Kumkum Bhagya 11th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Poorvi saying she has got her life partner RV and she loves him a lot and has kumkum of his name in her maang, which nobody can wipe off, not even you. Jassi gets angry and raises his hand to slap her. He then says that he don’t want to do this, and asks Shera to slap him. Shera slaps him. Jassi does sit ups and asks poorvi, why she tells like this, and tells that once they are married, they will be settled, and says he is very romantic and will keep her family, all their days will be good. He asks her to come and marry him. Poorvi says I want to go to my RV, and don’t want to marry you. Jassi says I don’t want to do this, and says he loses control on himself. Poorvi says I will not marry you. Jasbir says I will become your kumkum and kundali bhagya. He says you are lucky to get my love, and says many girls love me, but I love you. Jassi asks Shera to aim gun at Poorvi, and after killing her, kill me also. Shera is shocked, but aims gun at Poorvi. Jassi says Poorvi is looking good in chunari. He makes her wear garland and then wears garland holding her hand.
RV asks Inspector to take some action. Inspector asks them to go else he will take serious action against them. He says RV doesn’t know, but Media knows. RV says we want action. Inspector says we will show the action and asks them to leave. Dadi asks someone to go and stop RV, he shouldn’t have done this. Harman says we are much away from him. Dadu says Inspector is not doing anything and that’s why RV is protesting. They see Inspector Mahinder starting lathi charge. Reporter asks Inspector Mahinder to talk to ACP. ACP asks Inspector to stop the lathi charge, else it will not be good for him. Inspector stops the lathi charge. ACP talks to RV and says he is personally coming there to handle the case, and asks him not to take Media’s help. Sahil calls Jassi. Jassi picks the call and says he is marrying Poorvi in godown and ends the call. Sahil tries to inform Mathew. Mathew threatens the guy to show the CCTV footage. The guy agrees. After seeing the CCTV footage, Mathew asks his men to take car towards the godown.
Jassi asks Poorvi to come and take rounds with him. He says I don’t like to do all this, and says I am a sensitive person and has a sensitive heart which is yours. He says you don’t have the sight to see people and says I will make you understand. Poorvi says I know the person standing infront of me is much wrong. Jassi says you have no choice, first you had chosen Ashutosh , and then you married RV. Poorvi asks him not to take RV’s name from his mouth. Jassi says our lives shall be RV free. He says I am standing infront of you. He says he loves her a lot and girls die to marry him, and says I will get what I wanted. Poorvi asks her to marry that girl who values him. Jassi says what to do, as he loves her a lot. She says you shall not force me to marry you, and says if you had loved me really then would have agreed to my sayings, and let me go from here with respect and you would have thought my respect as yours. Jassi asks if I let you go from here, then you will believe that I respect you. Poorvi says there is a limitation for a married woman. Jassi says I have done a mistake.
Poorvi asks him to let her go from there. Jassi says I have realized that I don’t respect you, but I love you a lot. He says today you are thinking that the marriage is forced, but tomorrow you will be thankful to me. He asks her to get ready in bridal wear in 5 mins. Poorvi says no. Jassi shouts at her and asks if she don’t understand. He says if you don’t wear the bridal dress then your last 5 breaths will be there. He asks her to go and get ready. He takes her to room and says now you have just 1 min to change, else I will break the door and get inside.
Precap: Jassi is taking rounds with Poorvi happily. RV asks ACP to tell how to reach Poorvi fast. Mathew and his men come to Jassi, and hold him. Mathew says he will go behind the girl. sss
Update Credit to: H Hasan
So leads despite being together and married wont have a scene together for 2 weeks straight on top off ratings dropped more this week.
It may sound unsound to some, but it could ultimately be a case now that the current plot is just more profitable long term to makers even if it bores audience to death then simply speeding it up for short term buck (Ps. Assumption based on experience working as production accountant for certain producers)
the current plot is just more profitable long term to makers even if it bores audience to death
please ,Can you explain more to me?
Actors contracts may stipulate that their fees increases if they achieve a certain ratings which would increase costs.
Given the condition of the channel however, higher ratings may not result in higher advertising revenue. The 22 minute ad breaks is also a sign that channel isnt getting high advertising revenue rates, hence is prolonging its advertising period.
So if revenue for the show even with higher ratings does not increase, but possible costs of actors does increase such a situation will decrease the profitability of the show forthe makers. Hence they would delibrately keep ratings and to keep ratings low they give a boring dragfest storyline.
(P.S. if what I mention is actually whats happening it wouldnt be illogical as its prevailing practise not only in film industry, but various industries, that decisions are made that result in greater financial gain even if it appears illogical to a person with no financial expertise.)
Thank you very much
Zoya on October 10, 2024 8:44 pm

