Kumkum Bhagya 13th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with the lawyer asking Ranbir to rethink again, and says you can’t take a big decision on assumption, that Rhea will ask for alimony. Ranbir says he feels that she will ask and tells that her lifestyle is lavish and he wants to give her greed so that she has money and property in her name, so that she leave him. She says I am naming 4 factories, 3 properties on her name, 2 start ups and 40 percent shares of my company. He says Rhea, her husband and her kids don’t have to work all life. He says I am not divorcing her, but giving future to her generations. Aaliya is going from there and stops to hear. Lawyer says I will read what all you are offering. He reads all the things and says you are naming this on Rhea’s name. Ranbir says he is transferring all this on Rhea’s name, and says I want to make her happy, and don’t want her to be insecure. He says if she asks anything then I will give. Stanley sees Aaliya hearing Ranbir. Ranbir tells lawyer that he wants papers in one hour. Aaliya asks Stanley to lift the vase. Ranbir says everything shall be written so that Rhea feels good. Lawyer goes. Stanley comes inside and tells Ranbir that Aaliya heard him. He says lets go and follow her. He says something happened which I will tell later. He asks him to come.
Prachi says this can’t happen. Pallavi says now you don’t want to go, and he will send you away from here. Prachi says Ranbir will never do this. Pallavi says finally my bahu and I are getting rid of you and Ranbir is doing this with his own will happily, and sending you to the same rented house which you like much. Prachi recalls Ranbir’s promise to her. Rhea says I am very happy to see Prachi take this gift from Ranbir and hugs Pallavi saying all her dreams are fulfilling. Prachi goes from there. Rhea says I want to share with you something and says he has brought a ring for me and wants to make a new start with me. She says when he was injured in hospital, he must have realized what would have happen with me, and that’s why he wants to make up for all the pains which he had given me. Pallavi hugs her and says I am very happy for you. Rhea says I will call Dad, so that he can drop Dida to her room. Ranbir and Stanley search for Aaliya. Prachi searches Ranbir. Ranbir says I feel like buji is talking to Rhea in room. He says we shall go to the room. Prachi sees him going. Aaliya is happy to hear whatever Ranbir is transferring on Rhea’s name. Rhea comes to her and says I have some good news for you. Aaliya says even she has. She says Ranbir is giving you big portion of his property and business. Rhea says this is all the wealth, why he wants to give it to me. Aaliya says he wants to secure you, and says he must have thought that you need security also. She says life doesn’t work without money, and says this thing I have realized when we had gone to chawl. She says Pragya and Prachi got married for money, but you are lucky to get love and also money. Rhea tells that Ranbir has brought rented house for Prachi to exit her from his life.
Stanley and Ranbir see Aaliya and Rhea happily talking. Stanley says they are happy as if they heard the good news. Ranbir gets Supriya’s call who tells that the landlady Sudha is thinking that she got insulted and didn’t get any attention. She asks him to come out and convince her. Ranbir tells Stanley that party is leaving. Prachi tells Ranbir that she wants to talk to her. Ranbir says 1 min and goes. Rhea comes to Prachi and says I want to see you something.
Ranbir runs behind Sudha’s car and then comes infront of the car. He asks why she was leaving. Sudha says she was insulted in the family. He says you didn’t give us 2 mins. Her son tells that you ignored us. Ranbir says I took Prachi away from you, as I want to surprise Prachi. Sudha asks who gives house as the gift. Stanley says people who love. He tells about Ranbir’s anniversary. Supriya asks her husband, when he will give house to her. Her husband asks Ranbir that he should have hid this from Supriya as well. Ranbir writes the cheque and takes house papers from them.
