Categories: Kulfi Kumar Bajewala

Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 28th August 2018 Written Episode Update Kulfi doesn’t accept Tevar as her father.

Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 28th August 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

 • Sikander says is this a joke how can she be your daughter,who told you,Tevar says my love told me, Sikander asks who,Tevar says look she is love of my life,till date i had no idea we had a daughter, Kulfi says how is this possible my mother is dead how will she tell you, Lovely thinks god how didn’t i think of it what will Tevar say to Sikandar and why isnt Kulfi keeping shut and going with him . Sikander says enough Tevar stop scaring her i can’t hand over to her without proofs,get your girl friend, Lovely says lets hear him first,Mohendar says why should we,we know he is lying,first Minti and now Kulfi,tevar says enough dont point on my character, Sikander says enough Tevar dont raise your voice,Tevar says if you dont believe talk to her mami Nihalo,i met her today, Lovely

says good talk to her, Kulfi says you met my mami and my mama too,but my mami lies a lot, Lovely says Kulfi bad manners dont talk about elders this way.

Sikander says one minute tell me kulfi why do you think mami is lying,Kulfi says mami keeps lying, she lied to me to sing for money,she even tried selling me for money and so i sneaked and mama made me boy and sent me here,Mohendar says Tevar says he wants to use our kulfis talent,Tevar says you people are using my daughter for Amyra, Sikander says she isn’t your daughter,Tevar says is she yours, Bebe shouts yes she is,she is Sikanders daughter,all shocked.

Lovely says mummy dont stress,its okay dont get overwhelmed,Bebe says this is truth Kulfi is Sikanders daughter our life you can’t take her away,Mohendar and Tevar get into argument, Lovely says enough, why can’t you believe him,Mohendar says why are you doing this lovely, Lovely says there are two kids in this house and im thinking of both,Kulfi says i dreamt my mom said im near my father,Tevar says bow even kulfi has agreed, Sikander says it was her dream give us proof and then you shall go,Tevar asks who are you, Sikander says everything her mother father guru and she belongs to me and so get your girlfriend or else she is going no where, Tevar says Kulfi dont cry, dont listen to anyone im your baba come with me,Kulfi leaves Sikanders hand, Lovely very happy, Sikander shocked.

Kulfi removes her hand off Tevars hand and joins her hands and says im sorry uncle,i know you are very well,i dont know if you saying is true,i have once been trapped and now i just trust Sikander and hugs Sikander and says i wont take you as my father till he says,i don’t want to face the hardships again.Kulfi runs away, Sikander follows her,Tevar gives Lovely cold look. Tevar meets Lovely later and says come lets meet Sikander and tell him truth, Lovely says no that will spoil things, Tevar says i want my Kulfi, Sikander already has my love you and not kulfi now, Lovely says give me some time you will get kulfi even i want Kulfi to be with you and now please leave me.

Mohendar sees Lovely. Sikander putting Kulfi to sleep and says cmon stop crying,Kulfi says i understand nothing,its just a mess,my heart isnt accepting he is my father,he isnt like the one i thought, Sikander says tell me what you thought off. Lovely says mohendar if you tell Sikander truth what about Amyra and what’s wrong of Tevar takes him away,Mohendar says but, Lovely says with great difficulty i found this way. Kulfi says i thought he would resemble you, oh god i have so kany questions but no answers, and now i have lost my bag too.
pre cap : Sikander on call says yes i want an appointment for DNA test. Lovely hears that and says god this will proof Kulfi isn’t Tevars daughter.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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