Kumkum bhagya 1.2,I don’t understand what’s happening Rajvi are together working together no misunderstanding between them,trusting each other but still rating 1.2,if they change the slot then KKB will be 0.5 that’s the only reason, they can’t take that risk to take KKB slot,what will happens if
This idiot doesn’t watch the episodes and talk,why don’t you care about your couple who disappeared from the show,When your couple was on the show too the rating was low,Some of Pranbir’s fans are like dogs barking about the rating everywhere neither the makers nor Rajvi’s fans are interested except they are interested in talking about the rating every Thursday,Their duo is not in the show and they are barking ,keep crying through barking,They say we moved on from the show but they keep barking.
see who is now saying that it is Pranbir’s fans who are barking, you who spent months barking that it was because of Pranbir that the rating was low, and it was your couple the founder and the bass of this series, and now you find any excuse to justify yourself. For you any person who says something that does not suit you, she barks
From the beginning of the leap,you have been barking about the rating

and many are saying that your duo will never return 

The result is that your duo has disappeared from the show for 4 months
Even Rajvi’s fans rarely visit the site but some dogs still bark. Keep barking you clowns

Poor Jassi

Jassi loves Purvi so much

I hate Purvi…
These makers are so stupid that they think this crap will bring trp. First of all, they don’t show anything interesting in the show, then why people will watch this shit show and give trp? The hero is in the police station for a week
I think they are doing this with an purpose.
Imagine with such drafest+Overloaded Vamps+Highest ss to all the Character except the leads +Boring track since july-trp comes to 1.2 and not going to less than 1.0 ….. Even with this stupid irritating annoying episodes for the past two months they are still on top 1 or 2 on the zeetv shows. So what if there is no drafest proper screen space to leads and minimizing vamps ss to overall 5 mins per episode what if the track becomes for 2 weeks and not for more than 1 month ,what if the show kkb celebrate all the festival just like other shows where it satisfy both the fans as well as the audience ….from repeated venue of marriage and mal palace to going somewhere different it will look for new entertaining moments as well as the feeling of RV and purvi,it’s very possible for them to get a trp like ghum Or yrkkh.The marriage plot of RV and neha has really annoyed all the Rajvi fans to the bottom and at the top of it Audience lost the interest

I agree with you, but you forgot one thing, which is who will watch ads for 22 minutes in 45 minutes episodes? ??They have been giving only 23 minute episodes since the last 2-3 weeks((TRP has dropped during these 2 3 weeks ) and 36 minute episode for KDB
Indeed the makers are deliberately ruining the show since July the track hasn’t moved forward
The problem is not with the ads they can just skip by just seeing another shows during that period but indeed the writer faults.The writer started to focus on Kb and parineeti and left kkb and bl as a piece of shit.And if a becomes interesting to an audience then it will be addictive for them to easily manage with the ads.
The one thing which I thing much better in Kkb kd bl that star plus show is that the couple which they select , their initial story and the way they love in fall with eo is just better and can’t be compared with Shitplus shows.
Don’t know about the ratings of the shows but the starplus couple doesn’t match and at the top the way they fell in love, expressing their love and their story itself does look like a forced one and trashed…….
It would be better for zee to focus whats necessary on kkb….. The kkb is going somewhere for which we didn’t come to see kkb.
The one thing which I thing much better in kd bl that star plus show is that the couple which they select , their initial story and the way they love in fall with eo is just better and can’t be compared with Shitplus shows
You are right that the 2 channels cant be compared. But when comparing Star to Zee, only Zee is the shit. And everyone except deluded people knows. Thats why 1 is only looking up and Shit Zee with their shit couples are looking down.
The last time Zee had better looking couples than Star was with Abhigya and OG Preeran. Not the shit they had afterwards
Abhigya worst couple preeran better than that abhigya in kkb only rajvi is best couple others don’t have any chemistry now dont start fight with me everyone has there own opinion
Even colors shows are better than zee now,ekta shows is all about copy and paste from one show to another their is no new script already audiences can predict what will happen next so who will waste his time watching this crap,it’s same cycle repeated from abhigya,pranbir and then pasted it to rajvi story,evil wins as always,saas bahu drama,villain obsessed with ML,daughter inlaw humiliate by the hero family,so everything is clearly open This is what is all about kumkum bhagya

and many are saying that your duo will never return 

11 months of power couple,seriously you guys are so funny,it’s called karma,they keep calling pranbir flop requesting makers to remove them so that power couple can take the throne,now I’m very happy power couple are showing their power to zeetv,I said this before that stop blaming others for rating but this people have confidence that Rajvi will boast TRP
October 11, 2024 at 4:07 am
From the beginning of the leap,you have been barking about the rating
The result is that your duo has disappeared from the show for 4 months
I will be much happy if they didn’t return,atleast this open the eyes of those so called flopvi fans who keep blaming pranbir for TRP,so now you see the reality who are you going to blame now?
We are very happy to remove your favorites from the show.