Rhea takes Prachi to room and asks do you know this room. Prachi says this is my room. Rhea says what did we talk last time. Prachi says you did wrong to bring me here. Rhea smiles and says I used to get angry before, now feels like laughing seeing you. She says this bed was decorated for my wedding night, but seems like my sister haven’t seen any romantic movie, and that’s why came to ruin my wedding night. She says I am not shameless like you and that’s why shifted to guest room. Prachi asks her to come to point. Rhea says you see your advantage in everything and if you think that you will take Ranbir out of my life then you will be foolish. She says we are a couple and Ranbir gives me hints that proves that he loves me. She says the big news is Ranbir is going to propose to me. Prachi is shocked. Rhea says I shouldn’t have said this suddenly, this might be shocking and painful, and you can get heart attack at any time. She says today at 12 am, he is going to propose me and will tell me that he loves me immensely and wants to spend his life with me. She says it is the same day, when he left me on the mandap, coming in your talks. She says he has realized that his marriage with you was a big mistake and he wants to rectify it on the same day. She says Ranbir is going to propose me at 12 am infront of everyone, and is going to tell that he loves me. She says he has brought ring for me, and asks her to imagine everything. She says you will get bored and asks her to take their pic. She hugs Prachi and says I am very happy, my sweet sister. She says finally it is going to happen, he is going to propose me. She asks her not to get sad and says I got news for you. She says I will stay here as his wife and you can’t stay here as sautan, so I have a solution. She says daily I have crossed mark and at 12 am, 7th day will start. She says you will be out from here, and I will shift with my husband here. She says husband and wife stay in the same room and asks her to congratulate her. Prachi says I don’t want to tell you, but I have no choice. She says we have problems, which we can resolve. Rhea asks are you crazy? She says your problems will not solve and even Ranbir don’t want your problems to get solved. She asks her to pack her stuff and says when Ranbir kicks you out, I will not stop and will burn all your stuff. She says 12 am and is about to go. Prachi says I am pregnant. Rhea turns and looks on.
Precap: Prachi says you are seeing dreams of marriage with Ranbir, who is my baby’s father, and all relations will be spoiled with this, and nobody will be happy. Rhea says there is no need for everyone’s happiness, as time has come for my happiness. Prachi asks Ranbir, if there is a ring in his pocket. Rhea asks Prachi not to play sister’s card as she is her sautan and not sister.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Unless this proposal happens before Rhea can start her pregnancy drama then it’s not going to be easy to convince Prachi
I don’t think proposal will happened
Prachi might not accept but I feel like proposal will happen. If not at party then at the hospital or after returning to KM. The moment Ranbir realised that Prachi thinks he was going to propose Rhea he will come clean. Stanly already heard Rhea telling Dida that Ranbir is going to propose to her and divorce Prachi. We thought Ranbir won’t be able to buy the house but at the end he bought it. Other surprises also might happen one way or the other.
Fandorama, I don’t have any hope letf again. Stanley can choose to keep quiet not to reveal anything to Ranbir. Because Shahanna is a good example of that, always keeping quiet when expected to say something.
I lost hope too but the fact that Ranbir managed to buy the rent house at the last minute and Rhea’s very over confident boasting gave me some hope.
But do you remember at the party rhea faints and distract everyone. Everyone rushes to hospital. After seeing this also you have hope that somehow the proposal happens.
I really appreciate your confidence.
Did Stanley reveal to Ranbir about Rhea’s misunderstanding, in today’s episode??
Not yet. He said there’s something but stopping Alia became priority then stopping landlady from leaving became even more priority.
Considering the bts of Ranbir’s announcement it looks like Stanley hasn’t told Ranbir about Rhea’s misunderstanding till that point, otherwise Ranbir would have already made everything clear to both Rhea and Prachi
But once everything fall apart he might. So far he has shown that he has brains than any other character.
If he’d had brains then he most certainly would NOT have made this all a surprise, rather just wished a happy anniversary right in the morning and patched up with her the first thing.
He could have kept his anniversary gift i.e. their rented house a surprise, no harm in that, but he definitely shouldn’t have teased her in this way by pretending he doesn’t remember their anniversary at all, especially considering that he’d already had an inkling that Prachi is upset at something… no, not upset, she’s BOILING in anger, due to some reason.
Even Krishna himself said in an interview that considering the kind of unpleasant surprises the life has been giving Ranbir, he shouldn’t have made his anniversary party a surprise.
Colin, I meant Stanly has brains not Ranbir.

Okay, then you are right.
