi says this doesn’t seam right,cutie sprains her neck,kulfi gets scared and runs away.amyra wears a cape and runs behind kulfi to scare, kulfi says uncle ghost,mahinder says calm down,ttheres no ghost,kulfi says there are ghost in my village also there are ghost, mahinder says ok calm down it’s ok,lets talk something else,tell me about your village.

pre cap: lovely gets Sikander to temple and says lets marry here again.
mahinder and kulfi in same temple.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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