This idiot doesn’t watch the episodes and talk,why don’t you care about your couple who disappeared from the show,When your couple was on the show too the rating was low,Some of Pranbir’s fans are like dogs barking about the rating everywhere neither the makers nor Rajvi’s fans are interested except they are interested in talking about the rating every Thursday,

when you people keep mocking pranbir that they didn’t bring rating for good 6 months what happens there,you guys enjoy it mocking them saying so many bad comments about them and even saying they brought generation leap to save their show,did you forget all this? So what happened now your power couple did the same for 11 months and if others say same things is wrong, you f you don’t like it why did you guys start inthe first place,
Why are you hurt dear
Why are you so hurt my dear about the expulsion of their duo from the show in July?,Your duo is no longer part of the show and Rajvi is the heroes

It almost one years of flopvi

power couple
Where are flopbir?

I’m very happy but not for the actors but for their so called fans who keep insulting and mocking pranbir that time,nor same things happen to their couple and look how their hurt

I am very happy that Pranbir is ousted from the show and Pranbir’s fans are crying


I am laughing at Pranbir fans who are daily begging like a beggar under every site crying crying crying for pranbir since the leap started till now Crying 

They were thrown out of the show(No return)
You still dream of Flopbir’s return,Why you can’t accept they will not come,Now even makers knows they are useless,good for nothing jodi which didn’t give anything to kkb they destroyed kkb,
Most pathetic figure is you, Seema, an epitome of joblessness.
At least PRANBIR fans crying for their return is valid but you, who openly accepted that you only come on this site to mock and troll PRANBIR fans? I mean, more than PRANBIR fans are obsessed with PRANBIR, YOU are obsessed with PRANBIR FANS…Your very existence depends on PRANBIR fans existence
I’m here to console you for throwing Flopbir out of the show

when you people keep mocking pranbir that they didn’t bring rating for good 6 months
failed to get for 7 months last year.

Most of 2023 TRP 1.3_1.4 For example All of October TRP = 1.3 except for one week 1.4.And after the leap,confrontation1.2(after IPL) 

Compare Bhagya’s TRP before and after the leap(2023)Find BhagyaLakshmi & Kundalibhagya better than Kkb before the leap
Now Kkb is equal to Kundalibhagya and sometimes surpasses it .Even better than BhagyaLakshmi,you idiot.

Last year, when other shows brought +2,KKB=1.5

They are telling the truth because the channel’s reach is higher last year compared to this year and yet at least Generation 3 managed to get a 1.6 rating which Flopbir
They are even very proud to say that Gen 3 is a failure.Based on the track of flopbir before leap it was above 2
At least now the highest rating on channel 1.4,So the makers didn’t bring Generation Leap in BhagyaLakshmi despite the ratings dropping for months compared to KKB
Even Radha Mohan has surpassed KKB several times

It’s almost 4 months of flopbir (Side characters) since they threw them out of the show

power couple the older sister and her younger brother Out of show

Beg for flopbir from makers because they are not coming back

Maybe Ekta will waste her money on a useless flop duo.(flopbir 


They used to make fun of appy and say she’s jobless,and now their favorites are jobless too

They make fun of the third generation but they are the only ones on the show and their favorites the older sister and her younger brother flopbir
off the show 

Karma is bad
Cry aunty Seema writing big big paragraphs here thoda bahut padhai kar liya hota aj tumhare parents tumhe gahr se bahar nahi fenkte

If I had studied well,my parents wouldn’t have thrown me out of the house

If aunty Mugdha and Krishna had respected themselves,the makers wouldn’t have thrown them out of the show without finishing their story
The worst couple in KKB was kicked out. No wonder the channel didn’t even once give them the Best Couple award while it gave it to Abhigya and preeran 4 times.
Even the channel knows they are Flopbir

Seema crying crying crying

poor seema your parents kicked you out of there house that’s why always crying here
I cry for Floobir’s who were thrown out of the show by the makers and still haven’t found another show.

despite their auditions,and now they’re jobless.Other than crying for Flopbir, what can we do?
Pranbir worst couple in kkb