Here, need to think not about whether the proposal will happen, but about whether this misunderstanding between everyone will be cleared. And whether Ranbir will insist on a divorce from Rhea in the future, as well as what he thinks about Rhea’s future pregnancy. The offer can be made without a ring, I believe that a loved one should be in the heart, and not in the number of trinkets that he gave you. For Prachi, the best offer and recognition will be the fact that Ranbir publicly announces that he is divorcing Rhea (no matter where it happens), that for him the only person he loves is Prachi, that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and he should not renounce his words in the future. And I don’t think Ranbir should do this puja with Prachi, first of all if it was for Rhea, and if Prachi’s pregnancy is not disclosed, then Ranbir in this case will have to disclose Prachi’s pregnancy in front of everyone, and if Ranbir still hasn’t confessed to Prachi that he knows about her pregnancy, it’s not at all option. What kind of blessing will Prachi’s child receive in this case, if she is hated in this house, in this case, if Ranbir has no choice and Prachi asks him for the sake of the family’s reputation, he just has to pray for his child with Prachi, and not for Rhea’s child, even if everyone thinks that Ranbir is happy because offor the Rhea. And to spend the puja somewhere else, but not in a house where a breeding ground of vipers will not let him do it quietly. Well, if this puja is for Prachi, then I don’t understand at all how this trio was able to allow him all this, maybe they are plotting another nasty thing against Prachi again, and then they will say that you were not accepted in this house, and your child also does not belong to this house. I hope for the trp, which this time will go down, not up, it should not just go down, collapse in order to bring the creators to their senses, that such bullshit, no one can afford to look where the main character is a negative character, I already doubt that we will ever see Pranbir together in one shot without strangers, without fights, showdown, without all the negativity.
Only in dreams.
When Rhea was telling Prachi about how Ranbir is going to propose to her today it reminded me of two other times it happened.
Before reception party Rhea boasted how Ranbir is going to introduce her (Rhea) as his wife and asked Prachi to not to come if she can’t tolerate it. Prachi believed it and almost decided not to go. But at the end Ranbir announced Prachi as his wife and danced with her which caused Rhea to leave the party.
During honeymoon track Rhea boasted about how she and Ranbir going to be one and how Prachi doesn’t deserve Ranbir’s kumkum because she doesn’t have her husband with her and also about how she will arrange Prachi to stay in jail once they return from honeymoon. At the end Ranbir applied kumkum on Prachi infront of all and Rhea had to spend the night in jail.
This time boasting sounds almost simiar. So opposite has to happen.
I don’t remember Rhea winning at least once when she is over-confident.
Prachi is a weak-willed women , the writters need to do something to reawoken his character . As main character she’s seriously starting to annoy me .
Preeta figth to expose the thruth and expose the Bad guys even if sometimes she fails at least she act . Lakshmi has also woken up and is firmly figthing for what is her . But this good women ( prachi ) don’t know What she want , she is certainly the dembust character , no self respect . She just waits for things to Come to her instead of figthing for what is hers .
I also want fighting Prachi. She was best when giving it back like with early college days and immediately after RR wedding. But her attitude should be towards everyone not just Ranbir.
Prachi is NOT a weak willed woman originally, nor is Ranbir the scoundrel he is acting like, currently.
They both have been purposely turned into their present inferior versions so that Rhea’s character can be shown smart and cunning
I cannot understand about the alimony why so much you think she is gonna give divorce she wants everything not 9nly money Ranbir to he is being a fool
Upcoming – spineless pati forced to do Pooja with chduial by his so called mom but he has plan and end up doing it with prcahi. He does not even have guts to say it on their face.
This is said in Twitter.
I am not shocked hearing this news. But still disappointed with ranbir. This much days he can’t take stand for prachi but now he cant take stand for his baby also
Then how can prachi trust this spineless pati.
So yes pooja is for rhea’s pregnancy.
Prachi’s anger is justified.
Shreya, don’t believe everything on Twitter.
I am not saying this can be wrong info but unless confirmed 100% to be authentic don’t react assuming it to be right either
Shreya , see, you are always ever ready to believe anything negative about Ranbir and immediately start abusing him calling him spineless pati etc , hence your such strong and extreme reactions make people misunderstand you and they think you want RR to spend night together etc.
Let’s just wait for the confirmation. Even considering how much they have spoiled Ranbir’s character, I have trouble believing he will consent to sit in pooja with Rhea
Even when he thought Prachi cheated on him and moved on with Sid it literally took Vikrum’s suicide threats to make him sit in the wedding mandap.
She always gives correct update about pranbir. She have some inside source. So I believed her.
Shreya sometimes preethu give wrong information.
Ok. she also will give wrong updates. Then I not not sure about upcoming
I am following her for 1 month but she gave correct information in this duration . So I thought to believe her.
Really my reaction really look like I am supporting RR. Really? Just asking because I really don’t need that.
I am upset with ranbir I always want pranbir as a couple.
I am upset because he never took stanf for prachi otherwise I am ok with him.
But really I don’t want rr .
I can’t understand why you all are aking you want rr. Because really I can’t uderstand how my reactions ae conveyed
To me you sound only as a Prachi fan not a Pranbir fan. You always judge Ranbir even when he hasn’t done anything wrong and always consider Prachi as right even when she is clearly wrong. Most of all to me it sounds like you actually believe Ranbir doesn’t love Prachi and he wants Rhea. Even when others bash Ranbir they bash his actions not his feelings, but with you it seems just like Prachi you don’t believe in Ranbir’s feelings for Prachi either.
That’s true eventhough I am a pranbir fan, I am biased with prachi.
Before hotel incident I am mad at pranbir but after hotel incident I am biased with prachi. Because he created the difference first between pranbir relationship. Prachi’s Rude behavior and attitude is because of hotel incident and that is because of ranbir.
So yes, I agree I am obsessed with prachi after hotel incident.
I will share her I’d link here you check her every update about pranbir that excatly happened in episodes
So I believed her. Otherwise why I should believe her. I am pranbir fan. Not there hater.
I know her . She is my mutual friend in twitter .
During first hospital track (gun shot) she said that prachi will leave km. Riya will have baby(sid’s child). Then leap Rhea ranbir live as couple , pranbir meet and their child again pranbir love story will start. Nothing happened like this
Really. Did she say this. I think I didn’t notice this. But she said after ranbir’s gun shot he will go and admire prachi in her room while sleeping that happened.
Even people who has inside information speculate. So their speculations get wrong where as when they said something they know for sure gets correct. Only thing is we don’t know whether her latest info is something she know for sure or a mix with speculation based on what she knows.
Yes she did. Firt she said ranbir ‘s memory loss will happen. He only remember prachi. Then she said that he will forget prachi . He only remember before pranbir meet in college. Then pranbir office romance (like during abhi ‘s memory loss track ) .
After that she said this is wrong information. Then she give the above information ( prachi will leave km etc)
strange within 7 days Ranbir and Prachi got hurt that is also their life was in danger and recovered fully.
Guys tina had block my account after reading a comment just go to hell
Looks she acquired Rhea’s fickle personality after assuming that role so she might have been unable to digest criticism so instead of facing it, she blocked you
What you commented ?
Anything against rr relationship.
Most probably she deleted and block the person who say anything against devar bhabhi relationship.
She ships her with ranbir. So she usually blocks them.
You all me think odd but I am thinking about prachi’s sari.They symbolise sari with marriage,Ranbir promised to repair her sari but lost needle,then he came up with new plan that you change sari, but she could not as Ranbir spilled water in bathroom. And now Prachi is roaming in party with turned sari.Supposedly she is the center of attraction of party and roaming loke this.First Rhea stained it then Ranbir torn it.
My theory
Rhea purposefully conspired against Prachi,articulate hotel Kand and stain character and her relationship with Ranbir.
Then Ranbir torn his relationship with prachi,but when he realised it,he promised to repair it,if chance is given to him,he found out solution- divorcing Rhea but just like he lost needle he lost paper also.He asked Prachi to change sari means try to refresh their relationship, Prachi accepted this solution but before she can change again Ranbir spoils everything and she cannot change.so she is roaming with turned relationship.
Does this mean until she is in KM,their relationship would be turned only and as evertime Ranbir is spoiling everything he would have to do domething yo repair this Relationship.
Forget about resemblance of sari with marriage and relationship, who roams like torn sari,stained sari in party?????
Again, don’t think too deep. The producer’s thinking capacity is very much shallow, shallow enough that she cannot invent plots beyond extramarital affairs and adultery
If this is any other show may be. But now I don’t think writers know how to use symbolism. They used saree to represent their marriage once so Ranbir understand what Prachi is upset about. But that’s probably it.
I was thinking a scene when family knows that Rhea is pregnant. Ofcouese Pallavi would be the happiest person, because Alia would be knowing it is a fake one.I am imagining a scene where Ranbir is also very happy,he congratulates Rhea,Prachi,dida,Vikram and sahana would be shocked. Ranbir should say to Rhea I am very happy for you and etc.etc.and then finally he should say I know it’s your personal matter but can I ask you you something,Thea would say of course,and then Ranbir should ask WHO IS THE FATHER OF THE CHILD- and everyone specially that trio and prachi’s face would be worth watching.
Won’t happen because it’s too good to be true
Oh god I need this scene even as Rhea’s nightmare.
One more BTS of Pooja has come out.Rhea,Pallavi and Prachi rehersing for scene.and Tina yesterday posted a photo in red dress is her costume for Pooja.
Yeah. Rhea is wearing that red lehenga. I guess even in that previous bts hand next to Pallavi was Rhea not Alia. Now I also worry pooja might be for her or at least she thinks it’s for her. If we take anniversary party she wore a very fancy dress even when it’s a surprise party for Prachi. If it’s for Prachi I just hope that it isn’t a surprise this time.
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CevSttKq_H3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=BTS like
Rhea,Pallavi and prachi
I guess by mistake some other link is posted
No link is correct.
Aren’t Prachi wearing mangalasuthra or kumkum here. I couldn’t clearly see either.
She is wearing mangalsutra. Sindoor i don’t know. I have screen shot of prachi ‘s pic. I couldn’t see the sindoor. It’s not clear
Please is there any right confirmation about Rehae is pregnant? And I think the BTS we saw where all of them were dancing except prachi,to me if prachi reveal her pregnancy to Rehae is actually true as in not dreaming, can she be dancing in a happy mood?
We will definitely get the answer today as to whether Prachi’s pregnancy reveal is true or not.
Next precap??
Not uploaded yet
It looks like kholi’s and chudail is shooting today. I can’t see mugdha in Tina’s story.
And spineless pati ??
Is he there??
Oh god

Yes he is there.
But dida and Vikram are also there, and Alia is not there….
Yes that’s why I told kholi’s. Now a days aliya’s terrorism is less. Only rhea’s terrorism is going on . So aliya is not a important person.
She never gives Mughdha’s update.It is only Appy who gives Mughdha’s update.Tina always wants to be with krishna.She I’d taking video of Krishna, and the song is BOLE CHUDIYAN BOLE KANGANA,so are they planning dance sequence in this Pooja???? And yes this Pooja is for Rhea
No, in pooja dance??
No it is not possible.
No one will dance in pooja.
May be in break time they are playing that song.
Its kkb. Any thing is possible. There is no logic.
Yes you are right. In anniversary party except anniversary celebration everything happened. So in pooja also dance is possible.
Sahana is also not seen.Al9ng with Rhea, I hate Tina too
Yes. I think she intentionally make video of Krishna. So that pranbir fans can be disturbed.
But when mugdha is there in sets her mobile will not work for that moment. After mugdha scenes gets over her mobile starts working.
At the very beginning, when Tina only came to KKB, she posted a photo, I don’t remember verbatim what was there, apparently she spoke on behalf of her character. And there was a line that Rhea has no problems in communication, but if it does not suit someone, then this is your problem. Whether it was addressed to the fans of Pranbir or not, it’s hard to say, but for some reason it seemed to me that she had no problems with Rhea’s character and she also didn’t care about the fans of Pranbir, maybe I’m wrong, maybe there was a completely different meaning.
If Pooja is kept for Rhea means Pallavi must have kept this Pooja but I know Prachi would be end up with Pooja,and yes let’s be ready for Rhea filled episodes,she would boast against Prachi hoe she is getting importance??? How RR has moved on???? But now I seriously want this track to come up, I want broken Ranbir and then he would realized it’s a do or die situation then what he does to prove himself innocent?????and yes Prachi should give him cold shoulder only.for 1-2 episode I want Prachi to ignore him totally,because this makes him crazy
Actually everyday prachi is ignoring him.
Pallavi must be very happy and she can dance out of joy,and if it is in break time then why this song???? It is an old song.
But before that, there were many claims that Pranbir would reunite at the end of June, but now this reunion is unlikely to happen so soon, so what is the point of all this outrage.
Fix this in your mind. Pranbir will reunite in the last episode of kumkum bhagya doosri pidhi. Not before that. Before the end of kumkum bhagya they will never reunite.
I think Tina is trying to promote herself with Ranbir that why she keeps posting.
And what will she get in return except more hate and trolling ??
Actually fans have problem with the CHARACTER of Rhea, not personally with any actress playing that character but looks like this Tina is intentionally trying to piss off PRANBIR fans, god only knows why.
I would have said that she has crush on Krishna, that’s why she acts like an obsessed fan but that’s impossible since she herself is to be get married, supposedly love marriage, so why does she act like she owns Krishna
Yes I also feel this.and it makes me to hate her even more.
But if really this pooja is for rhea then I don’t want that to end up with prachi.
Let rhea complete every rituals. Pooja start with rhea and end with prachi is not nice to hear like lohri rhea started and because of rhea’s tricks that ended up with prachi.
Let makers pet rhea be happy.
Pregnancy revealtion is the dream.
And i think today ranbir digged a hole for himself.
LOL yeah

Telling Prachi that he bought their old house for Rhea !!!!
This guy must have done PhD in HOW to make the WORST blunders ever
Nothing to say
Actually yesterday somebody told this I think sanam. Ranbir will lie to prachi about property and ring. That’s what happened.
If pregnancy is the dream. Then how chudail got the idea to bring fake pregnancy to separate pranbir.
It’s possible that Rhea found out about Ranbir’s intentions to divorce her, went to Alia to ask her how to stop Ranbir from divorcing her, and Alia suggested that now only way to stop Ranbir from leaving is to bind him to her using such a reason that he won’t be able to leave her no matter how much he wished. So, fake pregnancy
It’s not even amusing anymore
This entire surprise party, buying the old house was supposed to be a pleasant surprise for Prachi, but it’s all turning into a nightmare for her, on her special day, in her special condition.
And till this moment it was going wrong for Prachi unintended by Ranbir, but by LYING to her about the bought house he literally actively contributed in Prachi’s mental torture
I can’t understand, how he couldn’t understand the consequences of his lie.
He literally piling reason upon reason for Prachi to not trust him. Like, dude, it’s surprise only the target person is completely unaware about it. BUT if looks like they know about it and its close to their heart, you don’t LIE to them to cover your pathetic attempt at surprise, which is not even a surprise anymore
Ranbir’s actions, antics should be the word tbh, really makes me wonder whether he is mentally mature enough to handle the responsibility of being a father
But today prachi’s dream was really breaking. Literally she is begging to that chudail. But for this she can say this to ranbir about pregnancy. I think every character lost there mind.
Everyone is sure that Rhea’s pregnancy is fake, but what if she is real? How long in this case, Rhea will hide her fake pregnancy, either she has to fake a miscarriage and blame it on Prachi, or she has to “give birth” and give someone else’s child for her own by forging documents. Rhea will not be able to tie Ranbir to herself without a child, and with a child, she can hardly keep him, at most he recognizes him, but not her. I just don’t understand the meaning of all this. Only if the child is not forcibly taken away from Pracha and given to Rhea. But, then, how is Ranbir going to have a puja with Prachi if the pregnancy is not detected? The creators are at a standstill.
Everyone is PRAYING the pregnancy would be a fake one , because if it’s real then there’s no way out for Ranbir. At least fake pregnancy can be trapped and exposed , but a child in real pregnancy will be impossible to prove not Ranbir’s
Like , if he just didn’t want to tell Prachi the truth about their old house then there are literally 100 lies to give :
Wanted to open a new office
want to redevelop
OR the best lie could have been : a business associate and his wife really liked that house , so bought it for them , to give them as a gift on their marriage anniversary. And then , when he would have announced that the gift is for Prachi , how much surprised and happy she would have become
Lies can continue , NONE of which has to have Rhea in it but no , he HAD to involve Rhea in some way or another , to continue teasing Prachi !!!!!!
Another irony , it’s Ranbir who always berates Prachi for always bringing Rhea into their each and every discussion and argument , but today he himself brought Rhea into something which is so much close to Prachi’s heart
But he thought Prachi is jealous that he has not bought that house for her. I guess his theory is as much as Prachi would be angry when she would know that,he was doing everything to surprise her,she would be more happier.so he is making her jealous and angry.Though this idiot accept in front of Vikram that he is a bad husband as he wants his wife to see jealous.vikram said every husband like that.
I guess Still prachi has not believed that he is going to propose Rhea.
But I now seriously want this fake pregnancy and Prachi should not trust him easily I want broken Ranbir to watch.He wants to play jealousy game with prachi and that too by using Rhea,he needs to learn a lesson that he was playing with fire.One more time stanelly prooved he is the most intelligent among all. Sorry not most intelligent but only intelligent person in KKB.